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“I like the idea of sleeping in a crib but I’ve never had the chance to try it.”

“You’ll have one now. Anything else you want to try?”

There were so many things, but she was feeling shy all of a sudden. And sleepy. Someday, she wouldn’t yawn every five seconds, and that would be way better.

“Someone’s a tired Little girl. I think you need a nap.”

A nap sounded wonderful and she was about to agree when Doctor Pierce frowned.

“You should drink some water first, though. I should’ve gotten you some already. How do you want your water, babygirl? You can have a cup if you promise to be careful, a sippy, or a bottle.”

In that instant, the world felt like a giant oyster, even if she’d only be able to do these things in her Daddy’s home. She wanted to try the bottle, badly, but something held her back, a voice that told her that was too much. She couldn’t ask for that, even though he’d offered. She was afraid to ignore that advice in case it turned out to be correct. She’d rather only drink from sippy cups for the rest of her life than have one lovely experience with a bottle and then have Doctor Pierce turn around and decide that was too much and he didn’t want to be her Daddy after all.

“Sippy please, Daddy.”

“Right on. You’re going to sit on the play mat and explore those shelves while Daddy gets your sippy.”

He slid out from under her legs and offered her a hand to stand which he used to lead her over to the extra fluffy carpet that was surrounded by shelves full of books and games and puzzles and toys. She was never going to be bored, ever.

“There you go, Cricket. Sit criss-cross applesauce on your bottom and Daddy will be right back with your sippy.”

Why did it feel like he pressed a button that dispensed happiness directly into her brain every time he kissed the top of her head? Maybe it didn’t matter why as long as it did.

“Yes, Daddy. Thank you, Daddy.”

Chapter Eleven

After her morning nap, Daddy got her dressed, made her lunch, and then sat with her in the nursery while she played some more and he worked on his laptop. When she started yawning—again—he put her down for an afternoon nap. Cricket hated that she was still tired when she woke up again. All she wanted to do was be awake to enjoy her new Daddy all the time.

But maybe if she spent so much time sleeping he wouldn’t tire of her or decide she was too much work. At least for a while.

They’d sat at the counter again for dinner but unlike lunch when she’d been allowed to feed herself, Daddy fed her every bite. When she couldn’t stop reaching for the fork, he’d made her sit on her hands. She’d felt chastised but also turned on from the simple but effective restraint.

Now she was sitting curled up with him on his bed after he’d gotten her ready to go to sleep. She’d been right that it wasn’t so different from how he’d gotten her ready last night except this time he was not at all professional. His gaze was all heat and fervor, and his hands roamed her curves. He squeezed and kneaded her butt, cupped her breasts and hefted them in his hands before rubbing his thumbs across her nipples and making a sound of approval when they hardened under his touch.

“Such a beautiful Little girl with such perfect tits,” he’d told her before taking each nipple into his mouth to suck in turn.

She’d pouted when he stopped because she wanted to come again but he’d told her she needed to be a good girl and wait. Waiting was not her specialty. But she’d settled down some once he’d brought her into his room to cuddle.

Now Daddy was going to tell her more about his expectations. It was scary but exciting at the same time. She really did want to try having real consequences but at the same time, she really didn’t want them. Such a contradiction.

“Every night, Daddy is going to give you a maintenance spanking. Maintenance spankings aren’t because you were naughty. They aren’t punishments and they’re not discipline. But sending my babygirl to bed every night with a warm, rosy bottom will help remind you who you belong to and what that means.”

“What does it mean?” she asked, just in case she was missing something. “I’m not trying to be cheeky. I think I know what it means but I want to make sure.”

“You can always ask for clarification, Cricket. I’m proud of you for asking when you weren’t sure.”

She glowed in the light of his approval. It was like a hug for her brain.

“You belonging to me means that I take care of you and I help you be the very best Cricket you can be. It means I protect you and keep you safe and provide for you. It means you’ve agreed to accept whatever discipline I decide is necessary when you haven’t met my expectations, and that I promise to help you be capable of meeting those expectations. It means you have a responsibility to tell me anything I need to know to keep you safe, and that you promise to do your best to obey the rules and expectations we agree on. It means I accept responsibility for your wellbeing and that I’ll do anything and everything in my power to keep you happy and healthy and feeling loved. Does that sound about right?”

“That was more than I was expecting,” she admitted, and tried not to be overcome by her Daddy’s generosity and sincerity. “It makes me really happy.”

“You make me really happy,” he told her, and took her face in his hands before pressing a kiss to her lips.

The relatively innocent gesture set her body on fire for him again. Hopefully maintenance spankings came with maintenance orgasms. She’d find out soon enough.

Daddy turned her over his lap and pulled her in until she was snug against his torso. Then rubbed her backside over her pajama pants. It felt really good.
