Page 68 of Untold Restraint

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I zip myself up and give Kira a sheepish smile. “Curty was tuckered out and fell asleep pretty hard, so I put him to bed. We should probably let you get some sleep, too. We’ll be here bright and early tomorrow, so you just do whatever you need to do if you’re tired. We can keep Curty busy if it means you can get another few minutes of shuteye.”

Kira smiles and nods. “That’d be great. Thanks.” She rubs her eyes. “I’ll see you in the morning, then. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight, Kira. Sleep well.”

The door closes, and Loosh elbows me. “You’d better not have left that woman’s bed covered in spunk. She looks exhausted.”

“I didn’t,” I mumble, heading for the big oak tree.

“Where are you going?” he asks, following me around the back of the house.

“I’m just checking I didn’t leave any tools lying out,” I lie. I jump for the treehouse platform and climb up.

I haven’t completed the higher, secondary platform yet, but its skeleton is framed up and properly secured to the tree, so I brace myself on that and watch Kira’s bedroom light turn on.

“You’re making it creepy,” Loosh says from below.

“I don’t give a fuck.”

“I do. I want to leave, and watching her get changed is an invasion of her privacy. And I definitely don’t want to be hanging around down below, if you’re jerking off. If you cum-bomb me from up there, I will break your spine for sure, to keep it from happening again. And then I’ll break your face, so you can’t tell anyone what you did.”

I laugh and shake my head. “I’m not even touching my dick. Just give me a minute, and we’ll go,” I say when Kira turns toward her bed and stops in her tracks.

She walks over and runs her hands over the turned-down covers, then lowers her nose to her sheets and lingers.

Within moments, she strips naked and dives into bed, writhing in there much the same as I did not that long ago.

She stills suddenly, pulls herself up to a sitting position, and then throws back the covers and drops to her knees beside the bed.

She sets the locked box on the bed and opens it with impressive speed. When she flips open the lid, she claps her hand over her mouth.

I wish I could hear the gasp.

She takes out the photo, and when she falls back onto her bed looking at it, her nipples are perky and ripe. She slips her hand between her legs, but she doesn’t keep it there long.

Setting the photo onto the lid of the box, she then pulls out the big cock and its full squeeze-bulb. Her dark eyebrows lift. She presses the backs of her fingers to the bulb, and then holds it to her cheek. Is she checking its temperature? That makes a difference to the vitality of the sperm, I guess.

Fuck. She’s taking it so seriously.

My mind starts to race, and so do Kira’s hands, as she masterfully handles her big, black, and breedy Quin-cock.

Sheisovulating. We’re really doing this.

We’re long-distance breeding.

“Quin,” Loosh whispers-shouts up to me.

“Give me a sec,” I growl back.

If this is the night we conceive our second child, I want to fucking be here.

Kira wastes no time at all, shoving that fat cock between her legs, and I could not be more excited about the prime position of this treehouse. The view is gorgeous, and I can seeeverything— my naked woman, sitting back against the pillows and pumping my massive dildo in and out of her cunt, while she rubs at her clit.

That’s my good girl. Make yourself come, baby. Bless every chance of new life with joy when you create it, fairy goddess. Love makes happy babies.

She comes so fast, I wouldn’t have believed it if I didn’t see her twitching limbs and curling toes with my own eyes. Her hand grips the bulb that would usually force lube through the tubing, and I know my cum is getting inside her, right where it needs to go.

Her eyelids flutter, and her chest rises and falls with heavy breaths, and when her body begins to calm, she carefully changes position, turning to put her feet up against the wall above her headboard, so she tilts her ass back, to keep my seed inside her, like a good girl.

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