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“And you really think I can?”

Olivia shrugs. “Honestly, I have no idea. But we’ve got to try. She’s doing her best to shut us out, and that’s the last thing she needs right now. She’s alone, Elliot. Totally alone.”

Understanding washes through me. None of the people around me on a daily basis might believe it, but that’s a feeling I’m more than familiar with.

“I’ve got classes all afternoon then training,” I argue weakly.

There is a part of me desperate to go and find her new dorm room right this second and kick the door in so I can get to her. But there is another that wants to take a step back and allow her to deal with this her own way.

“What if she genuinely does just want to be alone?” I counter.

Both of their chins drop as they stare at me.

“You don’t really mean that, surely,” Tally says. “You care about her just as much as we do. She’s your friend, Elliot. And she needs us right now.”

My teeth grind as I once again discover that I’ve done a really shit job of covering the soft spot I have for Abigail.

I’ve let my guard down with her—with all of them—one too many times and now they’re going to use it against me.

Sucking in a shaky breath, I dump what’s left of my lunch into the bin and throw my bag over my shoulder.“I’ll think about it,” I say before stepping into the flow of students who are heading toward their afternoon classes.

“She needs you, Elliot.” Tally calls, making guilt coil tightly around me.“Please don’t let her down.”

Fuck’s sake.

That’s exactly what I’m worried about.





The noise barely penetrates my mood.




It’s been two days since I moved into the Bronte Building.

Two days in which I’ve barely had enough energy to drag myself out of bed and brush my teeth let alone take a shower.

But I can’t seem to crawl out of the abyss. The dark desolate void that threatens to consume me every time I think about the fact that my father is gone, and that I’m all alone.

People keep telling me that it’ll pass. That time will help.

But it’s a lie.

Something people tell each other to ease the heavy pauses and awkward silences.

I know because I’ve already walked this path before.

Losing my mum was difficult. One of the most painful things I’ve ever experienced. But I had my father. I had someone to share my grief with.
