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That might sound arrogant as fuck, but it’s true.

I’m not stupid or deaf. I’ve heard the gossip floating around All Hallows’ since Theo got with Raine.

I’m the last Heir standing, and there is a one hell of a prize at stake.

At least there is, according to them.

My stomach knots as I think about being nothing but a pawn in their games.Sure, I’ve had my fair share of fun exploiting the chaser obsession with us. But as soon as the others started settling down, it all began to lose its appeal.

We were meant to be wild together. And we were… for…

Fuck, who am I kidding, we never were.

Reese fucked off almost the moment we got the key to the Chapel last summer, and then no sooner had he come back was he fucking Liv. Oak fell for Tally not long after.And for a while, Theo and I got to enjoy life as single Heirs, yeah. But that didn’t last.

As the least likely member of our group to settle down, I thought I was pretty safe having him as a wingman. But apparently, even the wildest bachelor can be tamed by the right woman.

Raine is awesome. Hell, all the girls are. I can understand how it’s happened. But fuck. That doesn’t mean I don’t feel completely left behind.

And I don’t just mean literally.

They’re all sunning themselves on the Amalfi Coast, and I’m sitting here in Kara’s dorm room while the torrential British weather hammers against her window.

It’s my own fault, I’m more than aware of that.

I could be with them right now.

I should have been with them right now. I had the fucking ticket booked.

But I couldn’t do it.

I couldn’t leave knowing she was struggling.

So I came up with some bullshit excuse that my dad needed me over the break. I’m not entirely sure they bought it. But fuck it.They left. I’m still here. And more importantly, Abigail is still locked in her room.

“She must come out for something to eat and drink, though, no?” I ask hopefully.

“Not that we’re aware of.”

“Shit,” I hiss, scrubbing my hand down my face before marching over the window and looking out. Not that I can see fuck all. The rain is so hard it makes everything a little blurry.

You could be in paradise right now…

“Just go and see her if you’re so concerned. We all know you have a master key.”

I still at her words.

“That’s not the point.”

“So it is true,” she murmurs. “There was a part of me that hoped the rumour most of the girls here go to bed in their best lingerie in case one of you randomly chose to make a twilight appearance was bullshit.”

“I’ve never done that,” I snap, my hackles rising.

“If you say so.”

I spin around, my chin dropping ready to snap back again, but then my eyes land on Kara’s face.She’s not one of them. She isn’t a shameless chaser.

She’s decent. Not trying to be something she’s not.
