Page 23 of Untold Restraint

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The door handle jiggles next to me, and I lock my gaze with Quin’s.

He sets me back onto my feet, holding the door shut as someone bellows his name and tries to push it open.

“Run,” he whisper-growls. “Find another door. A place to hide. Anything. Just don’t let them see you. I’ll hold them back.”

He winces, clenching his jaw as the door shudders. Then he blanks his face of emotion, and repositions himself, getting more leverage and holding the door despite the pain he must be in. “Go,” he mouths, as male voices start yelling on the other side of the door, drowning out his volume.

I pick up the shoes I dropped, pull up my skirt, and run as fast as I can to the far side of the roof, where a fire escape ladder curves over the side. I rush over and down, focusing on each rung, too scared of what I might see if I look anywhere else.

The moment I hit the ground, I duck into a quiet garden, where I crouch in the bushes, put on my shoes, and collect myself, so I can figure out what to do.



Kira sprints to the far end of the building and makes it off the roof and out of sight like I wanted.

Such a good fucking girl.

Jack’s minions yell at me through the door, promising there’s no alternative, but it’ll all be okay if I let them through.

Their aggression says otherwise. Someone shoves at the door so hard my cracked ribs twist out of alignment. I grit my teeth and bear it, refusing to make a sound and draw Kira back. She’s such a sucker for wounded souls and would do anything in her power to help or ease their suffering. She’s going to make such a good nurse, and I’m going to leave her the fuck alone, until I’ve taken care of my father for good.

The pounding behind me is so forceful, it’s as if there’s no door between my back and someone’s boots.

My chest screams from the blows, and I cough up blood. It fills my mouth with its metallic tang and sprays down the front of my shirt. I dig my heels in harder, using the raised vent shaft in front of me, to wedge myself against the door. They’ll have to break my fucking legs before I’ll give them a chance to pursue her.

Run, beautiful. Don’t ever look back.

Movement catches my eye, over on another wing of the building, as several large, murderous types spill onto the roof from a different stairwell access. I’m done.

Fuck, I hope Kira made it to safety.

I curl a little and let the door shove me aside. I’d get into a better protected fetal position, but there’s no point. I’ll have to take my punishment one way or another, and fighting only ever makes it last longer.

Their boots find me first, but I’m made to stand for my father when he comes forth. “Why would you barricade the door?”

“Because I want to be alone,” I reply. “That desperately.”

“Oh, you’ll be alone,” Jack says with a laugh. He tilts his head toward one of his henchmen. “Bring him downstairs. Keep him out of sight, and clean up any blood trails. We don’t need to draw any unwanted attention. It’s a little girl’s birthday, after all.”

The way he says it sends a shiver up my spine, until my entire scalp is prickling, with every hair on end.

I look around, but Loosh isn’t with these henchmen. That’s bad. This shit is going to get messy with nobody going easy on me.

What the fuck is my father planning to do, if he won’t let Lucius be involved? Chop off my dick? My balls?

“You sick fuck,” I mutter. “Getting off on your kid’s pain.”

Jack pats my shoulder and moves away. “I don’t get off on the pain, child. I get off on the power.”

I turn my head as best I can, to track him, resisting the men restraining me until it hurts twice as bad.

Jack doesn’t bother looking at me when he speaks, but I can hear him smiling. “When a rebellious shit like you thinks he’s bested me, I can’t help but remind him who’s boss.”


That’s what he covets, andthat’swhat I’ll take from him, to make him pay.
