Page 50 of Hurt for Me

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Rae slipped on her leather cat mask, which covered the top half of her face, while Dayton put on the latex mask she’d let him borrow, which was shaped like a dog’s head. She placed a studded collar on his neck and connected it to a long metal leash.

“Ready?” she said.


They walked into a dimly lit side entrance to the mansion where two hostesses checked them for weapons and cell phones. They went through Rae’s toy bag thoroughly as well. Then they were asked to stay there. For what, they didn’t know, but Rae’s heart rate was going nuts until she saw Bessie coming toward them, wearing a stunning blue corset covered in rhinestones. She couldn’t believe her friend had come to the party, but she couldn’t fault her when these bastards apparently offered a ton of money to Dommes.

“Mistress V!” Bessie said with delight, as if she’d been expecting Rae all along. She looked over at Dayton. “And you brought a pet. What’s this fine creature’s name?”

“Fido.” Rae tugged on Dayton’s leash, and he lowered his head in deference like she’d taught him.

Bessie pulled in close to Rae, hugging her as she whispered in her ear, “I don’t know why you’re here, but please don’t lie to them again.”

“Mistress,” one of the hostesses said to Rae. “You may leave your bag and robe here. The floor has many fine implements for you to use.”

Rae wasn’t keen on leaving hundreds of dollars’ worth of toys with strangers, but she complied. When she removed her silk dressing gown, she heard Dayton gasp. She tried not to smile, but she knew she looked good in her retro-inspired, high-waisted purple latex booty shorts and her mostly sheer, black lace halter top. She wore her favorite thigh-high black boots, with no stockings on.

Bessie took Rae’s arm. “Let me show you around.”

Rae gently pulled on the leash, and Dayton followed behind them.

They entered a huge hall that reminded Rae of a ballroom. It felt like something out ofDownton Abbey, with heavy antique chairs and chaise lounges throughout the massive space, ornate crystal chandeliers dimly lit overhead, lush velvet draperies, and carved wood accents everywhere. There were play scenes going on throughout, with small audiences surrounding each. She saw most of the people in attendance were men, and all the men were white, some younger but mostly older. She only saw one other male sub.

She didn’t turn around to look at Dayton, but she hoped he was getting good footage of the people there because she was already seeing a lot wrong with the party. One woman submissive was tied to a large Saint Andrew’s cross, but she was clearly unconscious from the way her head and body lay limp and unresponsive to the hits being administered by a male Dominant. Another woman, who was being held by two large men, was hysterically crying as a younger man finished carving the word “whore” above her right breast. Rae looked across the room and saw three men having brutal sex with a woman who appeared so out of it there was no way she could’ve consented.

Rae could tell Bessie was as uncomfortable as she was with the scenes going on, but they were both good at hiding their shock. She could only imagine what Dayton was thinking.

Bessie brought them over to a group of impeccably dressed older men. “They want you to do a scene for them,” she said in Rae’s ear. “Do whatever they ask you to do.”

Rae had expected as much, which was why she’d brought her bag of toys, but she didn’t like being thrown into it like this.

“Good evening, Mistress V,” a striking man said to her, and she knew he had to be the tall, blue-eyed, white-haired man Devon had described to her. She recalled how Dayton had tensed up after she’d mentioned him when they were at the coffee shop, and she saw himstiffen again. “What a beautiful pussy.” The man motioned to her cat mask. “Are you declawed?”

“It’s inhumane to declaw a cat,” Rae said.

“I’m glad we agree.” The man snapped at a woman who was completely naked. She brought him a pair of black gloves fitted with sharp metal claws on each finger, which he handed to Rae. “Make her bleed for us.”

Rae handed him back the gloves. “I only use my claws in defense.”

The white-haired man smirked. “Bold. But you’re new, so we’ll give you a pass this time. And only because Mistress Bessie’s been such a pleasure.” He glanced at Dayton behind her. “Perhaps you’d have more fun with your puppy.”

“No,” Rae said too fast. “He’s being punished, so no playtime for him.” Not that Rae didn’t want to dominate Dayton, but she wasn’t going to do it without his consent and in front of dozens of rich assholes. “I’d love to play with your pet, though, if she’s willing.”

“She’s always willing.” He snapped his fingers, and the sub came back over to them. She knelt before Rae, her head down. “Use a whip.”

Rae didn’t like being told what to do with a submissive, but she remembered Bessie’s warning, so she had the sub stand up and move to the wall where there was a metal hard point. She placed the sub in restraints and secured her to the hard point, so her arms were raised above her, leaving her bare back toward the audience forming around them. Rae saw Dayton in the small crowd, his eyes visible through the mask, his body frozen at seeing what Rae saw. The sub’s back was already covered in angry red welts that looked ready to split open.

She spent the next ten minutes trying not to make the sub bleed with her strikes. Luckily, she knew how to be gentle with a whip, but every hit caused the sub to flinch. She felt no pleasure in hitting the woman. It was impossible when she didn’t feel either of them were in control of the situation.

“Make her bleed,” another older man in the audience said, his voice filled with boredom.

“Yes,” the white-haired man said. “Be a good pussy and give us blood.”

Rae turned toward the sub and closed her eyes. She hated this so much. She lightly stroked the sub’s back as she whispered to her, “This one will hurt the most, but it’ll be the last. I’m so sorry.”

She raised the whip and brought it down hard on the sub’s back, and a long streak of red formed. The sub cried out, not in pleasure, as blood dripped down the woman’s backside, and Rae’s stomach turned. The audience behind her clapped, something so deeply wrong and bizarre to her. She looked around for a blanket, bottled water, anything at all for aftercare, but there was nothing.

A man wearing a gimp mask swooped in and took the sub away, but Rae didn’t know where he was taking her.
