Page 49 of Hurt for Me

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The man turned back to Rae, a nasty grin on his face. “I’m the messenger.”

She didn’t know what he meant, but she wasn’t about to let him hurt Viv. “Well, messenger, you have a second before I call the cops.”

He leered at her before he whipped around and held Viv against the door by her neck. “One week,” he yelled in her ear and stormed off to his car.

Rae quickly opened the door and pulled a stunned Viv inside, locking the dead bolt behind them. She sat her friend on the couch and went to the front window.

“He’s gone now.”

Viv kept touching her throat, her face drained of any color.

“Who was that?”

Viv looked at her and closed her eyes, shaking her head.

Rae sat down next to Viv and put her arm around her. “Did he hurt you? Do you want me to call the cops?”

Viv opened her eyes. “No, don’t call them. I’m okay.”

“Who is he?” Rae asked again.

“My ex-husband.”




Dayton picked up Rae from her house at nine in a vehicle she didn’t recognize as his. When she got into the car, he explained how it was an undercover police vehicle with fake tags in case anyone at the party tried to track them, which didn’t help her to get her nerves under control. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get her mind in Domme mode, but she needed to, fast.

“You look nice,” she said to him because he did. His dark suit was more formal than his detective clothing, and it looked good against his olive complexion.

“Thank you.” Dayton glanced over at her as he drove. “You look nice, too, but ...”

“Don’t worry, I’ve got a party-appropriate outfit under this.” She hated showing up to events in a skimpy Domme outfit, much preferring to reveal her attire when she chose to, so she typically wore a long belted silk dressing gown that reminded her of the 1940s film sirens she used to watch with her dad. She even had her hair done up in apinup-girl style. She smiled to herself, thinking of Viv and her love of 1940s fashion.

“When we get there,” Dayton said, “I want to hang back for a bit, let the place get busy so I can get footage of as many people as possible.”

“Got it. And I’ll keep them distracted so they don’t suspect you’re recording.”

With how fast Dayton was driving, it only took them twenty minutes to reach the outer limits of the city. Then they were on a bunch of side roads that seemed to stretch on for miles into the darkness since there were no streetlights in the area. Rae counted the signs warning of deer crossings, hoping they wouldn’t slam into one.

Eventually, they slowed until they found the turnoff for the mansion, which was at the end of a long tree-lined drive. There was a massive closed gate at the end of the path, and Dayton cussed under his breath. They stopped and saw a brick post containing an intercom. Dayton pushed the button, and a man with a gruff voice spoke.

“What is the password for the evening?”

Rae and Dayton looked at each other, their mouths miming “Fuck.”

Rae leaned across Dayton. “My name is Mistress V. I’m a friend of Mistress Bessie, who invited me to help her with scenes. She must’ve forgotten to tell me about the password.”

“Hold, please.”

For several horrible minutes, they waited in silence. She knew Bessie wasn’t there, and she hated throwing her name out like that. Rae was about to tell Dayton it was over and to turn around when the man’s voice came back on the intercom.

“You may enter. Pull into the east parking lot and check in with the hostess. They’re waiting for you.”

The gate rolled open, and Dayton pulled forward. After they parked, Dayton surprised her by holding her hand. His palm was slightly clammy, and she was positive hers was as well. He didn’t sayanything, just squeezed her palm, which made her feel somewhat better about walking into a wasp’s nest.
