Page 69 of Untold Restraint

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She fucks herself with the dildo some more, slower this time. And from the smile on her lips, she’s enjoying it.

An acorn smacks me in the neck and falls to the ground below. “Quintus.”

I rumble down at Loosh, take one last look at my baby-mama, and start climbing down. “On my way.”

* * *

Kira arriveshome from work on our final day like she has, the last few — to a clean house, a home-cooked meal, and me sitting, a good ten or more feet from anywhere she may step on her way in.

Poor Curty was so excited to share his finished treehouse with his mom, but he was already falling asleep when she called to say she needed to stay later, so I sent him to the shower with the promise I’d read him some stories if he washed behind his ears.

The kid clearly barely washed anywhere else, but his ears were squeaky clean, so I couldn’t fault him for the loophole. He chose a Lego catalog for his story, excited as fuck to hear my thoughts on some of the sets, but it backfired on him, because I read it like I would any bedtime story, with a soft, slow, rhythmical tone that’d put any kid to sleep, given enough time.

He was out like a light before I was done reading the first page, because reading every word of a catalog full of product numbers is dull as shit, with no plot to stay awake for.

Kira laughed when I told her, and said she’d keep that up her sleeve for future use, which made me feel pretty cool, and like I’d done something right, as a dad. It’s so fucking hard, playing from the sideline, and I’ve treasured this week with my boy.

And with my woman, who’s as sexy in a set of scrubs as she is in denim cutoffs or a sundress. Every moment I steal alone with her is a blessing I file away to help get me through the coming days, and being able to provide her with loving nourishment is a privilege I can’t bear to waste.

I sit on the back steps, watching her munch her green beans and chicken parm over the kitchen counter, like she’s been starved. She wipes a little sauce from her chin and sucks it from her hand before shoving another forkful into her mouth. “So good,” she mumbles through her mouthful. “Did I saythank you?”

“Only three times already, and you’re welcome. It was made with love, and I’d make you dinner more often if I could, but things being as they are, you’ll have to wait a little longer, before I can take care of you the way I want to.”

“I didn’t know you could cook,” she says, her cheeks filling with a sweet blush. “That sounds stupid, considering how well I know you in other regards.”

I smile sadly and shrug. “There’ll be time to learn the little stuff. And I’m not great at cooking everything, but I watch cooking shows and practice until the result is at least edible.”

Kira points at her food with her fork while she finishes chewing. “This is more thanedible, Quin. It’s delicious. Thank you.”

“That’sfour, now. Better quit it, or you’ll make me blush.”

“Thank you,” she says again, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

My cheeks grow warm, and I feel suddenly shy, like I did that first day we met, when I was captivated and awed by everything she said and did.

I look away, to regain my composure, but not for long. I want to soak up every last second with her, before I have to head away. “There would have been more, but Loosh had seconds and thirds,” I say apologetically. I lean my head against her doorframe and smile at her. “I’ve loved spending time here, babe. I wish I could stay with you longer.”

She shakes hernofinger at me. “Uh-uh. Don’t do that. That’s your I’m-about-to-say-sorryface, and you’re not allowed to say it. It’s punishable by slap.”

I dip my head in understanding, but I can’t stop looking at her and wondering what’s happening inside her gorgeous body, and how I’m not going to find out if we’ve made a life until she starts to show. First in her breasts, then her belly, and then her hips. I had to watch from a distance last time, and I must be a glutton for punishment, because it killed me then, and now here I am, hoping to do it all again.

I won’t be able to comfort her, if she gets morning sickness. I won’t be able to cook her good food and make sure she’s taking her vitamins and getting enough rest. Won’t be able to run my hands over her expanding curves or feel the life within. Can’t lie next to her, holding her close, and promising to provide everything she needs.

“Are you heading off soon?” she asks in a brave tone, disrupting the emotion-filled silence.

I nod. “After you and I test the string phone, to make sure the calls are getting through.” I’m desperate to hear her come for me with the dildo I’ve prepped for her upstairs.

Kira’s eyes widen at my tone, and she lowers her fork to her plate, pushing away her food. “How long do we have?”

“Jack’s ordered me to leave by nine, and I have a meeting to get to after that.”

Kira checks the clock on the oven and tugs at her uniform. “I need a shower.”

I nod. “Make it quick. Substitute-Quin is locked, loaded, and waiting on your bed, warm and ready for you. I want to see him fuck you, until my cum is dripping out of your precious, fertile cunt.”

She swallows visibly and glances into the darkening yard behind me.

“He’s in the treehouse,” I tell her, knowing she’s wondering where Lucius is. “Curty showed him how to make a Lego spaceship, and now he’s over there, snapping bricks together like a maniac discovering the joys of youth. This week has been really good for him, too.”
