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“Yes. What would you like me to call you?”

There was a beat of hesitation on Linc’s part, and she was a little disappointed when he said, “How about we start with ‘Sir’?”

Nova ought to be grateful he wasn’t trying to rip her heart out and stomp on it—yet—by being asked to be called Daddy, but she would’ve thrown herself off that cliff gladly.

Chapter 9

Having Nova over his lap was better than any whip demo. Or really anything he could think of at the moment. Her bottom was plump and round and far too pale. It could really use some color.

The feel of her bare skin against his palm started his dick filling. Jesus she was perfect. He could honestly spend hours with her over his lap just caressing her gorgeous backside and be happy but that wasn’t what Nova needed right now. Poor Little girl got so tense and twisted inside, and he wanted to help her shed all that and loosen up. He envied her brain in some ways—so quick and agile and must be supercharged—but not being able to let go of stuff once it was over was something he didn’t hanker for.

He tucked her snugly against his torso and slanted his forearm across her back to hold her down, and she moaned quietly. Was getting her off part of the spanking experience? He expected not with Nanny J or Master Derek although he didn’t know for sure, but he wondered if it could be included. A bonus, if you will. But before dessert, he had to serve up the main course.

Once he felt like he had the lay of the land, he brought his hand down on the plumpest part of her backside. Would the rest of her yield to him as beautifully as the flesh of her bottom did? What would he have to do to earn that kind of submission from her? Nova was probably the type of girl who was slow to trust, but once she did, would give a person everything. It was maybe too soon to say, but Linc thought he might want that from her.

He took things slow, making a study of how she reacted to different parts of her backside being smacked and different angles. He wanted to be thorough and enjoy this as well. He probably had one shot at being able to do this again, and he wasn’t going to waste it.

It was almost a meditation to cover her luscious bottom with spanks of increasing force, to try to match the warming shades of pink across her buttocks. There was a basic pleasure to be found in spanking just about anyone—consensually—but he’d found over the years that there could be layers on top of that that made the feelings go deeper, that made the experience more complete, that heightened his satisfaction. Like it had been great to give Cricket her maintenance spankings while Owen was out of town and he’d gladly do it again, but that had been a camp fire, and what he was doing with Nova felt like it had the possibility to be a three-alarm blaze.

“How you doing, Nova?”

“Good, Sir.”

“This still feel like a warm-up to you or are we cooking with gas?”

She laughed softly, and he could feel the contraction of her muscles against his thighs. He didn’t stop spanking her, but kept on with the slow, even rhythm he’d established while she answered him.

“A warm-up, Sir.”

“And you’re still aiming for a seven?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Right on.”

Coulda person be hypnotized by a spanking? Nova had to believe yes because there wasn’t much else that could explain how she felt. Her nerves were still kind of… itchy, but she had the anticipation, the expectation of being okay and that felt good. Especially with the methodical way Linc was working her over.

Steady, even, consistent. Those were all things she looked for in a Daddy and was honestly surprised to find them in this man who thirteen years ago would have been as likely to skip school as show up, whose only extracurricular activity was detention, and who shrugged off grades and everything else that had seemed so important to her like it hadn’t meant anything.

Now that she was an adult, she could see that he may have had a point. Although it would’ve been nice for him to get there by some means other than “fuck it, no one’s going to approve of me anyhow so I may as well not even try”.

And here she was submitting herself to him because he did seem to have some kind of wisdom which maybe he’d acquired through living. Or perhaps he’d had it all along and she hadn’t been able to see it. Whatever it was, Linc was very good at spanking. Her skin was warm and sensitive, but he hadn’t been hitting her hard enough to sting… yet. But the man was taking his time, which was lovely. She’d had a couple tops who thought half a dozen swats constituted a spanking, and wow, was that disappointing.

Linc’s hand came down on her backside again, and again, and again. The feeling and the sound soaked into her brain and displaced some of her overwhelm, but she needed more. Nova felt as though he’d read her mind when the next spank hit. It was heavy and solid and landed over both her cheeks, across her cleft.

It was like a signal, and Linc put more weight behind the next series of blows. When she began to squirm, he demanded, “Hands,” and she was only too happy to oblige, putting her hands behind her back where he gathered up her wrists in a single-handed grip. Binding her with his body made her sink deeper under his control, muted the buzzing anxiety in her head but hadn’t silenced it… yet.

“Where are you at, little girl, on a scale of one to ten?”

“Four, Sir.”

“Good girl. You’re gonna take some more and that busy brain is going to hush up. You let me know if I go too far too fast.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Nova had a hard time imagining he would unless his hand morphed into a cast-iron frying pan and he started swatting her as hard as he could, but it was nice to know it wasn’t his way or the highway. Although at the moment, it was more like his way or wait until she could squeeze into the Littles’ Wing or Master Derek’s busy schedule again. Despite knowing that both Nanny J and Master Derek would welcome her, she just couldn’t add more to their plates right now. Linc’s way was far better than waiting.

Linc ramped up the speed and pressure of the blows noticeably, and Nova struggled against his grip on her hands. Not because she actually wanted to escape but because it felt good to know she couldn’t.
