Page 12 of Jack of Diamonds

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But Ransom just grinned.

“Don’t bite your lip, bunny. That’smyjob.”

“I’m sorry, my king.”

I couldn’t help smiling, although it didn’t last long. I cleared my throat and looked up at him.

“No, really...I’m sorry about putting you in this position. If I’d actually cut off the Red Queen’s head, none of this would’ve happened.”

Ransom studied me with heavy-lidded eyes.

“I disagree. For all you know, we might’ve been killed before we ever made it upstairs. Don’t worry, pet. We’ll come up with another plan. A better plan. The White Knight is good at that sort of thing. How was your first lesson with him?”

My eyes drifted up to the ceiling.

“Uhhh...actually...I haven’t had it yet. I overslept.”

Ransom’s eye twitched in disapproval.

“He won’t be happy about that. He isn’t used to having his orders disobeyed. If you want to get on his good side, take my advice and go find him before he finds you.”

“I will, but I had to give you this first.” I slid the gold ring off my thumb and pressed it into Ransom’s palm.

Within seconds, the glazed look in his eyes cleared and his posture straightened. He blinked at me in disbelief, confusion, and wonder etched across his handsome face.

“Alice...where did did you manage to get this back from Roxanne?”

Crossing my legs, I shrugged and gave him a playful grin.

“It must’ve slipped off her finger when it was jammed up in my pussy.”

He stared at the ring for a long moment before meeting my gaze again.

“Why, you clever, clever girl! You could’ve had so much power with magic like this, yet you choose not to keep it. I’m very proud of you, bunny.”

Puffing my chest out in pride, I tossed my ponytail over my shoulder.

“I don’t know how to use it, and even if I did, I don’t want that level of responsibility. My plate’s already full enough as it is.”

“All the more reason for you to find Jack and start your training,” said Ransom. He twisted off the gold replica ring on his pinky and let it tumble to the floor. It bounced once, then shattered into a tiny cloud of glittering gold dust that evaporated into the air.

He held the true Ring of Temptation, examining it carefully before sliding it onto his pinky finger. It glowed brightly for a moment, then dimmed to a soft pulse. The second it stopped pulsing, Ransom’s dark eyes began to glow in a warm shade of amber, almost like the magic had bonded to the cells in his body.

He took a deep breath, then let out a long, slow groan of satisfaction. It was the kind of sound that made my pussy clench...made my clit hum with anticipation.

Ransom’s voice already sounded stronger.


And brimming with desire.

“You did well by returning my ring, bunny. I’m starting to feel better already. How would you like your reward?”

Something in his voice longed for me—I could hear it plain as day...clear as a bell. His eyes focused on my body, narrowing as they lingered over my curves. My leotard hadn’t left much to the imagination, but if anyone in this castle had an imagination, it was Ransom.

“I’m sure you’ll think of something,” I teased with a flirtatious wink. “But not right now. You need your rest.”

Ransom shot me a seductive grin that immediately made my panties melt.
