Page 12 of Kindness

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“Explain,” I snarl as I grab him by the shirt and pull him out of his seat, his feet dangling just a little. The fear in his eyes makes my blood rush even more. He knows the rules. “Explain to me why you thought that you could put hands on her,” my patience is wearing thin; the fucker stutters and mutters something under his breath that I can’t quite make out, “what was that?”

“I thought she was a new club bunny,” he mumbles, his eyes never meeting mine, I let go of him, and he slumps to the floor as I take a step back to regain my composure; I hate losing control, especially with my men, but this fucker needs to be taught a lesson in the only way we know how.

“Well, you thought wrong then, didn’t you? Even if she was a new club bunny, what gives you the fucking right to put hands on her body without her permission?” Jace sneers from the door, he and Noah take up the whole space, those boys are fucking huge, and that’s why they’re the best enforcers that I could ask for. They may have had a shitty childhood being raised by their toxic aunt and uncle, but the guys, like me, won’t stand for a man being disrespectful to any woman.

“I fucked up, I know I did,” Grudge says as he stands and looks me dead in the eye, “it won’t happen again.”

“Damn right it won’t cos you’re in the cage tonight, with me,” Jace says with a dark laugh. We use the cage to settle disputes amongst ourselves. It saves any unwanted tension among everyone. Anyone with an issue can fight it out on a Friday night in the cage placed in the middle of the compound outside. Grudge pales because the last guy who got in the cage with Jace ended up in the hospital needing to be fed through a tube for six months after Jace broke the guy’s jaw; that fight was because the guy, I can’t even remember his name now, but anyway the fucker refused to apologise to Frankie after being a total dick to her so naturally Jace beat the shit out of him.

“Get the fuck out before you lose your prospect patch,” I spit at Grudge. He’s wise and leaves without a word, “what the fuck are we gonna do with him?” Noah asks as he and Jace take a seat.

“Hopefully, after being in the cage with Jace, he will learn his lesson. Don’t break another prospect dickhead,” I say with a chuckle; Jace grins at me.

“I make no promises, boss.”

We leave the sanctuary with Jace heading back to the basement to do some more digging on Tamara and Noah heading up to the rooftop gym; as I walk past the kitchen, I can hear Vivica’s nasally, whiny voice complaining about something, so I decide to stop and listen.

“Who the fuck is this girl, and what makes her think she can come in and just sit wherever the fuck she likes.” I have a peek to see who she’s complaining to and spot Talia, Slade’s sister and Spider girl. Talia sees me, and her eyes widen. I put my finger to my lips, telling her to be quiet, and then I step back. “I mean, Slade’s mine, even if he won’t admit it, so this bitch needs to be taught a fucking lesson,” Viv snarls.

Talia laughs, “bitch please, my brother belongs to no woman, and you know that he made it clear six months ago when you two started fucking. That’s all it was, nothing more, nothing less.” A resounding smack reaches my ears; as I enter the kitchen, I take in the scene before me; Vivica has a red mark blooming on her cheek, “come at me again like that and see what happens, Viv,” Talia spits vehemently at her as Viv storms out of the room tears shining in her eyes.

“What the fuck happened?”

“She finished her little speech, but she didn’t like my reply, so she lifted her fist and went to hit me, but I got in there first,” Talia says as she goes about making herself a sandwich. “Hungry?” She asks.

“Nah, I’m good little T, you eat, oh and be careful with Viv because if Spider finds out what she did, there’s gonna be hell to pay,” I chuckle as I leave the kitchen, almost colliding with Frankie and Tamara, who have their arms full of shit. “Fuck! Let me help,” I say as I take some of the burgers and shit from Tamara’s over-laden arms.

“Thanks,” she says with a smile.

“Oh yeah, sure, help the new girl out, why don’t you,” Frankie laughs, but before I can retort, Slade is there taking the rest of the food from her. “Just saw Vivica storm out of here like her ass was on fire, tears streaming down her face, mascara tears at that. It was not a pretty sight,” Frankie says as we return to the kitchen to put the food away.

“It wasn’t pretty, but it was funny; I wanna thank whoever gave her the handprint,” Tamara says as she and Frankie bust out laughing.

“Hi, I’m Talia; I’m this asshole’s, little sister,” she says as she leans up on her tiptoes to hug Slade; she looks tiny next to him, and I can’t help but laugh; little T stares me down, though. That’s what I love about her; she doesn’t let the fact that I’m president bother her. She still treats me like another big brother, and I love her for it.

“I’m also the one who gave that bitch what she deserved; she won’t try to punch me again.”

“She tried to do fucking what?” Slade seethes as he slams the bags down on the kitchen counter. “I’ll kill her,” he continues to rant, but little T puts her hand on his chest.

“You’ll do nothing’; you know how this works. I’ve given her reason to stay away from me, and if she tries again, then I’ll knock her on her skinny ass; it’s that fucking simple, big brother,” Talia says, reassuring Slade that she can handle her shit.

“Who are you knocking on their ass, baby?” Spider’s voice has the girls jumping and squealing, “damn, didn’t mean to scare you, ladies,” the big fucker apologises as he dips down to kiss Talia, then the big bastard leans down and kisses her belly.

“Vivica thought she could try and come at me,” Talia starts, which makes Spider stand to his full height; he pulls her against his chest protectively, “I’m okay, big guy. I got her good, and I doubt she will try again,” Talia tries to reassure him, but I see how his jaw is set tight. He’s pissed, and rightly so; Vivica knows better than to try anything with an old lady; she’s a club bunny, and the old ladies come before her; they rule the roost, and they are the ones who decide if the club girls get to stay.

“Spider, this is Tamara, our temporary guest,” Frankie says; Tamara leans forward, offering the big giant her hand. She doesn’t seem bothered that the guy is taller than me; he’s at least six foot eight.

“Nice to meet you,” she says shyly, looking away from Spider and Talia.

“Nice to meet you too, little lady, I’m sorry that you’re seeing this side of me, but when it comes to my woman and that little bundle growing in her belly, I’m a damn caveman,” Spider says as he finally lets Talia step away from him.

Chapter 8


WatchinghowSpiderandTalia are with each other makes my heart hurt; he is so protective of her, and you can see just by watching them that they love each other deeply. Even now, as Talia steps away from him, Spider is watching her as she moves around the kitchen, it's cute.

Talia seems really cool, and I have massive respect for her, especially after knowing that she was the one who slapped Vivica; I’ve been dying to do that since the first day that I met her, but I wanted to keep a low profile, so I didn’t. The hair on the back of my neck stands up, the feeling of being watched making me alert; I look around the kitchen and find Zayde watching me from the doorway, his onyx eyes tracking me like a predator tracks its prey, it should make me feel nervous but instead a shiver of need washes over me.
