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“Linc, can you pinch my babygirl’s nose closed and open her mouth by squeezing her jaw? It might be easiest if you stand behind her.”

The feet of the chair scraped across the wood floor when Uncle Linc pushed back from the table and positioned himself behind her. And damn her bondage fetish for making it feel so, so good when he pinched her nose shut and then slid a big, rough hand under her chin so he could put pressure on the hinge of her jaw, forcing her lips apart.

“Perfect. Now let’s get the rest of this food into the baby’s tummy.”

Daddy pushed the spoon between her lips and she was so close to spitting the icky—and by now cold—porridge out. But Linc shifted his grip on her to rub her throat and she was forced to swallow.

“That’s a good girl,” he told her. “Just two more bites now, Cricket.”

It was a different warmth that bloomed inside her than when her Daddy praised her, but it felt really good all the same.

Maybe the next few days wouldn’t be the most awful.

Chapter Thirty-Four

Cricket had done so well during naughty girl dinner, even asking for help when she knew she was going to have a hard time taking her punishment. He wasn’t happy that she’d had a tantrum, but he was goddamn delighted that she’d asked for help. Plus it had been sexy as fuck to watch Linc pry her mouth open and rub her throat to swallow. Oh, the fun the three of them could—and hopefully would—have.

Owen removed her nipple clamps, and didn’t suck the pain away as he usually did. His babygirl whimpered and cried but didn’t complain as he wiped her face with a warm washcloth and took her bib off.

Before he untethered her from the highchair, he told her, “You’re going to have more corner time while Uncle Linc and I clean up from dinner and prepare your punishment enema. You’re going to be a good girl and crawl over to the corner for Daddy now. Would you like your paci for corner time?”

“Yes, Daddy. Please, Daddy.”

He wouldn’t normally give her the paci for corner time since it was a comfort item, but corner time wasn’t part of her punishment. Besides, she had been so good about dinner he felt a concession was in order.

It made his pants tight to watch Cricket crawl across the floor with the hook in her bottom. He’d never tire of that sight. He fetched a paci from the changing table and brought it over to where Cricket had assumed the position in her corner, and popped it in her eager mouth.

“There’s my good girl,” he told her with a kiss to her cheek and a pat to her bottom. “I expect you to wait quietly and patiently.”

Cricket nodded, looking up at him with those big, serious green eyes.

He gave her another pat to the other side of her buttocks and a little tug on the hook that made her mewl softly. Fuck it was going to be a long night.

Luckily it didn’t take him and Linc long to clear the table and get the dishes all scrubbed and dried. He left Linc to wipe down the table and the counters while he went into the bathroom to prep Cricket’s enema. Well, enemas, since she’d need more than one. He was a bit of a sadist but he wanted her punishment to be over when it was over, not linger more than he meant it to, and that meant rinsing out the punishment enema once it’d done its job.

Now that everything was prepared, he could fetch his pretty little baby and get her set up for the next phase of her discipline.

* * *

Usually Cricket thought of corner time as a punishment because she hated being away from her Daddy, but right now it felt like more of a time out, space for her to breathe and calm down before receiving more punishment. She really needed to learn to control her temper and not throw tantrums because she was already feeling sorry for herself and they’d barely started on her discipline.

She was surprisingly calm when Daddy came over and put his arm around her shoulders. He rubbed her arm and kissed her cheek again before tugging on her paci so she’d let it go.

“Okay babygirl, time to crawl over to the bathroom.”

“Yes, Daddy.”

Crawling with the hook in her backside was a new kind of torment and he probably knew that. It shifted around inside her as she moved and Cricket couldn’t decide if she liked it or not.

“You know what to do, love bug. On your enema board.”

Cricket felt her face burning as she looked over her shoulder at Uncle Linc. She supposed he’d have to know anyhow, but now he knew for certain that she received enemas so frequently that there was a special piece of equipment for her to receive them on.

Daddy had put it on the floor already, and she crawled into place. Once she was on elbows and knees, Daddy fastened the quick release cuffs and attached her collar to the board as well.

“There you go, Cricket. Almost ready for your naughty girl enema. But before we push the enema nozzle into your bottom, we need to take this hook out. Relax, babygirl.”

Cricket took a deep breath and then let it out, consciously loosening her muscles so it was easier for Daddy to remove the hook. She barely had a moment to register that her ass was empty before she felt the firm, lubed tip of the nozzle at her rear entrance.
