Page 23 of Adam

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She turned to look at him. “Hiding what?”

“You’ll see.” He held out his arm for her, and she took it.

At the door, Adam grabbed something and led her out into the hallway, where two men and a woman stood. All dressed from head to toe in graceful elegance. Adam smiled down at her and motioned to the three people. “Ella, this is my son Cain and his wife Lilybet. She is who helped me find you. And this is my son Abel. Everyone, this is Ella.”

Both men shook her hand and offered their warm wishes, but the woman embraced her tightly and whispered, “Welcome to the family.”

“Thank you.” Ella smiled. “So, what are we all doing tonight?”

Adam raised his hand and placed a white porcelain mask over his face. “It’s time to greet the crowd.”

Her eyes widened. “Wait, what?”

Lily squeezed Ella’s free hand, and everyone walked in unison down the hall and out to a giant ballroom. They stood at the top of a large staircase as the crowd full of people, demons, and other creatures stopped what they were doing and stared up at them.

Ella caught sight of Mel standing at the foot of the stairs, her mouth hanging open. She felt nervous and excited at the same time. These were Adam’s people, the guild he ran, the employees of his hotel. Everyone was looking at them.

Adam patted her hand and stepped forward with her. “Tonight, we celebrate my mate.” Everyone in the hall lifted their glasses. “And we move the Chalice into a new era.”

Without another word, Adam removed his mask. The crowd went silent. She was certain no one even breathed for a full thirty seconds. Slowly they started to glance from one another as if trying to reassure themselves that they were really seeing what was happening.

Mel broke the silence with a celebratory whistle and clapped. Her grin spread from ear to ear as Ella watched her. More cheers rose up, the crowd applauded and shouted, and she could feel Adam relax next to her.

She pulled him close, holding his face in her hands, and kissed him. “No more hiding.”

He nodded and nipped at her lower lip. “No more living in fear, love. We are in this together. Forever. You and me until the end.”
