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“Elliot,” I hiss. “I think someone is here.”

“Not back until later,” he murmurs again, barely awake.

“Elliot, I swear to God, I just heard?—”

“Hey, fuckface, we’re baaaaack.”

“Elliot!” I try to twist out of his arms but it’s no use. The door swings open and Theo bursts into the room.

“What— Holy shit. Abs?”

“Uh, hi.” My cheeks burn as Theo frowns at me in bed with his best friend.

But it isn’t his confusion that hurts my heart. It’s the way Elliot bolts off the bed and herds Theo out of the room, not sparing me a second thought.

As if he’s embarrassed to be seen with me.



With my heart in my throat and regret poisoning my blood, I slam the door closed behind Theo.

My palms stay pressed against it as I hang my head and try to get my sleepy brain to catch up with my body.

They’re back.

They’re back early.


If only I knew…

If they’d have told me…


I never should have let them catch us like that.

They’ve been trying to convince me to make a move on Abigail for months. Long, painful, agonising months.

Theo’s going to be running downstairs right now to tell them what he just found and they’re all going to think that their Christmases have come early.

I can picture Reese and Oak’s smug ‘I fucking knew it’ grins from here. I can hear the taunts, the ‘about fucking time’ and all the other shit they’re going to give me for this.

But I can handle my boys.

It’s the girls I’m more concerned about.

I promised to look after Abigail in their absence.

They’re going to think…

I swallow thickly before letting out a heavy sigh and resting my head on the door.

The only positive I take from Theo’s sudden appearance is that I’ve managed to sink the boner I previously had nicely tucked against Abigail’s arse.

I’m not even sure if she was aware. But waking up with her in my arms, feeling her hot little body against mine… fuck. It was messing with me, making me want things I promised myself I would never give into.
