Page 20 of Untold Restraint

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I stand my ground, refusing to flinch at his impossible demands. “Is that all, Father? Ignore your queer-bashing words, single-handedly close the two biggest deals of the year, and try not to step on a brat’s toes in a ballroom?”

Jack smiles. Calm. Vicious. “I can hear in your tone that’s not challenging enough, so you can do it all with a fat lip, bruised kidneys, and a couple of broken ribs. Lucius?”

Hats off to my brother. He doesn’t enjoy enforcing the punishment. He makes it quick, apologizes afterward, and holds me up in the bathroom while I’m pissing blood.



You only turn eighteen once, and I intend to do it with a bang. Literally.

All I care about is finding Quin at midnight, strapping him to the nearest immovable object, and making him come inside me the way he’s been writing about for months. Dad’s organized this stupid party for the night before my birthday, so there’s a chance for a tiny head start on making Quin keep his promises of pleasure, and I’m going to take it.

Dad wanted to support Mom’s favorite charity and boast to all his friends about his success in raising such a wonderful daughter, so I let him. Not because any of those spoiled, rich folks are his actual friends, but because I know how hard he’s worked to rise from his blue-collar family to a man of prestige, who is respected for his business acumen and wholesome family-man image.

I’m a fucking handful, and raising me on his own through my teenage years hasn’t been without its hurdles, but we’re closer for having stuck out the hard times together. If he wants to hire a big fancy lodge, have it decorated all pretty, and celebrate how proud he is of me, the least I can do is dress up nice and let him gush over me in front of the people who make him feel accomplished.

As long as the Montgomerys come, I don’t care who else does.

I can’t wait to steal away with Quin and experience his love first-hand. If he ever shows up.

I smile at the classmates my father invited, none of whom know who I really am, or whom and what I adore, but they’re not really here for me. They’re here to mingle with people from theright circles. It’s a party with my name slapped all over it, but I doubt any of them would care or even notice if I left. I’m from humble beginnings, and I plan to serve that community, so this is the wrong crowd for me to seek out bosom buddies and besties. They’re peers, nothing more.

They’re like my father’s friends, in a way — everyone is rich, and we’re only friendly by association. Can money be a mutual acquaintance? We’d never have been introduced, otherwise. My school isn’t one we could’ve afforded when I was younger, before Dad made his business breakthroughs with Jack Montgomery — tonight’s real guest of honor.

I glance at the door again, and Dad leans toward me. “Waiting for someone or thinking about running away?” he whispers with a smile.

“Maybe both.” I smile back. “Did you remember to invite Prince Charming? Because, if there’s room on his steed for me, we’ll be riding off into the sunset.”

He makes a pained hissing sound. “Ooh, sorry. I forgot to put him on the list. I can’t have anyone stealing my favorite girl. I’d miss you too much.”

“Well, we’d make sure you had a room in our castle, so you could visit,” I say sweetly. “Of course, I’m going to need some time and space before you’re allowed to swing by, but I’ll send word once we’re back from our extensive and raunchy honeymoon.”

Dad snorts and kisses my forehead. “You’re so much like your mother, it scares me sometimes. Promise me you’ll keep out of trouble.”

“We’ll see,” I say with a smirk I can’t hide. “I’ll officially be an adult at midnight, and I do plan to make the most of it, so I can’t let you ruin all my fun.”

I return my gaze to the entrance and absently stroke the silky fabric of my dress. I was hoping the full, black, floor-length skirt, would make me look taller, but that’s a lost cause. The black, heart-shaped, corset-like bodice definitely emphasizes my bust and cinches my waist, though. Maybe a little too much.

It makes my hips look bigger, which could be a good thing or a bad thing. I have to wait for Quin to see me, before I can check his expression and know.

The doors open, and my breath catches.

The Montgomerys have arrived, all of them tall, bearded, and illegal-level handsome. A team of security guards follows, making the group appear even more important and intimidating, which seems completely unnecessary for a private birthday party, but I already knew tonight isn’t really about me.

Jack’s in the lead with a woman I don’t recognize. She’s beautiful, and I’m positive it’s not his wife. Not his current wife. Does he still have one of those? Ex-wife.Wife in the making,perhaps? The man goes through women like I go through gum, chewing them up and once the fun and flavor starts to fade, tossing them aside.

My heart quivers in my chest when I don’t see Quin, but then I catch a glimpse of his darkened red hair, as he’s hunkering low behind the big, hairy brother with the haunting eyes. Quin keeps his head down and breaks from the pack early, slipping away through the crowd and disappearing before even looking my way.

I take a step in that direction, but my father takes my hand and pulls me in close.

“Where are you running off to?” he says through the teeth of his exaggeratedwelcomesmile. “Stay and greet the Montgomerys with me. Their family business is leading the charge in every money-making venture this side of the planet. They’ll be richer than the church by the end of this financial year. Literally making more than the franchise that’s ruled half the world for centuries. And in one lifetime. Can you imagine what that must have taken?”

I snort. “White-male privilege? Tyranny, extortion, embezzlement, blackmail, theft—”

Dad squeezes my hand sharply. “Mind your tongue, Kira. They’ll hear you.”

Surprised by his serious tone, I search his face. “And what? Are you scared of them?”
