Page 21 of Untold Restraint

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The truth is evident. He wipes at his brow and puts on a brave face, but his smile is nervous, and he swallows so roughly, a lump is visible sliding down his throat. Heisscared. Why? Do they have something over him? “Dad?”

He refuses to meet my gaze and keeps grinning like a fool as the enemy approaches.

My heart starts to pound even faster, because I know Jack Montgomery brings people to heel by toying with the things they love, and my father only loves two things. His success and me. Which one is under threat?

Jack’s sure, formidable stride eats up the distance between us, and he casts a wolfish gaze over Dad, like a predator about to play with his food.

I smile and act as if I’m innocent and unaware, making small talk while I work my way through the intimidating pack of Quin’s brothers.

Where is he? I need him. I’m scared, and I need him so fucking bad.

A large hand slides down my arm in a manner more familiar than it should, and my heart leaps into my throat.

Jack squeezes my arm a little too firmly when he turns me to face him. “My best wishes to the birthday girl,” he says in a deep, unsettling tone, as he guides me back toward my father. “Such a fine young woman you’ve raised, Sherman. Tell me, Kira, what is it you hope to do with your newfound adult freedom?”

I shudder, as his fingers run down my spine and brush against my ass.

“Mostly, I plan to avoid assholes and do as I please.” I step away to stand on the other side of his date, who seems utterly nonplussed by his lecherous behavior. Is she paid to be here?

Jack laughs out loud, as if I’m hilarious, and I glare at Dad, willing him to make a scene over a dirty old man touching his little girl, but he’s frozen. Jack Montgomery has found the leverage he needs, to keep my father in check.

Is Dad in debt to this creep?

I start backing away. “I’m needed on the dance floor,” I inform everyone loudly, grabbing the nearest Montgomery brother and dragging him with me. “Come join the party?”

I don’t look back until I get to the ballroom, but I should have.

I grabbed the big hairy one. And he’s mad about it.

He extracts my fingers one by one and presses my hand back to my side. “No.”

I nod and show him my palms. “I’ll keep them to myself,” I promise, looking behind him. “Is Jack fucking with my dad? Am I in danger?”

“He fucks with everyone. Everyone is in danger.”

My breathing is getting harder to settle, but the large, scary man in front of me is eerily calm. Quin’s told me about all of his brothers and how much they love each other, even though they’re mostly forbidden to show it. This brother looks like a trained killer, but he won’t hurt me if he knows I’m Quin’s, will he? Only I can’t tell him that out loud, for fear of Jack, forcing information from him. “It’sLucius, right?Loosh?”

He nods. Once.

I wring my fingers together. “I want to ask you things, but I know I can’t. You’ll have to tell Jack if he asks what I said.Fuck.” I beg my mind to work faster. “Here’s what you tell him. I asked you to dance. You declined. I threw a tantrum, because I’m a spoiled little rich girl, and it’s my birthday, and I started to cry, so I went to hide somewhere. Where would I hide, Loosh? Which door would I leave through, if I didn’t want to be found?”

“The left,” he says without pause. “It looks service related. You’ll probably follow a corridor until you’re forced to go up or down. Basements are where they keep prisoners. Someone who wants to feel free would go in the opposite direction.”

I stare up at his stoic face, knowing he’s doing his best to help me. “Thank you,” I whisper. I want to hug him, but I shouldn’t. Quin told me Lucius hates to be touched.

I give a nod instead, and then I flap my arms once, stomp my foot, and flee to the door on the left, grateful for the dim lighting and loud music that cover my departure.

Once in the hallway, I slip off my heels, head for the stairs, and hit them at a run, not stopping until I burst out onto the roof.

“You didn’t evenlookat me,” I blurt out, scared and angry, and hungry for his love to protect me.

Quin turns and rushes over, checking behind me as if I could’ve been followed, and quickly shuts the door. He wraps his strong arms around me and presses me back against the door with his whole body and pinning me with my feet dangling off the ground, before freeing his hands.

His fingers are gentle, as he strokes my cheek and takes me in, but before I can ask what happened to his beautiful face, his split, swollen lips are sealed over mine.

His kiss is forceful and all-consuming. It’s hard to breathe, in a way that makes me lightheaded and floaty, even though he’s holding me fast. He has total control of my body, but his swelling and bruises are fresh in my mind. This has to be hurting him.

I fight to be free, but he kisses me with what feels like a lifetime’s worth of need, and it’s impossible not to surrender and get swept away.
