Page 151 of Fearless

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“But he might not expect me,” I finish, guessing where he’s going with this.

“What are you saying?” JD asks.

“I’m suggesting that Alana and Griff go separately. They can slip in after us.”

He waits, his eyes moving among us as if he’s expecting someone to argue.

“Kurt is going to come at us. Yes, we can overpower him, but he’ll expect us to take him down one way or another.”

My heart begins to race as what he’s suggesting settles within me.

“Yes,” I blurt.

“Dove,” JD breathes, hesitation over this whole thing clear in his eyes.

“He’s my father. He’s the first man who ever hurt me. I need to do this. And if I can take him by surprise then all the better. I don’t want him to see me coming.”

“Fuck,” Reid groans, reaching down to adjust himself.

“Sick motherfucker,” Mav mutters.

“Oh, come off it, Murray. As if listening to your wife talk about slaying our enemies doesn’t get you hot.”

Turning to Mav, I find the answer to that question burning in his dark eyes.

“Exactly,” Reid says smugly, also not needing a verbal answer. “Here, Pet. Take this. You have your knife, right?”

Lifting my foot, I tap the side of my boot where I tucked the pink blade that JD gave me before we went to face Razor.

He holds a gun out for me.

“You want to keep him alive, you know where to shoot to cause the most pain but least damage?”

“Of course she does,” Mav says proudly.

“Good. Make him squeal like a pig before we embark on making him wish you went with a clean headshot.”

“You got it, Boss,” I tease, lifting my hand to salute our leader.

“Jesus,” he grunts.

“Get your head out of the gutter, man. You can fuck her later,” JD offers.

“Can we please focus,” I demand, although I can’t deny that his words affect me.

“Let’s go.”

Reid is the first one out of the car, and the second he closes his door, he steps up to Brody and starts making demands.

“You sure about this, Doll?” Mav asks, gripping my chin firmly in his grasp.

“Been waiting almost my entire life for it,” I tell him confidently.

I’m not a violent person. I wasn’t brought up like the three of them. My training came in a very different form to theirs. But that doesn’t mean I’m not craving the sound of my father’s screams, desperate to see him bleeding out at my feet.

Fuck. Maybe I am just as bad as them.

“Is Kristie okay?” I ask, needing reassurance that she hasn’t hurt herself before I embark on this thing.
