Page 84 of Untold Restraint

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I get twothumbs-upabout a minute later, so I know the message that the dangerous game has started has been passed on to the team.

If Jack knows I’ve ditched my tracker, he’ll go straight for Kira. He’ll assume I’m meeting her to run away, and he’ll take her out before I can, to break my heart forever. He knows I still love her. Loosh helpfully reported that I’m as obsessed as ever and built the treehouse a specific way just to spy on her through her bedroom window.

I monitor Jack’s movements and wait for my next mark. He’s definitely received the alert. His papers and pen have been forgotten, as he rushes to confirm my tracker’s readings.

Right on time, the chopper loops low overhead, turning toward the neighbor’s place. Jack’s office is on this side of the house too, and my video feed shows him rushing to the window.

I watch the chopper go down, and then up again after the briefest of touchdowns, before it heads off into the distance with imaginary Quin, who’s had enough of captivity and is running off to join the circus.

Jack makes an angry phone call, and Dusty must be doing a great job of fucking with him, because Jack throws his phone at the wall afterward.

I hope he’s just now realizing how easy it would be for me to ruin him if I was free. I know everything.Everything.

He bought my silence with Kira’s life, but now apparently, I’ve fled by air in an attempt to live hidden in the mountains with her. He’ll want me dead next.

I turn off my feed, in case he gets suspicious and does a sweep for transmitters, and then I sit back to bide my time.

How long will it take from his giving a directive to kill, until the job should be done?

It’s hard to sit still, so I pace around the room. I check the time constantly, but it’s practically standing still.

After a million fucking years, I get askull and cross-bonesemoji.

It’s done. The death was faked. The evidence has been sent.

I hold my phone so tightly, waiting for the next message, that the thing shakes in my hand when it vibrates with asparkleemoji from Daisy.

Kira’s tracker is cut. She’s free and on her way to somewhere safe.


My heart leaps about in my chest, and my smile is so fucking hard to suppress that I slap myself, to get rid of it.

The fun is about to begin, and I need my game face.

* * *

I walk backinto the lion’s den with the revised financials and Jack’s coffee. “All sorted. False alarm. Someone combined the fucking spreadsheets. I’ll get Jules to figure out who it was and have them raked over the coals for wasting our time.”

My father jumps up from his chair and stumbles backward, as if he’s seen a ghost.

I put his coffee mug on his desk, slowly, and take a step back. “Everything okay there, Jack? You’ve got the crazy eyes,” I say, gesturing at my own face. “Did you already fire the ass who fucked up the papers?”

He grabs the lapels of his sports coat and tugs them forward, before smoothing the jacket down. “No. Nothing. What?” He flips his phone over on his desk, hiding it from me, even though the screen was blank.

“Oh,” I say with a knowing smile. “I caught you watching porn. Enough said. I’ll head back to my desk and crack on with the stuff for this afternoon. That fucking hiccup in the paperwork has set me behind.”

Jack nods, but he’s clearly flustered. “This afternoon,” he repeats, nodding as he stares at me. He narrows his gaze. “What time is it now?”

I give him a strange look and pull up my sleeve, to give him a good look at my replica watch — the one without tracking capabilities, of course. “It’s almost midday, and that’s about the sixth time in the last two hours you’ve asked. Are you okay? It’s not like you to be nervous.”

“I’m not nervous,” he practically roars, frowning at my watch when I raise my hands in surrender.

“Easy, tiger. We’re all feeling the pressure. It’s an exciting time. You’re about to seal the deal of a lifetime.”

“I know what I’m doing. Shut up.” He walks back behind his desk and seems almost lost for a moment.
