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“I told you I wouldn’t let him hurt you, Bree.”

“That’s right.” She gave him a lopsided smile. “It’s your job.”

“If you truly believe that’s the reason, then you don’t know me.”

Rylan caught the flare of emotion in her eyes before she looked back at her plate. “Thank you.”

He didn’t know if the words were about him rescuing her, or for telling her that he hadn’t done it because it was his job. “I don’t want your gratitude.”

Her shoulders slumped. “This is too hard. I should still be angry at what you did to me, but I need you to hold me—”

Rylan moved around the table. Kneeling at her side, he wrapped his arms around her waist. Bree bent her head and pressed her cheek to the top of his head.

“This...” Her voice choked up, and she paused before trying again. “You have no idea how much I needed this.”

He laughed. “Believe me. I do. It’s been on my mind as well.”

She framed his face with her hands. “Take me to bed, Rylan.”

“On one condition.” Bree quirked a brow at him and he grinned. “Not a sexy sort of condition. We sleep. That’s all.”

“Are you crazy?”

“I might just be.” As she started to speak, he pressed a finger to her lips. “Hear me out. You said it yourself. You should still be angry with me. I let you down, and you have every right to never trust me again. Today, you went through a horrible shock. You have no idea how much I want to hear you ask me to take you to bed. If it ever happens again, I want it to be for the right reason. Because you want me. Not because you need comfort.”

“You’ve turned my world upside down and destroyed my trust in you. Now, you’re showing me that you are a good guy after all.” She shook her head. “You’re confusing me, Rylan.”

He held out his hands and pulled her to her feet. “You don’t have to think about any of this right now. Just get a good night’s sleep.”

“That’s another thing.” Her face was serious. “I know I will if I’m with you.”

* * *

The last time they had shared a bed, Bree had been conscious of the invisible barrier between them. It had felt like there was no way back from the damage caused to their relationship. Now, things were different. She was too tired to analyze how, or if the change was permanent. But if it meant she could fall asleep with Rylan’s arms around her, she wasn’t going to ask questions. Not after the day that had just passed.

Through half-closed eyes, she lay back on her pillows and watched Rylan as he got ready. These tiny things were what she wanted. This closeness. Resting her head on his chest and listening to the steady beat of his heart. Sharing his body heat. Those incredible Rylan morning cuddles. The feeling that nothing could ever hurt her when he was holding her.

As if he could read her mind, Rylan slid beneath the bedsheets and drew her to him. His lips were a feathery touch on her forehead.

“Good night, Bree.”

Her eyes drifted closed as he spoke.

* * *

She woke with a start. Rylan’s side of the bed was empty, and sunlight was streaming through a gap in the windows. Clearly, it was morning. But...what was that noise? The high-pitched wailing sounded like the exorcism of a dozen reluctant demons. It was accompanied by wild scrabbling at the base of the bedroom door.

She smiled. Jekyll.

The door opened. “I told him not to disturb you.” Rylan carried coffee and toast. “But he wouldn’t listen.”

Jekyll hurled himself desperately at the bed, his little legs flailing. Bree reached down and scooped him up with one hand. He threw himself at her, his body language clearly indicating that he had been subjected to unbearable torture in her absence.

“Breakfast in bed.” She smiled up at Rylan. “I could get used to this.”

He pointed at Jekyll, who had draped himself across her ankles. “You may have to. I think that means you are never allowed to leave again.”

The words hung between them for a moment, igniting tiny reminders of everything that still remained unsaid. Rylan sat on the bed while Bree leaned against the pillows and sipped her coffee.
