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“Relax again, love bug. Let Daddy in.”

It wasn’t hard to do as she’d been told although she was nervous about her punishment enema. She’d gotten used to the ones Daddy gave her regularly and kind of looked forward to them, but this was different. All the same, Cricket softened her muscles and allowed the nozzle to be pressed inside her.

“Good girl. Now I’m going to inflate the balloons to keep this nozzle in your bottom.”

There was something so humiliating but arousing about the sound of the small balloons inflating, plus the feel of one inside and one outside, like a sphincter sandwich which had to be the worst sandwich ever.

“You don’t need to inflate these much,” she could hear Daddy tell Uncle Linc. “Especially with her in this position, it’s more of a psychological than physical thing.”

It sure as heckfeltphysical but she would keep that to herself.

“There are hooks on the wall that are hung at the appropriate height,” her Daddy continued. “You can hang the bag like so. Unlike tonight, you won’t need more than one. If Cricket has such bad behavior that it merits a punishment enema, I’ll administer it myself when I get back.”

Cricket managed to tune out the rest of his instructions to Uncle Linc about her enemas, thankfully. Who would’ve thought there were so many fine points to pumping water into her ass?

“Okay, babygirl,” Daddy said, laying a hand on her low back and making her want to purr even as she was in such an embarrassing position with a tube fixed in her backside. “I’m going to start your punishment enema now. The solution is mostly warm water, but there’s some Ivory soap mixed in as well. Uncle Linc and I will help you through the cramping, and I’m hoping that this will help clean some of the naughtiness out of you and we won’t have any more tantrums.”

“Yes, Daddy,” she agreed miserably.

The solution began to flow into her, and at first it didn’t feel any different from the warm water enemas that had become an almost relaxing part of her morning regimen. Then it didn’t feel relaxing at all. A wave of cramping passed through her belly and it felt all twisty and ouchie and she wanted it gone.

“Ow, Daddy,” she whimpered, tugging against her restraints that were usually more for aesthetics than to actually keep her in place. “It hurts.”

“I know, Cricket. It’s a punishment. But Uncle Linc and I can help.”

The two men were on either side of her and began rubbing her lower belly.

“This should help you feel better but also get the solution further into your belly,” he told her, and she groaned. She didn’t want it to go any further, she wanted it out now!

“Is it over, Daddy? Can it be over please?” she begged.

“Not yet. You’re lucky I’m only making you take a small amount and not forcing you to hold it for as long as your tantrum lasted,” he told her. “Don’t ask again, or I’ll have to reconsider.”

Chapter Thirty-Five

“You can cry as much as you need to and tell me it hurts, that’s fine. But I can tell you now any efforts to get out of your punishment will make it last longer. Do you understand, Cricket?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

Poor, whimpering thing. This wasn’t the kind of pain he most liked to see her in. No, the cramping, miserable bellyache of a punishment enema actually plucked at his heartstrings. What he loved about it was that despite having her bowels filled with soapy water and the resulting physical discomfort, she was being obedient as best she could, and submitting to him.

He loved seeing her bound to her enema board and the frothy bag of solution draining into her, but he loved even more the command of her mind.

Cricket was a strong woman, and allowing him to punish her like this—especially in Linc’s presence—said something about how deep her trust for him ran, and how far he could push her submission. Surgeons had a god complex from saving lives; he had one from being a strict Daddy to a beautiful and brilliant babygirl.

Owen continued to rub her belly, and occasionally plucked at or tugged one of Cricket’s nipples. He could pretty easily get her to climax during one of her regular enemas, although he suspected this might be too painful for the arousal to break through. But it might distract her, and he thought he’d like to see her come when her belly was distended from the large rinse he intended to give her.

“Ow, Daddy,” she said again, and looked up at him with round, pleading eyes. She didn’t ask for it to stop, though, and that was gratifying as hell.

“Almost done, love bug. Just a little more.”

He checked on the translucent bag to see how much there was left and she was in fact almost done. Once it was nearly empty, Owen squeezed the bag to get the last of the solution inside his babygirl. Right on time, she started to cry.

“Daddy, it hurts. It hurts.”

“I know. I know, Cricket. You’re going to hold this for one minute and then we’ll help you get on the potty so you can expel.”

Miserable little thing mewled but nodded. Sweat had started to bead at her hairline, and yes, this was nearing enough. He was surprised she didn’t ask for Linc to leave but he would’ve refused anyhow and perhaps she knew that.
