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“I know.”

“So you’re not mad?”

“Only that I wasn’t invited,” he said with a wink. “So no, I’m not mad at all. You know some of the shit I pulled in high school. Compared to that, what you and the other girls got up to was about as cute and harmless as pranks get.”

“So I’m not going to get punished?”

“Not by me,” he assured her. “And since Derek said I could handle your discipline while I was here, not by anyone else, either.”

Was it his imagination, or did Nova look slightly disappointed? Maybe she had wanted to be punished? But she so desperately wanted to be good, that didn’t seem right. Then he remembered a conversation they’d had at the beginning of the week.

“You’ve never struck me as a brat but pulling a prank like you did is kinda bratty behavior. Were you maybe looking for some funishment?”

If she said no, he’d offer up a real punishment because he knew sometimes Littles could feel guilty about wrongdoings and wouldn’t feel better until they’d done some sort of penance. But Nova pursed her lips, knit her hands together in her lap, and looked at the floor.



“It would be my pleasure,” he told her. The brightness of her eyes when she blinked her gaze to his said it’d be hers, too. “Besides not calling you a bad girl, is there anything else off the table to keep it funishment instead of real consequences?”

Nova twisted her mouth to the side, thinking about it. “I don’t want to cry.”

“Right on. Is getting off part of funishment?”

“It definitely can be,” she said coyly. “But I would never want to Top from the bottom.”

“Noted. Then let’s get this party started.”

Her Daddy linkedhis hands behind his back and began to pace. Oh, she could enjoy a good lecture if it wasn’t too serious. “The first thing you should know is I believe that funishment should fit the crime.”

Nova wasn’t sure what he meant by that. Was he going to make her stand in the snow and throw underwear at her? Where people couldsee? That wasn’t what she’d had in mind. Maybe she should’ve made clear that public humiliation didn’t fall under the heading of funishment. For her.

But he didn’t tell her to get her coat and boots on. He did however take the underwear she’d contributed to the cause which he’d stashed in his coat pocket for the walk back and brought them into his bathroom. She heard the faucet running, and when he came out, Linc had a scrunched ball of wet undies in his hand.

“Since you used these panties as part of your prank, they’re going to be part of your funishment. You’re getting gagged with them while I spank your naughty Little bottom.”

Yes, this was how she liked to be naughty on occasion. A harmless prank and then some playtime with someone who understood.

“Yes, Daddy,” she agreed.

“You’re not going to be able to say ‘tater tots’ with these stuffed in your mouth, so I’m going to give you a signal. If you need to safe out, you just punch me as hard as you can three times. Got it?”

“Are you sure?” she asked, feeling her brows crawl up her forehead. That… did not seem wise.

“Yep. I’d appreciate it if it was in my biceps or a thigh, but if my face or my dick is the only thing within reach, you’re still gonna go for it. The most important thing is that you’re safe, and I’ll have no one to blame but myself.”

Something inside her smarted. If this all went wrong and she ended up getting hurt—again—she’d have no one to blame but herself. Linc had been clear about his objectives when he showed up and she’d agreed to the terms and conditions—even if it was a silly bet. It didn’t feel so silly anymore.

But Nova tried to push that from her mind so she could enjoy their playtime together. It might be the last one she ever had and she didn’t want to waste it.

“Now open up, shortcake.”

She did as she was told and Linc began to feed her the damp underwear. Nova had been gagged before, but never with her own panties. Even though they were clean, there was still something taboo about having the cotton pressed into her mouth that felt naughty… in a fun way. And her mouth wasn’t going to dry out because the fabric was already soaked and wouldn’t absorb more moisture. Clever. All the naughtiness with none of the discomfort. Of course, if he forced her to keep the panties in her mouth for hours, her jaw would hurt but he’d said they’d go back to the Big House for brunch so she figured everything would be wrapped up in time for food. Which was good because all that tromping around in the snow had made her hungry.

Once Linc was satisfied with the makeshift gag, he sat down on the couch and pulled her over his lap in one swift, decisive motion that flipped a switch inside her. Being over someone’s knee was one of her preferred places to be, but being over Linc’s was special.

Her arms and head were cushioned by the couch, and the weight of her torso across his thighs made her feel vulnerable. More so when Linc pulled her tunic over her hips and rubbed her backside through her leggings and underwear. Then he was spanking her lightly through the thin layers of fabric and she sighed through her nose.
