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“Have you heard from Trey?” She almost didn’t want to say the words, didn’t want any reminder of David Swanson to intrude on this peaceful moment.

“He called to say that they haven’t found David yet. When they searched his apartment, they discovered a huge stash of guns, which goes beyond worrying and into frightening. Trey doesn’t believe David has the resources or connections to buy the high-powered weapons they found. He certainly doesn’t have a permit for most of them.” Exhaling roughly, he raked a hand through his hair. “It all comes back to the same questions. Who is behind this, and what are they planning? Luckily, Trey also found David’s laptop. The Bradford County tech guys are at work, trying to get some information from that.”

Bree nibbled at the corner of a piece of toast. “If he started out wanting to scare me out of town, he didn’t need to stockpile guns.”

“Exactly. It looks like attacking you was part of a bigger strategy,” Rylan said. “What will you do about the gallery? With Kasey out of commission, you don’t have anyone in charge.”

“My mom offered to get together with a few of her friends and keep the gallery open until I’m able to return.” Bree sat up straighter. “You know my mom. She can do anything if she puts her mind to it. I’m just concerned that it would be a Colton running Wise Gal. Would she be another target?”

Rylan fell silent as he gave the suggestion some thought. “So far, the action has all come from David. With him in hiding, I can’t see his mentor, or senior partner, whoever this other person is, coming out of the shadows and changing his role. I think your mom will be safe, especially if Trey puts a guard on the gallery.”

“By that reasoning, can’t I go back?” Although Bree asked the question, she wasn’t hopeful of a positive answer.

“Not a chance.” Rylan didn’t hesitate. “David could be anywhere. No matter what other plans he and his partner have, we know he is obsessed with you, Bree. That isn’t going away just because he’s a wanted man. You are staying right here, where I can watch over you.”

Bree’s stubborn streak made a half-hearted attempt to rebel. But Rylan was right. She had the memory of what had happened in that basement to convince her of that. The look on David’s face when he talked about what he wanted to do to her before he killed her...

She was safe here. With Rylan. His presence gave her the security she needed.

“I need to call Kasey’s mom,” she said. “I want to check on how she’s doing, and if there’s anything she needs.”

“I’ll leave you to speak in private.” Rylan got to his feet. “Any thoughts on how you want to spend the day?”

She studied him thoughtfully. “The toast has made me hungry. How about we start with pancakes for breakfast?”

He grinned. “I can do that. Anything else milady desires?”

Actually, there was something she desired very much. Rylan, with his rugged good looks and muscular physique, was everything she wanted. Maybe it was because of the danger she had been in. Possibly, it was the memory of their former connection. Right now, all she wanted was to grab the front of his T-shirt and haul him closer...

Whoa. She should probably turn the shower down nice and cold this morning. Aware that Rylan was watching her with a quizzical look in his eyes, she sank back onto her pillows.

“After the pancakes? I want to check in with everyone. Wonkey, Boo, Cindy from Finance...all of them.” She became serious again. “When I was in that basement, I thought of the people I needed to see again. My family.” She hitched in a breath. “You and your crazy animals.”

Rylan went very still. He stared down at her, his eyes appearing bluer than ever. After a moment or two, his lips parted and he raised a hand toward her. As she smiled up at him, his expression changed. It was as if a switch had been flicked and the light in his eyes went out.

He lowered his hand. “You ordered pancakes, right?”

Feeling slightly bewildered, Bree watched him leave the room.

* * *

Rylan pushed his body to the absolute edge of its physical endurance. His workout routine was as demanding and difficult as that of a professional athlete, and he stuck to it rigidly. Until now, he had applied the same ruthless precision to his emotions.
