Page 46 of Untold Restraint

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“Your subservience. You’re gifted, boy. I gave you an impossible ultimatum, and you fucking achieved it. You closed two seemingly unsalvageable tenders in the space of a week, and you let me breed your woman.”

“Iletyou?” My jaw is clenched so tight, I’m going to crack the new crowns my father forced me to get so I’d look good, smiling for theBusiness Weeklyphoto last week.

He shrugs. “Well, I clipped your wings, but you didn’t kill me.”

“Because you threatened to killher.”

“And I still might,” he says. “Unless you do as I say without question.”

“Let her go, and sort out your beef with me once and for all.” I stand, ready for the fight. “What the fuck are you trying to pull?” I demand to know.

My father laughs and pulls his letter opener from his desk drawer. He places it on his desk and slowly spins it, until it’s pointing at Kira. “That sounded like a question, Quintus.”

I narrow my gaze at him. “Allow me to paraphrase. State your fucking terms, old man.”

He smiles. “Clever. Always so very clever. Too clever for your own good, for sure.” He opens a different desk drawer and pulls out two bracelet-like things. One looks sort of delicate, and the other, more masculine — and on closer inspection, I see it’s a watch. He gestures for Kira to move closer.

She does as she’s bid, her complexion more ashen than before.

“Put your foot on my desk, wife,” Jack says, making us both cringe. He looks to me and smiles. “She barely put up a fight past the first night, son. I don’t think she was that into you.”

He taps his finger at the letter on the desk. “You, on the other hand, are quite the obsessed ginger weasel. You love her so much, you’d bend over backwards and get yourself shot for her. I hope it fucking kills you inside, to know someone else fucked a baby into your girl.”

He grins and speaks behind his hand, in a stage whisper. “She took my big cock like a pro, so she definitely wasn’t a virgin.” He laughs and shakes his head. “Did you know she was fucking other guys when you were writing this shit to her?” He scrunches up the letter and throws it at me. “Idiot. A girl like her wouldn’t fuck a nut-job like you. Do you think womenenjoybeing stalked?”

I look away, so he won’t see the defiance in my eyes.

Depends who is doing the stalking. Kira fucking loved it. In the month before she turned eighteen, she intentionally drove me wild with her sexually charged antics, because she knew I was watching. It was a delightful game, until he fucking ruined everything.

“Her association with you has cost her dearly,” Jack says, adjusting his cock without shame. “The price of doing business at this level can really mess with a girl’s head. I don’t want this used up little slut getting weird ideas about turning to you when no other fucker will take her, and I sure as Hell don’t need to see my son make the stupid mistake of falling in love all over again.

“Your focus needs to be on the future of our empire, so although I’ve married her, thoroughly broken her in, and will be growing my baby in her fertile little body, I’ll be taking extra precautions, to make sure my rebellious shit of a son doesn’t step out of line ever again.” He smiles like a shark at Kira. “I said,Put your fucking foot on my desk, wife.”

Kira jumps at his sharp tone and lifts her foot onto his desk, while trying to hold her dress down so he can’t see up it.

He arches an eyebrow at her. “We’re a little beyond that, aren’t we? I’ve watched my cum dribbling out of your cunt, and now you want to shield it from me?”

Jack leans forward and snaps the smaller of the two bracelets around Kira’s ankle, testing to see if he can pull it off. She winces when his rough movements mark her skin, and I launch out of my chair.

“Sit the fuck down, boy.” He grabs his letter opener before I can, and he presses it to Kira’s throat.

She’s trying to stay strong, but she’s clearly terrified, and I raise my hands and sit back down in my appointed seat. “Please put the knife down, sir.”

“Sir?” My father grins. “About time you understood the situation. You see how weak love makes you? You’ll never win.”

He lowers the blade and sits in his chair, gesturing vaguely at Kira, to permit her to return to the seat on the other side of the room. “The sooner you forget about this bitch, the better, Quintus. She’s only a distraction. I’m doing you a favor.”

I glance at Kira, and then nod. “Yes sir. Thank you, sir.”

He rolls his eyes. “Well, don’t go overboard with the subservience, or you sound like a smartass in need of more punishment.”

I nod. Faster. “I understand.”

“You will.” He gestures for me to approach. “Your turn,” he say. He picks up the robust-looking watch and throws it at me, as he keeps his weapon pointed at Kira. “Put it on, and make itclick.”

I do as I’m told and snap the watch shut around my wrist. I tug at it, but it won’t open back up. It’s locked in place. “Please explain all I need to know about this, sir.”

“This is a precautionary measure I’ve decided to take, in case your obsessed ass gets any wise ideas about running away and joining the circus,” he says before tilting his head toward Kira. “That one being the circus. Despite our impending annulment, that girl will have been my wife and she has my kid growing inside her. That makes hermine. You can’t have her. Ever. Am I making myself clear?”

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