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I don’t know what it is, but I don’t fucking like it.

“Red, wait,” I say, spinning around but I’m too late, she’s already got the door open, ready to escape.

“No, Elliot. This was a mistake. Whatever this was… It shouldn’t have happened. Whatever you’re doing with me… It’s over.

“I’m nothing to you, remember. Just a girl you’re ashamed to have in your bed. A girl you’ve been stuck with due to our friends.”

“That’s bullshit and you know it,” I argue.

She’s already turned around, cutting off any kind of connection we’ve shared in here.

“It’s over, Elliot,” she whispers. “We’re done. You’re not responsible for me, you never have been.”

And with those ominous words hanging in the air between us, she takes off.

“Fuck,” I breathe. “Fuck. Fuck. FUCK.”

My fist collides with the rough wooden wall, the cuts from the mirror opening back up.

Pain shoots up my arm, but I embrace it. Embrace the release. Just like Abigail did not so long again.

Leaning forward, I rest my forehead against the wall and close my eyes, remembering how she looked when she fell.

“This isn’t over, Red,” I breathe. “This is far from fucking over.”



Idon’t know how it happened, but as the week went on, Ethan became a constant in my day.

He walked me to class. Insisted on joining me for lunch. He even asked me to hang out with him after class.

I said no, repeatedly. But it didn’t deter him from asking.

I spent less and less time with the girls, avoiding their texts and calls and attempts at inviting me to sit with them at lunch. It was easier that way. Easier to staunch the pain.

Easier to avoid Elliot.

Not that he hasn’t done an excellent job of that all on his own.

I’ve barely seen him around college, and if I have, I quickly walked in the other direction.

I’m not ready to deal with him—what happened between us.

Even if I can’t get it out of my head.

He touched me. He tasted my blood. Pinned me against the dirty wall of the abandoned… And I liked it.

I more than liked it, it made me feel something.

But it was wrong. Sordid and depraved.

I’ve heard the stories. Whispers of the dungeon below the Chapel, the things that go on there. Or at least, did before Reese, Oakley, and Theo all fell in love.

Girls at All Hallows’ wear their illicit night with an Heir like a badge of honour.
