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“Of course it’s Raine. What else would make him this unhinged?” Elliot says, gesturing to the mess of a person she’s turned me into.

“I’m sitting right fucking here,” I grunt.

“Yeah, we can see you. Wanna tell us what happened?”

“Not really,” I scoff. “Get me alcohol. And those pills from last night. There are some left, right?”

“No,” Elliot barks. “You’re not getting fucking wasted to deal with this. Talk.” He lowers his arse to the coffee table in front of me and just stares.

“Fucking prick,” I mutter.

The scent of coffee gets stronger and only a few seconds later, Reese and Oak drop down on either side of me.If I weren’t so fucking broken I might appreciate their friendship right now. But as it is, I’m just fucking numb.

Silence falls around us seeing as I refuse to talk and all they want to do is listen.

Whoever said that guys don’t talk about the hard shit are fucking liars. Or at least, they don’t have knobhead friends like mine to force you to do exactly what you don’t want to do.

“Fuck this shit,” I grunt, pushing to my feet, ready to bolt.But hands grab my forearms, stopping me from going anywhere.

Fucking dickheads.

“Sit your arse down and talk,” Elliot warns. “What the fuck happened?”

“We’re done,” I say simply.

“Done? Why?”

“Because she—” All the air in my lungs comes rushing out as I bite back my next words.

Because she fucking cheated on me. At my own birthday party. In my fucking bathroom.

I shake my head. Mortified that she could play me so well.

Everything I’ve told her, the things we did, the promises we made, and all of it was bullshit.

“What did she do, Theo?” Oak asks as footsteps get closer before the girls all spill into the living room.

“She fucking cheated, okay?” I roar, finally getting to my feet successfully, and storm off.

Only, I only make it a few feet before I come face to face with my sister’s utterly devastated face.

“What did you just say?” she whispers so quietly that if I weren’t so close and the Chapel wasn’t so silent, I wouldn’t stand a chance of hearing her.

“No, don’t look at me like that. Keeley said—”

“Keeley?” Millie screeches in disbelief. “You’re throwing Raine away because of some bullshit that Keeley Davis has told you. You’re smarter than this, Theo,” she seethes before reaching out and smacking me upside the head. “Use your brain.”

I suck in a deep breath through my nose, trying to talk myself down from throttling her.

You’re not your father, get a fucking grip.

“Raine confirmed it. Last night she went into the bathroom with a guy and she… she— FUCK,” I roar, threading my fingers into my hair and pulling until it hurts.

But I’m pretty sure I could rip it clean from my scalp and it still wouldn’t hurt as much as my heart.

“No,” Millie states, tears quickly filling her eyes. “No, she wouldn’t do that.”

“It’s cute that you think so highly of her, Mills. It really is. But she did. She told me. I just went to her dorm, and she told me that we were over. That everything we had was bullshit. All the promises she made to me were fake. She’s leaving, and we’re done.”
