Page 209 of Fearless

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“I do. I know you’re going to do this,” I say into his chest. “I trust you. I trust all of you as much as I l-love y-you.” My voice cracks on the final two words, and I swear my heart splits straight down the middle.

“We’ll be back before you know it,” Mav assures me, pulling me into his arms and holding tight before passing me off to JD.

Sensing that something is wrong, Daisy walks over, her curls drying around her face and her much-loved bunny tucked under her arm. Her little hand lands on my thigh and I almost shatter.

Sucking in a breath, I reach down and lift her into my arms.

“Reid, Mav, and JD have to go to work tonight,” I tell her. “So it’s just you and me.”

“Can we have candy?” she asks again, making the guys chuckle.

“How about hot chocolate with marshmallows before bed?” I offer, needing the comfort the warm sugar hit will provide.

“Yesss,” she squeals.

“Let’s wave goodbye,” I say, “And then we’ll make them. What color marshmallows are your favorite? White or pink?”

“Pink, pink, pink.”

“We’ll see you soon, yeah. Look after Lana, okay, little one,” Reid instructs, making Daisy beam.

“You got it, Weid.”

An emotional laugh tumbles from my lips before each of them kiss Daisy on the head and me on the lips.

Each of their expressions is wrought with anxiety and anticipation. I’m not sure anyone else would see it. They’d probably say that all three of them look as fierce and as strong as ever. But I see it.

They don’t like this. But like me, they know that we don’t have another option.

For one last night, Victor Harris controls the narrative.

But this is it. From here on out, our lives, and the lives of the town we’ve all grown up in, will change for the better.

The fight to remain strong and not crumble to the floor is all-consuming. But I have to. While I’ve got Daisy in my arms, I have no other choice.

“I love you,” I say, looking each of them in the eyes and then long before I’m ready, the taillights of Reid’s Charger disappear into the darkness.With the truck gone, he had little choice but to pull his baby out of the garage. Not that I think he’d have chosen anything else for tonight.

“Yay, let’s have hot chocolate,” Daisy squeals, wriggling in my arms until I put her down. Her excitement for the simple things in life is what gets me through the next hour.

But the second I tuck her into bed, read her a story and watch her eyes drift closed, everything comes crashing down around me.

Dropping my head into my hands, I finally stop fighting it and let the tears flow.

My body trembles with fear as I fight to get a grip on myself before I wake Daisy up.

I should leave the room, lock myself away where she can’t hear me and shatter, but the thought of leaving her, the thought of being truly alone, means I smother my loudest sobs as I hope and pray for my guys.

I didn’t make the wrong decision. I know I didn’t.

Right now, I’m exactly where I need to be, but that doesn’t stop me from wishing I were with them, that I knew exactly what was going on.

Minutes tick by as slowly as hours, and I begin to understand just how agonizing this night is going to be. They could return at any point. But something tells me it won’t be soon.

Victor isn’t going to give up too quickly. Even if he knows he’s lost. He’s going to fight to the bitter end. That’s just the way sick bastards like him work.

The house is dark and silent around me as I sit in the corner of Daisy’s room, watching her sleep peacefully, tears still gently trickling down my cheeks as I think about my men when a noise hits my ears.

My heart jumps in my throat, and I sit a little straighter in the chair.
