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“You’re quite the wiggle worm there, Miss Nova. I’m gonna help you with that.”

The steady pulse of the spanking stopped, and Linc slipped her legs between his own so her thighs were pinned and she could barely move. She could kick her feet but not very much and she could turn her head but to what end? He’d secured her, and in the process, made the angle of her hips more acute which made her bottom feel more exposed and vulnerable. Given how it felt the next time he laid spanks over her sits spots, she definitely was. That hurt!

“Owww,” she whined, and tried to twist out of range. But she couldn’t and she was grateful for it. Nova didn’t really want him to stop because he was getting her closer to a place of release, but sometimes the journey was ouchie even if she’d really enjoy the destination. It seemed like Linc understood that.

“You can yowl all you want, little girl, but I’m not gonna stop until you let those big feelings out. Don’t even think about faking it because I’ve seen rivers of Little girls’ tears and you’re not going to fool me.”

Jealousy sizzled in her brain—how many Little girls had he been with? He was hers. Which was preposterous. He wasn’t hers now and he never had been. He could leave right after he was finished spanking her and turn some other girl over his knee and she wouldn’t be able to say anything or be mad about it because that’s literally what he was here for. Unless she was prepared to tell him to stop fucking around and just claim her already, she had no right to stop him from looking for someone else. If anything, she should be encouraging him to go spank as many Little girls as possible. But the mere idea of it made her stomach churn.

She needed to set that aside for now though and focus on the spanks raining down on her backside. Linc was smacking her hard enough to sting now, and her butt felt like she was almost sitting in a fire.

Linc loosened the grip of his thighs around hers, and she had a beat of panic—was he done? He’d promised—

“Spread your legs and arch your back, shortcake. Do it now or I’ll get a paddle, and I’d really rather have my hand on your bare ass.”

It was strange, sometimes, being a submissive. You followed directions that would induce pain, and while you might whine as you did it, you would still be happy and grateful, even when or perhaps especially when—the tears started flowing down your face.

After Nova obeyed, Linc tightened his grip on her wrists, and closed his thighs around hers like a vise.

“That’s it, being such a good, obedient girl. You’re close, aren’t you, shortcake? Maybe a six?”

“Yes, Sir,” she whimpered, and closed her eyes.

“Good. Seven’s coming, Nova. Promise.”

Blows rained down on her stinging, swollen backside, and she cried out when his fingertips caught her labia. That skin was so much more sensitive than her butt and it didn’t take much until she was yelping and crying out with each strike. Luckily for her, Linc showed no mercy and peppered her bottom with the most intense bombardment of slaps yet.

The barrage moved down from the most padded part of her butt to her sits spots and then to the tops of her thighs, and ow. Ow, ow,ow. That skin was tender and sensitive and the crisp swats he was laying down made her feel as though she’d sat in stinging nettles. She wanted to tell him to stop at the same time she wanted to tell him to never stop.

Before she could say anything coherent though, a sob escaped her. From somewhere deep in her belly and without her say so, a big shuddering breath came and she gave in. Body and mind. The dam keeping back her emotions crumbled.

Chapter 10

Nova coming apart at his hands was the best possible gift. He’d enjoyed everything about their time together so far, but knowing he’d fulfilled a deep-seated need of hers made him feel a hundred feet tall. Getting to spank her gorgeous backside to do it was a pretty sweet bonus.

Wanting to be thorough, he continued to spank her reddened bottom until she’d been sobbing for a few minutes and was limp over his lap. When he was confident that any resistance she had to letting her feelings out had been felled like a straight and tall-standing-dead yellow cedar right by the road, he released his grip on her wrists and rearranged her until she was cradled in his lap.

He didn’t say much at first—he didn’t think she’d hear much over her sobs anyhow—but he held her close and rubbed her back, stroked her dark, silky hair. Once she’d quieted to sniffles, he rocked her and started talking.

“You were such a good girl, Nova. Such a good girl for me. You feel better now?”

She sniffled again and nodded against his neck. Her eyelashes tickled his skin, but no way was he going to ask her to move. He’d just deal with it.

Linc had survived being soaking wet and chilled for hours, putting a boot through the ice on a frozen Alaskan lake and living to tell the tale, shocked himself multiple times, been hit in the head by falling branches, and more—when he put it that way, it was kind of a wonder he hadn’t gotten himself killed. But the point was that those were all much more uncomfortable than a woman’s eyelashes fluttering against his throat.

“Are you ready for some water or do you need more time?”

“Time,” she muttered, and a shiver ran down his spine as her lips brushed his neck. What would it be like for her to kiss him there? Would he get to find out?

He’d gladly hold her all afternoon if she’d let him, but he wasn’t surprised when a few minutes later, she looked up from his shoulder, wiped her nose on her sleeve, and asked, “May I have some water now, please?”

Linc gave her a sippy cup he’d brought over beforehand, and it was sweet the way she grasped the bright purple grips with both hands. He wished he could be giving her a bottle like he’d done with Cricket, but Nova had requested a sippy. Either she didn’t play as young as Cricket which was fine, or she wasn’t ready to regress that far with him which was also fine. He did hope he’d get to try that with her sometime. And maybe a pacifier. Did she use one at night? Or have anything she needed besides Custard the pink cat stuffie? Linc remembered Custard from their pre-school and kindergarten nap times. It looked like the cat—who had a place of honor on her bed—had been well loved in the intervening years. He hoped to hell he wouldn’t screw this up so he’d be able to find out.

Having her resting cuddled up in his lap with her tights and panties still pushed down around her thighs and her skirt hiked up to her waist while she contentedly drank from her sippy cup was one of the best things that had happened to him this week. Come to think of it, all of the best moments of this week had been when he was with Nova.

Maybe he didn’t need to bother with anyone else if what he wanted had literally landed in his lap, much like Cricket had landed in Owen’s. Maybe this week would be best spent getting to know Nova in a place where she was comfortable and felt safe and convincing her she could be just as happy on Enclave as she was at Rawhide. How many places on earth could you say that about?

Finally, she was finished with her water and let the empty lidded cup rest on her bunched-up skirt. He was betting she was going to thank him for his service and say she had to get back to work. Linc couldn’t stand the idea of her kicking him out and going back to her office yet though, so he scrambled for something to say.
