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“Could I just have maintenance butt rubs?”

Cricket got a soft thwack for her trouble, but also a chuckle. She loved making Daddy laugh. Worth it.

“No, babygirl. But I’m glad to know you like this. How does it make you feel, besides good?”

“Um…” Cricket had to take stock of her emotions and try to put them into words. It wasn’t easy. “I like being so close to you. It makes me feel warm and held. And even though I know you’re going to spank me, it makes me feel safe too.”

“You are safe. You’re always safe with Daddy. Even when I’m not around, I’m holding you,” he told her and her heart overflowed. “Anything else?”

“Small. I feel small. And Little, with a capital L. Also really…submissive. Like I look up to you and you’ll make good choices so I don’t always have to. Plus my tummy feels kinda funny. In a good way though.”

“In a sexy way?” he murmured from above her, his hand moving closer to the apex of her thighs where, yes, for sure, she was soaking wet already.

“Yes, Daddy.”

“Good girl. Thank you for sharing all that with me. It’s really important that you tell Daddy what’s going on in your head. That’s the only way I can be a good Daddy to you, and I want to be the best.”

* * *

“I’m going to start now, Cricket.”

“Okay, Daddy.”

Owen gave her the softest slap on the meatiest part of her buttocks. The way her flesh yielded to his hand was intoxicating, and Cricket’s sigh made him feel drunk.

The pajama pants she had on were soft and thin. A small difference between being clothed and being bare but he suspected they both knew it was more about the psychological barrier than the physical.

He rained light spanks all across the expanse of her generous bottom and tuned himself in to her reactions. Not that there would be so many with how soft he was going on her, but there wasn’t any huffing or bratting either.

One of the pleasures of having Cricket in his home instead of having met her at Covert was that he could take as long as he liked without minding how long they used a piece of equipment for, whether they had an audience, or anything else.

It could be a lot of fun to play in public and someday he’d love to parade Cricket around Covert on his arm or on a leash if she was into that kind of thing, but it was nice to get to know her here. It said a lot too, he thought, about how much she trusted him. He could understand why women would prefer to play with someone for the first time in public.

Owen increased the force of the slaps he was peppering his Little girl’s backside with, and made sure he got every gorgeous, spankable inch. Before he got too much harder though it was time for a change of scenery. And sensation.

“I’m going to take your pants down now, Cricket. I’ll leave your panties for the time being.”

“Yes, Daddy.”

Those were two of the best words in the English language, especially when they were being sing-songed in a high, sweet, Little voice. Good, that was precisely what he wanted; to be helping her find and stay in that space.

Of course he’d seen her pretty baby blue panties with the stretchy lace around the waist and the legs when he’d gotten her dressed. But having her over his lap gave him a whole new perspective, especially the light flush of pink along the curves of her cheeks that were left exposed by the adorable underwear. He’d be darkening those cheeks momentarily, and knowing that made his mouth water.

He left her pajama pants bunched up around her thighs. In his experience, leaving them on was far more embarrassing to spankees than taking them off entirely.

This time he didn’t tell her he was going to start, and he used about the same amount of force as he had just before he took down her pants. His babygirl whimpered but didn’t seem distressed, so he worked her backside over, making sure to be thorough. There was no way he was going to give her a half-assed spanking, in any sense of the word.

Once he was satisfied with that round, he took a moment to rub her bottom and praise her. Also to check in because he wanted to make sure they were understanding this the same way.

“You’re being so good for Daddy, babygirl. I’m so pleased with how well you’re behaving for your maintenance spanking. How are you doing on a scale of one to ten, one being ‘did you even touch me’ and ten being you can’t take anymore, not even for Daddy?”

“Like a three, Daddy,” she told him, which was about what he’d expected. Perfect. Calibration was one of the most important parts of being a good top as far as he could tell, and one that got overlooked all too often.

“Thank you for sharing with me, Cricket. My goal is to get you to about a four. Does that sound okay?”

He wouldn’t always let Cricket dictate the terms of their play—neither one of them would enjoy that—but for the first few times he did want to make sure they were on the same page.

If she didn’t feel like a four was enough to remind her of who she belonged to and what that meant, he wanted to know. But he also wanted there to be a clear line between maintenance and discipline which meant it was best to make that a decently wide gap at the start.
