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There had definitely been a tight-chested, electrocuted feeling because it had felt so good not just to have their mouths pressed together but to be so close to her, like he’d always wanted to be.

“Fine,” she said, and crossed her arms over her chest. “Let’s say I believed that. But then you never asked me out. You didn’t even talk to me for the rest of the year. It was mortifying. I’d thought it was special, but it was just a dare to you. I thought there could be a ‘we’ after that, or we might at least go on a date. I was so hopeful and happy and then you acted like I was invisible. Everyone felt bad for me.”


“I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize…”

“You kissed me on a dare and you didn’t think people would pity me for thinking your interest in me was real? I didn’t think you’d ingested so much paste that you’d turn oblivious. You seriously didn’t see that one coming? What is wrong with you?”

He hated how hurt she sounded and way her eyes glittered with tears.

“Nova, I swear to you. I thought they’d dared me to kiss you because they knew I had it bad for you and I’d never get the nerve up on my own. You were always so shiny and good, and I was… me. It wasn’t until way after that I realized people thought you were the lucky one in that situation. Which didn’t make a whole lot of sense to me. Still doesn’t to be honest. I—”

There was so much he wanted to tell her, so much he wanted to say but Nova shook her head.

“It was a long time ago and it’s over. We’re grown-ass adults now and I need to get back to work.”

She’d turned her computer on and was typing on her keyboard. Linc wanted to push her rolling chair back from her desk and force her to talk to him, but she’d been very clear that she had limited time for him today and he wasn’t going to abuse the privilege. He wanted more, and he could try again tomorrow.

Although Nova and that kiss had been carved pretty deep into his mind, it probably hadn’t affected her as much. Yeah, she seemed upset now but she’d probably just been caught off guard. Given a little time, she’d probably bounce back because there was no way in her charmed life that kissing him would be as much of a core memory for her as it had been for him. She’d probably barely thought of him in the intervening years whereas he might as well have worn one of those reminder bracelets: What Would A Man Worthy of Nova Marchand Do?

He hadn’t been her guiding light for the past thirteen years but he wanted to be good enough to keep seeing her for at least the rest of the week. Which would mean respecting her wishes and getting the fuck out of her face when she had other things to do, especially after he’d dug up a not so great memory.

“I’m leaving now,” he told her. “But I really am sorry, and I’ll see you later.”

“Yeah, sure, okay, Linc,” she scoffed, just as she had a few days ago. Which gave him hope because look how far they’d come.

“Shake on it,” he encouraged with a goofy smile, and held out a hand. The exasperated look she gave him said she remembered their conversation and thought he was ridiculous for repeating it. But he’d do anything to make her smile. Anything.

There was that same sizzle when they touched, and while Nova didn’t look happy, exactly, she also didn’t seem quite so sad anymore. He’d take it.

Chapter 15

“Are you spoiling for a scolding?” he asked her the next day.

“Have you found a woman who’s willing to marry your punk ass yet?” she retorted.

“No, but no one’s gonna punish me for that. They might even be relieved. But I bet Derek Hawkins would have something to say about you still sitting behind that desk and staring at… I dunno, I still don’t totally understand what you do. But I’m pretty sure you’re not still supposed to be doing it at four o’clock.”

“You know, I wouldn’t have pegged you as a tattletale,” Nova told him with pursed lips.

“I don’t think you would’ve pegged me at all.”

The way her mouth dropped open was the greatest. Pegging jokes would do that to people.

“Still wouldn’t,” she said in a prissy voice with her nose turned up. “Not really my jam. But if it’s yours, I’m sure we could find someone to help you with that.”

“Eh, I get it, but it’s pretty low on the list of things I want to be doing right now.”

Tops was dragging Nova Marchand out from behind her desk and showing her a good time. A Little time, if she’d allow it. He’d given her some space after rocking the boat yesterday and that seemed to have done the trick.

“Then what did you have in mind?”

“Well, I was thinking that I haven’t seen the Sapphire Mines yet and I need to before I head home. Thought I’d pick up some presents for the Littles back on Enclave while I’m there. You know how Little girls love gemstones. So what do you say? Care to join me?”

Linc was really hoping she’d say yes. Yeah, they’d patched things up last time but he wanted more time with her, and to remind her of precisely how much he’d changed since he was that delinquent kid. He wanted there to be a chance in hell that she’d even consider coming back to Enclave with him at the end of the week. Nova was looking far too much like there was a chance she’d say no for his liking.

“Please? I bet it would be a great place to have some Little time and if you’ve been working all day—which I suspect you have”—her brows knit and he knew he was right on the money—“then you could use some. Also, I have it on good authority that there were glitter crafts in the preschool room today and I know you don’t want Derek sending you over there to help clean up.”
