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Sure Derek was a sadist on some level but Linc didn’t think he was quite so sadistic as to punish Nova by making her assist in the cleanup of an activity she hadn’t even participated in. That just seemed mean, and that wasn’t the point of discipline.

Nova pressed her lips together but apparently whatever complex algorithm she was probably using to decide whether or not to go with him had finished doing its cost benefit analysis.

“Fine, but I can’t wear this,” she said, gesturing to her burgundy sweater, camel-colored skirt, and knee-high brown boots.

“You sure can’t,” he agreed. “But I can help you with that.”

Nova might’ve flinched then, but he also could’ve imagined it. All the more reason to get her out from behind that desk, get her into some Little clothes and Little space, and show her a good time.

After leaving her office,Linc had escorted her back to her apartment and gotten her dressed in what he deemed “appropriate”—a navy corduroy jumper over a greige sweater and thick off-white cable-knit tights plus her brown snow boots with the faux-fur trim along the tops. Plus her coat and hat and scarf and mittens, of course, because Montana in January was no joke.

It was too far to walk the whole way to the mines—and definitely too cold this time of year—but Linc wanted to be outside some. He said it would be good for her. Nova explained how they could go most of the way through the tunnels, and once they exited the garage-type door leading outside, they could use one of the golf-carts to drive the rest of the way. “That way we won’t freeze and still get some fresh air.”

Linc couldn’t argue with that. Now they were heading down the elevator to the tunnel system, mitten-clad hands clasped together. She’d been surprised when he took her hand but it felt too nice to pull away even if she was still smarting a bit from yesterday. And besides, he’d said he wanted to give her some time to be Little. Having him dress her had started her on the path like the beginning of a snowball, and being guided like this felt as though she was gathering more and more snow and feeling Littler with every passing moment.

“So how is it you’ve never been to the mines?” Linc asked. “That’s one of the first things I wanted to see.”

Nova shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess it’s like New Yorkers who’ve never been to the Empire State building or Parisians who’ve never been to the Eiffel tower.”

“Or if we’d never been to the Potato Museum back in Kartoff,” he supplied.

Nova giggled behind her mitten. “Exactly. You never play tourist in your own town. Unless of course you’re forced to on annual field trips.”

“Okay, but now you’re going to, because you’ve got to show this out-of-towner around.”

She didn’t feel like she was showing Linc around the Ranch. More like he was showing her things she’d never taken the time to see.

“Yeah, sure, okay.”

She removed her mitten to press her thumb to the electronic reader to gain access to the door leading to the outside. She braced herself for the cold as Linc drove the golf cart through. Though she agreed with Linc that it was a refreshing change, she was glad they didn’t have all that far to drive.

When they’d finally made it to the mine, he guided her inside the gift shop. She’d seen pictures of the shop and the Exploration Zone of course, and even met a couple of the employees who worked there but had never been herself.

Probably because there was a rope circus going on in the main resort building, the place was deserted aside from Roman who she waved at shyly. She didn’t know the man who ran the Mine gift shop well, but he’d always been kind to her in passing.

“Hi, Nova. You finally made it down, huh?”

“Um, yeah. Is it possible to still pan for sapphires or is it too late?”

“It’s never too late,” Roman told her with a wink, followed by a pointed look at Linc. Why did that make her face feel like it was a hot-water heater? What did Roman know anyway? Probably nothing. “Here, I’ll turn it on for you while you pick out a bucket. They’re right in that cabinet over there.”

“Okay, thanks.”

Chapter 16

Nova regarded the cabinet full of buckets. It was so hard to decide! She really wanted more information so she would know how to pick the very best one but Roman wasn’t offering her any pro tips. Rude. Finally, she selected a green one and grabbed it by the handle. It was heavier than she expected, but then again, it was literally a bucket of rocks.

“You sure you don’t want one?” she asked Linc.

“I’m sure,” he told her and took the bucket over to the panning table and put it into a slot in a wooden bar that was custom built to hold a whole row of buckets. “I’ll be your assistant.”

That made her laugh. Linc as her assistant. He’d specialized in being contrary and wreaking havoc back in Kartoff, definitely not lending a hand. But things were different now. She hoped. She’d heard his explanations yesterday afternoon, and listened to his logic, but part of her still held on to her doubts.

After unsealing the bucket, Nova grabbed one of the bright yellow shovels and dug it into the dirt. She dumped a big scoop into one of the wire bottomed screens and was pleased that Linc stood behind her and put his hands over hers.

“Good job, little girl. Now you put the pan in the running water so it takes all the dirt away.”

He didn’t so much steer her hands as held them while she put the screen in the water to do as she’d been told. It was fun to watch the grains of sand and gravel slide away in the water, and she shook the screen gently to encourage more of the debris to leave. But all that was left were some larger pebbles that were too big to fit through the strainer. Boo.
