Page 30 of Make You Want Me

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The sound of the lock clicking open has me ready to pounce. His familiar, overpowering cologne fills the room, and I gag at the smell. The dim light illuminates his tall form as he approaches my bed. A gasp escapes from my lips when I see his menacing smirk.?


Taking advantage of my preoccupied mind, he grabs my wrist clutching onto the knife. Twisting it to such an obscure angle that I swear I hear something pop.

“Aw, poor thing, don’t have your big, bad bodyguard here to protect you now, do you?” he taunts.?

Bile rises up my throat at the thought of what he might do this time.?

“Get away from me,” I hiss, clutching onto my wrist as he leans in closer.?

“You’ll never be safe… As long as you live under this roof, you’ll always be watching your back.” I feel his fingers trail along my thigh.?

“Get. The. Fuck. Out,” I demand, my voice growing louder.?

He reaches for me, but pauses when the front door opens and then closes, the sound radiating through the house.?

“To think what fun we’ll have when he’s no longer living here,” he growls, then slowly slinks away into the shadows of my room, closing the door behind him without a sound.?

Quickly scurrying off the bed, I shove my chair under the knob. Trying to calm my breath, I slink to the floor beside the chair, bracing my head between my knees.?


I need to get out of here.?

I jolt awake, sitting upright, trying to steady my breathing. Fuck, the memory of it has me swallowing roughly, nausea swirling.?

It was only a dream.?

It’s not real.?

You’re okay.?

You’re safe.?

“Sonny?” a groggy voice cuts through my panic, allowing me to take in my surroundings.?This isn’t Colton's room…?

A warm palm rests carefully on my back. “You alright?” Concern is evident in his tone.?

“Bad dream,” I say when my words return to me from my past and present colliding. The room tilts slightly, and I sway.?

“Woah, easy there. Come, lay down.” Nox fixes the blankets that I clearly was at war with and opens his arms for me to lie in.?

My heart swells, but my stomach knots. Thoughts race with how easy it could be with us. But I can't…?

The need for the comfort and security his arms offer wins, and I lie down. He pulls my body in close to his and kisses the side of my head. “Shh, sleep. You’re safe now. I’ve got you.”?

His words cause my breath to stutter. Just like last time, being in his arms opens the floodgates to so many overwhelming feelings. My whole life, I’ve gone without human affection. No hugs from my parents, no snuggles when I was sick, noI love yousat bedtime. And the way Nox looks at me like I'm something special, like I'm something to cherish and keep, it scares the shit out of me.?

* * *

A beamof light shines through the broken blinds of the window, waking me from my deep sleep.?

“Ughhh,” I groan when the pounding in my head surfaces. The smell of something deliciously sweet and fried fills the air. Glancing at the clock, I notice it's already nine-thirty in the morning and I'm alone in bed.?

I shuffle out of bed and find one of Nox’s hoodies and a pair of way too-large sweatpants and throw them on, then slowly make my way downstairs. I'm no stranger to sleeping over at the Monroe’s, but usually, I wake up on the opposite side of Colton's bed, not wrapped in Nox’s sheets.How did I get in there??

When I make it to the kitchen, Colton, Isla, and Nox are all there. Nox is at the stove, cooking eggs and bacon, and there is a fresh stack of French toast in the center of the table. Isla’s new table now expands to fit more than four people if needed. I think the new table has pushed her to try to move forward. She and Colton have been working together on doing a DIY renovation of the entire kitchen. It's crazy what some paint and new hardware can do, and you can really see a difference. Not only in the living space, but in the overall energy amongst them all.??
