Page 71 of Untold Restraint

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One of her hands slips from the thick cock. I expect it to head for her clit, but she takes it to her breast instead. She tugs at her nipple, stretching and twisting and making me want to suck it into my mouth and never let go.

I wet my lips and watch her movements change. Her hips buck faster and more forcefully at her play-cock, and with the window still open a little, on this still night, I can hear the squelching of my cum, as she forces my seed into her tight cunt.

“Good girl,” I whisper. “Fuck me. You’re so fucking good.”

It doesn’t take much time at all before she’s rocking hard and whimpering.

Her pitch gets higher, more desperate, and I’m right there with her, pre-cum greasing my cock, as I slide my fist up and down my hard length.

Cum is covering the cock and her hands, and when she reaches back, to drag some of it toward her asshole, I’m fucking done, and so is she. She rubs my cum on her puckered ring and thrusts the cock inside her in an explosion of our combined cum, as the fluids are forced from her tight, squeezing cunt.

Her pussy visibly clamps around the fat, spurting cock, and she falls face-first into the pillows and moans, keeping her ass high, so I can see every magnificent moment of the grand finale, while I grunt the last of my release into a spare cup.

It’s a beautiful end to a wonderful week, and I cannot wait to find out the results of our secret little venture.

I grip my cup of jizz, wanting to run it upstairs and pour it all over her quivering body, but instead, I do up my jeans and get ready to leave. Fun-time is over, and I’ve got a lot of work to do, if I’m going to give Kira everything I’ve promised.

“You done?” Loosh asks, pulling out his earphones as I climb down from the turret.

“Looks that way. Let’s go. We’re going to be late.”

“It’ll be fine. Cy will start updates and have the facts ready for discussion when you get there.” Lifting the very basic little house he’s made, he asks, “Can I take this with me?”

I shake my head. “Those are Curty’s. I’ll get you your own.”

He looks about to argue, but then he looks at the Lego people and takes them out of their very suggestive positions, like I asked. He throws them back in the Lego box, and then very delicately sets his house in there, too. “Will you show me how to make a pretty house? Like this one?” he asks, gesturing at the treehouse. “Or that one?” He points to Kira’s.

I nod. “Sure. I can help you build a real one, out of real bricks, one day if you want, but you know you’ll be rich as fuck once Jack’s out of the picture, right? You can buy a pretty house, if that’s what you want.”

Loosh nods and heads carefully down the stairs, clinging tightly to the handrail we included, to make it as safe as possible. He’s much faster than he was the first time he used it. He doesn’t like heights, but I think he has more faith in my skills now, since the structure hasn’t fallen down under his weight.

“I just need to stop in at the bathroom before we go,” I say once we’re back on the ground.

Loosh turns and glares at me. “You just fucking blew your nut. How do you need to go again, already? You’ve got a problem.”

I hold up the cup. “It’s a disposal mission, so it’s not in the kid’s play area. Calm your pits and text Kira that we’ll be gone once I’m out of the bathroom, and that we’ll see them at Disneyland in six weeks.”

He pulls out his phone, and I don’t need to check if he’s writing exactly what I asked. He’s a good boy; it’ll be verbatim.

I leave the product of my latest masturbatory effort under the sink, for Kira, and take one last look at the Polaroid pics before wrapping them in the note I wrote her earlier and setting the little package next to the cum cup.

Loosh looks up from his phone as I approach.

“You want to drive?” I ask, jingling my keys at him. “I know you like to.”

He shakes his head and holds it up so I can read a message from our father.

Jack: Tell Quintus to get the fuck off her property by nine, or you’ll drag him down the street by his hideous fucking hair.


Loosh puts his phone in his pocket and shrugs. “I think red hair is nice.”

I pause and look at him over the roof of my truck, before I unlock it for us to get in. “Thanks, man. That’s really sweet of you to say.”

He rubs the back of his neck, as he looks around awkwardly. “You’re making me uncomfortable.”

I nod. “I’m sorry. The truth can be like that, sometimes. I meant it as a good thing.”
