Page 14 of Untold Restraint

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Idon’t walk to the mailbox each day; I run.

I have to give it to Quin — he has natural talent as a writer of erotic prose, and I’m hooked. Despite the legal age for consent in Washington being sixteen, he’s flat-out refused to touch me until I’m eighteen. Says I’m not ready for what he wants to do to me, that I need more time to prepare myself, and that by my eighteenth birthday, he’ll be in a position to keep me safe, hold me tight, and never let go.

But if he knew how many times he’s made me come without having laid a finger on me since the first day we met… I hope he thinks about that. I hope he pleasures himself as he writes his fucking filthy letters. I hope he rereads them more than once — the way I do, until my pussy can take no more of the self-abuse.

There’s a new letter every day, and two on Saturdays, to get me through the weekend. I can never wait for Sunday to read the second one, though. I’m insatiable for his words. He’s so persistent in his pursuit of my pleasure, and he’s an absolute genius at capturing my attention and holding it.

I’m not sure if his intention is to keep me from losing interest and straying elsewhere, but that’s exactly what he’s done. Despite a few suitors, making heroic efforts to woo me, I’ve forged a solo path through my final high-school years, my heart beating for only one endearingly complicated guy I can’t even meet with in person. A young man so full of dreams and potential, I can’t wait to share a life with him, free of restrictions and controls, so the power of our love can light up the world.

Fearful of his father’s villainy, we’ve kept our love a secret, sustaining both a physical and emotional connection through Quin’s written romantic fantasies. Bound by shared passions and interests and very real orgasms, achieved through the perfect alignment of our sexual needs, we’re committed to each other in ways it’s hard to comprehend.

In my head, I’d liken our love story to a non-tragic version ofRomeo and Juliet. We’re kept apart for safety, due to youth and family influence, but in my heart, we’re inevitable and forever. And one day soon, we’ll be free to explore each other’s bodies with passion, like in his letters.

Dearest Kira,

First, and always — I love you.

Despite the distance, I hold you close. And you’ll know from all these letters, you’re constantly on my mind.

I can’t describe how much it means to have your brave and cheeky presence with me, wherever I go, but please know that you get me through every hard day, while I wait for our paths to intertwine.

I’m going to intertwine with you so fucking hard.

You’re almost eighteen, beautiful. One more month. You’ll be fully grown and fair game, and I plan to fuck your little virgin pussy, until you pull my hair and squeeze the cum from my cock.

I’ve been saving it for you, Kira. Nobody is getting this dick but you. I don’t trust any other female alive to be as brave and bold and righteous. You’re my match. Only you. You’re mine, and I knew it from the start.

I imagine us together, day and night, Kira, and it helps me to sleep like nothing else. When I picture you gazing into my eyes, you make me feel so fucking loved and safe it takes me to a quiet place inside my soul, where I can be myself and have everything be okay.

I don’t know if you ever feel like that, but I hope I give you something as powerful to hold in your heart and take strength from. I want the world for you.

Now, about your birthday…

I don’t know if you have plans, but I’ll tell you how I imagine your day will go…

It’s a Tuesday, so you’ll arrive at school as always, but you should know “your father” will have called to inform the office that you’ll be absent.

There’ll be a town car parked down the street, waiting for you. It’ll blend in with all the other town cars used by students at your fancy-pants school, but this one will have a pornographic stick-figure scenario doodled in the top back-passenger window. It will be small. You’ll need to look.

Get in that car.

Get in that car, and I will make you come so hard, your panted breath will fog the tinted windows for a second level of protection.

You’ll be so wet between your legs, it’ll drip down your thighs, and you’re going to need it to. You remember the size of my cock? It got bigger. I’m going to fill your juicy little cunt, until you’re so stretched you can barely breathe.

I know you’ll want to be on top, this first time. You’ve probably heard your girlfriends talking about that being the only way they come. That won’t be true for you, but we’ll get to the other stuff after you’ve tied me down and ridden the fucking urges out of me, because I don’t want to tear you apart by getting over-enthusiastic when I’ve been wanting to please you for so long.

Yes, I’m bringing actual rope.

Yes, you’re going to tie me down. Youneedto restrain me, Kira. If you don’t, I’m going to go fucking primal on your ass and break you. I’ll need to be worn down before you set me free. I’ll get a grip on my shit after this first time, but all these months of imagining it has got me feeling too possessive. Too aggressive. I don’t ever want to hurt you, so we need to take precautions — and I don’t mean rubbers.

Fuck. This is really going to happen. Finally.

If you want to take contraceptive precautions, that’s up to you, babe, but I’m fucking you bare. I’m going to fill you with so much cum, it’ll feel like I emptied a bottle of lube inside you. I come hard, and I come plentifully — I filled half a cup in one go this morning.
