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“Hey look, we’re both right,” he said with a grin. “Now come on, shortcake. Close that computer because we’ve got someplace to be.”

She shouldn’t love how it felt when he referred to them as “we” but she did.

“Okay, but you need to give me a minute to finish this up.”

“One minute,” he pronounced, and she rolled her eyes but then set to finishing the task she was working on before she shut everything down.

Once she’d gathered up her things, Linc took her hand and led her to the Mexican restaurant. She’d only been for margaritas and snacks with friends, and she was excited to try an entree. Of course Linc ordered enough food for a small army—that man’s metabolism was ridiculous—and she got to try a little of everything. It was all incredible, and she’d expect nothing less from Chef Connor and his crew.

When they’d finished, Linc brought her back to her room.

“Coat, hat, scarf, mittens, and boots, little girl,” he instructed.

She did as she was told, but had to ask, “Where are we going?”

“That’s for me to know and for you to find out.”

“I think you’ve gotten more annoying since high school,” she grumbled, but this was kind of exciting. A surprise? That was fun, and she could feel her Little self start to bubble up inside.

When she’d put on everything he’d asked, he pulled something from his pocket and dangled it off one finger—it looked like a thin scarf of some sort.

“Close your eyes, Nova.”


“Um, where are we going?”

Linc sighed and dragged a hand over his face. “Why would I tell you where we’re going if I’m going to blindfold you? Doesn’t that kinda defeat the purpose?”

“Yes,” she admitted.

It was perhaps paranoid and unfair but a part of her worried that Linc was going to make a fool of her. He’d done it before, after all. But that had been thirteen years ago, and they’d been kids. Plus, she didn’t think he’d dare play a mean prank like that on her with Master Derek and Jared and Ryder on her side. Although to be honest, he should be more worried about the other Littles taking their revenge—they could be vicious when someone hurt one of their friends.

“Fine. But this better be a good surprise.”

“Right on,” he said, and had the good grace not to seem offended. Or maybe just the self-awareness. “Not to toot my own horn, but I think it’s pretty good.”

“I guess we’ll see about that,” she said in a prissy voice, and pursed her lips before closing her eyes.

She was surprised but delighted that he pressed a quick kiss to her lips before wrapping the gauzy scarf around her head and tying it snugly. Once he’d fastened it over her eyes, he pushed her up against the wall and kissed her again. Not quickly. No, this was a deeper, more passionate kiss that made her melt. Her bottom was sore from yesterday’s spanking too, and the aching pain came alive again in a way that made her moan.

As if that weren’t enough, Linc slipped his hand into her hair and held her fast to plunder her mouth even more thoroughly. In a couple minutes, she was panting and wishing he was going to surprise her by simply taking her back to her bed.

“You’re going to make me dizzy,” she accused breathlessly when he finally let her up for air.

“Perfect. Let’s go.”

At first she could tell where they were easily, and then she had to call on her other senses to help her figure it out. But at some point Linc managed to get her so turned around and upside down that aside from thinking they were in the main resort building, she couldn’t say. It was nice to know at least that no one was likely to give them side-eye here for playing this kind of game. No, a blindfolded woman being guided around by a man she called Daddy wouldn’t even warrant a blink at the Ranch.

It was obvious enough when they went outside because it was cold as heck and Linc cautioned her, “I’m looking out for you, little girl, but there might be some slippery spots so step carefully.”

It wasn’t terrible to have an excuse to cling to him, and Nova could feel the strength of him even through all the layers they had on. He had shortened his long-legged gait for her but she appreciated his confidence. It made not being able to see fun instead of harrowing.

Nova thought she could smell horses, so maybe they were by the stables. It would be fun to see the horses even if it was chilly.

“We’re here, little girl,” Linc said softly, and then kissed her cheek before removing the blindfold.

Chapter 26
