Page 45 of Untold Restraint

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I shake my head. I’m getting ahead of myself.

First, I have to make sure Kira gets out of here. Jack had better let her leave, like their agreement says. Once she’s safe, I’ll find a way to join her and whisk her away to some tiny town, where we can be anonymous. We’ll start fresh. A new family.

A pang of guilt hits me at having to leave my brothers behind, but I shake it off. Kira’s my priority.

Kira and our baby. I’m going to be a dad.

My heart starts pounding again, and my head is spinning.

I can do all the things my father never did with us when we were growing up — all the things other kids would talk about that sounded so foreign to us, Montgomery boys. It’ll be like getting a do-over of my own childhood, only the dad in the scenario will give a shit about his kids.

How many will we have together?

I’ll have to ask Kira. If it were up to me, I’d keep baking buns in her oven non-stop, but I’m sure there’s a healthy limit. Four seems like a good number. Maybe half a dozen.

We’re going to need a van.

I lean back in the chair with a sigh. Once we get out of here, life’s going to look pretty fucking sweet.

Jack thinks he’s ruined our relationship, but we’re stronger than ever. He’ll never break us.

A sharp pain radiates from my shin. “Are you fuckingsmiling?”

I snap my eyes open and glare at my father for kicking me, before I see Kira, just down the hall, dragging her feet behind him.

“Get the fuck inside,” he snarls. “We have shit to discuss.”

I glance at Kira, but she’s keeping her head down.

“What would we need to discuss with her here?” I ask, acting as if I can hardly stand to look at her.

“I thought you’d be interested in what I’m going to do with your girlfriend.” He points to where each of us should sit — on opposite sides of his office.

“Notmy girlfriend,” I mutter.

My father nods. “Right. So, she’s not pretty? You don’t want to fuck her?”

I look at Kira, who’s still refusing to look back. “Sheispretty. And maybe I wanted to fuck her juicy little ass before you got your hands on her, but I can’t think of anything worse than chasing your sloppy seconds. You’ve ruined her for anyone else, you fucking pig. She’ll never want to evenseeanother dick, after suffering yours. You’re more than twice her age, you sick fuck. She had her whole life ahead of her.”

“And she still does, if you’re smart about it,” he says, his tone chilling.

He throws a folded piece of paper onto the table, and I don’t have to open it, to know it’s one of my letters to Kira.

The world slows right down, and my mind speeds into overdrive, trying to problem-solve this burning turd of a situation.

My gaze flies to Kira. She’s seen it. Has she stopped breathing?

How did he get it? Did he raid the Grants’ house looking for dirt on Sherman? How long has he had this?

Has he known from the start, or did he go hunting for proof when we denied it?

No wonder he’s been so fucking persistent in his torture.

“She’s growing my baby, Quintus,” he says calmly, as he snips off the end of a cigar and tosses it at me. It hits my face and falls to the floor, and I don’t move to pick it up. I can only stare at him.

“I liked your little tantrum at dinner,” he says with a smile, “but I could see you were still gunning for the last laugh, and I just wanted to remind you that it’s mine. Much like your soul. You think you’re so clever, but you should have figured out how not to fall in love, because with her around, I fuckingownyou, boy. Don’t go thinking you’ve pulled the wool over my eyes.” He points at Kira. “You still want her? Do you need me to make her even more unpalatable?”

I don’t look at Kira.Can’tlook at Kira. Can’t think what else he could do to her, but I know he’ll find a way to make this even worse. “What do you want from me?” I ask.
