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Dragging my eyes from her tempting mouth, I find her eyes.She’s staring at me as if I hold the answers to all her problems, the salve to her pain.

My tongue sneaks out to wet my lips as the memory of her reaching up on her toes to kiss me at Raine’s party all those weeks ago slams into me.

I wanted to kiss her back so fucking badly. Almost as badly as I do now.

“W-what did you want for dinner? Chinese? Indian? Pizza?” I blurt like a moron.

Her eyes shutter before closing entirely, severing our connection the potential the moment had.“U-uh…Ch-Chinese?” she asks.

Lifting my hand from her waist, I reach out to tuck a lock of hair behind her ear.“Whatever you want, Red.”

She bites the inside of her lips. I’m sure she’s stopping herself from chastising me for using her nickname again or trying to convince herself she doesn’t want to kiss me.

The part of me that I’m trying to ignore really wants it to be the latter.

“I’ll get my phone. You can choose what we order.”

Throwing the sheets off, I push to my feet, keeping my back to her so she can’t see how potently she affects me.

Shoving my hand into the waistband of my sweats, I try to discreetly rearrange myself as I snag my phone from the side.

Opening the delivery app, I throw it onto the bed beside her so she can make her selections.“No limit, order as much as you like.”

I take a step toward the bathroom, but her heated gaze on my body gives me pause.Her eyes rake down my chest, before following the lines that dip beneath my sweats before focusing lower.I swallow thickly, my dick threatening to make another appearance from just her stare alone.

“I’m just going to take a piss,” I say in a rush before darting toward the bathroom.

It would be so easy to cave to what she wants.

Honestly, it would probably be the best way to get her out of her own head for an hour or so.

But I can’t.

If I go there… there is every chance I’ll never be able to stop.

After lingering in the bathroom for longer than probably necessary—fuck knows what she thinks I must be doing in here—I emerge.

Her eyes immediately find me before she hands my phone over.“I’ve chosen,” she confirms.

Ripping my eyes from hers, I take in what she’s ordered, surprised to find a list of more food than I’m sure she’s eaten in a week.

It might be positive thinking that she might actually eat a decent amount of it.

She needs it though. As good as her body felt against mine, it was more than obvious how much weight she’s lost since her father passed.

Adding a couple of dishes, I submit the order and pocket my phone.

Jumping back onto my bed, she bounces beside me as I grab the TV remote and open Netflix.“So what do you fancy?” I ask, scrolling through today’s top ten options.

“Whatever you want. I’m not bothered.”

Glancing over at her, I take in her pale face.My go-to would be some kind of action film, but I’m not sure that’s what she needs right now.

Dropping down to the rom-com category, I scroll through until something familiar appears.Selecting it, the opening credits begin to roll.

“Ten Things I Hate About You?” she questions.

“What?” I smirk. “You said, whatever I want.”
