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Sure, we’ve hung out a few times. Broke into the school offices and stole Raine’s transfer papers together—something I did not think she’d be up for, let alone instigate—but that’s where our relationship ends.

Or at least it did until she kissed me…

No. That’s where it ends.

I can’t go there.

“She doesn’t want me turning up at her door,” I mutter, dropping my eyes to my lunch again.

It suddenly looks a whole lot less appealing than I did when I got it. That doesn’t mean I won’t eat it though. I need it. My body needs it. The rugby season might be coming to an end, but that means that exam season is starting. And if I stand any chance of breaking away from the life and the shackles that have been placed around me since birth, then I need to do better than Scott.

A bitter laugh bubbles up in my throat as I think about that ever happening.

There is nothing I could ever do that would make me better than Scott Johnathon Eaton in the eyes of those who look down on me on a daily basis.

One day though… one fucking day everything I’ve been through is going to have been worth it.

Fuck knows how, but thinking any other way isn’t an option. Because if I did then… where the fuck would that leave me?

“Or maybe you’re the one she’s waiting for,” Oak adds with a smirk. “A nice little dorm warming with her favourite Heir.”

“Oak,” Tally chastises.

“What? Something tells me that your girl needs a little spice in her life right now. Eaton could be just the thing.”

Panic shoots through me.“Trust me, that’s the last thing she needs.”

“But how do you know?” Theo asks, finally joining in.

“Because I do, okay?” I snap.

Sensing my quickly souring mood, the conversation around the table turns to the upcoming Easter Break. The last chance to enjoy ourselves before the hard work really starts.

Talk of going away for the week floats through the air. And while the thought is a tempting one, there’s no way any of us could leave right now with Abigail suffering. The girls would never go for it, not unless they could convince her to go.

Different locations get thrown around, but I don’t pay any attention to them. There are more important things to worry about right now than a holiday in the sun, no matter how good a break from this place sounds.

We’re on the cusp of the next big stage in our lives.

While the guys and I spent our childhoods dreaming about finally taking claim of the Chapel and becoming Heirs, it seems to be speeding by faster than I ever thought possible.

Before we know it, we’re going to be Scions at Saints Cross U and once again, we’ll be under the control of Scott.

A place I’d happily never be again.

But I have no choice. Being a Scion was written into my life plan the second my parents discovered I was a boy. It doesn’t matter what I want.

What do I even want?

All I’ve ever done was what I was told, what was expected of me. The opposite was never an option.

Eventually, the bell rings, signalling the end of lunch. Oak, Theo, Raine and Reese take off in the direction of their next class, leaving me behind with Olivia and Tally. Both of them look at me with pleading eyes, and my heart bottoms out, knowing exactly what’s going to happen next.

I want to help, I do. But I doubt my efforts are going to be worth it.

“Would you just go and see if she’ll talk to you?” Tally asks.

“She promised us she’d be here today,” Olivia adds. “We’re doing everything we can, but we’re not getting through to her.”
