Page 18 of Girl, Forlorn

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Ella noted the affection in Jayne’s voice, the way her eyes softened when she spoke of Miles' better qualities. It painted a picture of a man who was deeply loved, yet perhaps not deeply known. ‘Did he ever mention having any problems with anyone? Any conflicts or enemies that you know of?’ Ella's question was direct but necessary.

Jayne hesitated, her fingers tightening around her coffee mug. ‘Enemies? I... I don't think so. Miles was the kind of person who avoided conflict. He didn't like confrontation. He’d just split up with his girlfriend, but don’t ask me for any finer details. All I know is that her name was Jessica.’

Ella's attention sharpened at the mention of a recent breakup. ‘Jessica, do you know her last name or anything more about her?’ she asked.

Jayne shook her head apologetically. ‘I'm sorry, I don't. Miles was private about his relationships. He mentioned her a few times, but it always seemed casual. Then, a few months ago, he said they had split up. He didn't go into details, just that it didn't work out.’

Ella made a mental note to look into Miles' recent romantic entanglements. Relationships often harbored unseen complexities, and any recent breakup could potentially provide insights or motives. ‘Was there anything unusual in his behavior recently, or did he mention feeling threatened or uneasy?’

Jayne pondered for a moment, her eyes narrowing as she delved into her memories. ‘Unusual? Not exactly. Miles always had this... aura of keeping things to himself. But I didn't sense any imminent danger or fear in him. He was good at hiding his feelings, always had been.’

Ella shifted the conversation slightly, tapping into the high school angle. ‘You went to the same school as Miles, right?’

‘Yes, we did,’ Jayne replied with a smile. ‘Lincoln High. Feels like a lifetime ago.’

Ella observed Jayne’s reaction, sensing the depth of memories associated with those days. ‘What was Miles like back then, in high school?’ she asked, probing for any detail that could provide a clearer picture of their victim in his formative years.

‘Miles was... he was different back then. More outgoing, I guess. He was popular, involved in sports, part of the in-crowd. Always at the center of things – sports, parties, you name it. He had a lot of friends.’

The image of Miles as a high school standout formed in Ella's mind, contrasting with the reserved, private individual he seemed to have become later in life. ‘Any friends in particular?’

‘God, now that’s a question. I remember the faces, but not the names. They always hung around in a group of five. We called them the Famous Five. You know, like the book?’

‘I know it well,’ Ella said. ‘All guys?’

‘No. Miles, his two guy pals and their girlfriends. I only remember one fellow – Mark. Can’t remember his last name.’

Ella glanced over at her partner who until now had stayed mute. Ripley took the initiative.

‘Mark Jensen?’ Ripley asked.

Jayne snapped her fingers. ‘Yes, Jensen. That’s him. You talked to him?’

Ella exhaled slowly, bracing herself for the difficult part of the conversation. ‘Jayne, I'm afraid there's more bad news. Mark Jensen... he was also killed, under similar circumstances as Miles.’

Jayne’s face drained of color, her eyes widening in disbelief. ‘What? Mark too?’ She clutched her mug tighter, her hands trembling. ‘You’re kidding me?’

Ella watched as shock and confusion played across Jayne’s features. She wished she could offer some comfort, some reassurance, but the truth of the situation was stark and brutal. 'It's possible someone from Miles' – and Mark's – past has come back to haunt them. There's a third victim, too. A woman named Demi Hart.'

Jayne’s shock deepened, her grip on the mug growing white-knuckled. ‘Demi? Demi Hart?’ Her voice was barely above a whisper, laced with a mix of disbelief and fear. ‘I remember her... She was part of that group, too, with Miles and Mark. How is this possible?’

Ella observed Jayne closely, noting the genuine surprise and horror etched on her face. It was clear that these revelations were as unexpected as they were distressing. ‘It appears that all three were connected, not just through high school but perhaps more intimately. We're trying to piece together their relationships to understand if there's a pattern or motive.’

Jayne set her mug down, sweat emerging on her forehead. ‘This is... it's like a nightmare. They were just kids back then, high school kids. Sure, there were the usual dramas, but nothing that would... I can't imagine any of that leading to... this.’

‘We understand it's hard to fathom. That's why we need your help, Jayne. Anything you remember about their dynamics, any incident or person that might have caused tension or resentment in their group, could be vital.’

Jayne looked lost in thought, distant as she searched her memories. ‘I... I don't know. It was a long time ago, and I wasn't part of their inner circle. I just remember them always being together, laughing, having fun. You know?’

Ella hated seeing an interviewee in distress, but she felt like she’d penetrated Jayne’s memory bank. Perhaps a few more rattles of the cage and some useful information would be dislodged. ‘Did Miles or this group ever have any run-ins with anybody? Any individuals or groups they disagreed or had fights with?’

Jayne hesitated, her brow creasing as she sifted through years of memories. ‘I only remember Miles getting into one fight, but it was after high school, during the holidays.’

Ella listened intently. What might seem shallow to one person could leave a deep scar on someone else. ‘Any details on this fight?’

‘It wasn't much, really,’ Jayne continued, brushing a strand of hair from her face. ‘Just some argument at a party. Things got a bit heated, and they had a scuffle. But it was quickly broken up, and that was the end of it.’

Ripley leaned in, ‘Who was this person?’
