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“Ugh,” Oak complains. “If I have to hear any more about your bullshit anniversary, I’m going to puke. Who celebrates four months together anyway?”

“It’s five, thank you,” Reese states proudly.

“Is it, though? Are you sure? Don’t want to fuck that card up, bro,” Oak taunts.

“It’s fine. I can write whatever I want in a card. My dick and all the orgasms it delivers will more than make up for it.”

Oak starts gagging at the thought of Reese railing his twin sister.

They really need to get over it.

It’s been four… maybe five months now. They’re practically brothers-in-law as well as stepbrothers.

“You okay, man?” Theo asks as my brain melts with my previous thoughts. “You look like you’re having an aneurysm.”

“I’m great,” I lie.

“So you don’t have another night with your textbooks planned then?” Oak asks with a smirk. “You really are living your best life right now. Eaton.”

“Exactly,” Theo agrees. “You’re the last man standing, man. You’ve got your pick of every Heir chaser. Hell, you could have multiple at once. They’re so desperate these days. But here you are wanking over an exam paper every night.”

“That is not what I’m doing,” I argue, unable to get the visual out of my head.

“Of course it isn’t. You’re still tugging that tiny thing over a certain redhead. You grown a pair and gone to visit her yet?” Reese chips in.

“Fuck off,” I grunt, unable to come up with anything more intellectual to respond with.

“Well, you should. She might be very grateful for it and make it worth your while,” Theo suggests, wiggling his brows suggestively.

My fists curl with the need to lash out on her behalf. I’m about to throw the punch I’m desperate for when Oak places his hand on my shoulder.

“He’s joking. Aren’t you?” he says, glaring at Theo.

“Sure. Totally,” he says insincerely.


“You should totally go and check in on her, though,” Reese adds.

Their advice stays with me as we dress and then go our separate ways. They’ve all got plans with their girls. And they’re right, I plan on locking myself away in my room and studying.

I emerge from the building, the rain just as torrential as it was during practice. But I don’t bother pulling my coat on.Instead, I let the ice-cold droplets hit me, punishing me for all the things I’ve fucked up recently.

My legs move on autopilot, but I hesitate when I reach a fork in the path that will either lead me toward the Chapel hiding on the outskirts of the All Hallows’ campus or the girls’ dorm.

She doesn’t want to see you, that voice pops up again.

But what if she does…



The knock on my door startles me, and I close the textbook I’ve been staring blankly at for the last thirty minutes and climb off my bed.

Another knock renders me frozen in place.

There’s something different about this. More urgent and insistent.
