Page 11 of Kindness

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The club girls are still drawing Tamara daggers every time she looks their way, but she doesn’t seem to give a shit; one of the prospects approaches the bar, and Tamara giggles at whatever he says to her, which has the hair on the back of my neck standing up so I signal for the kid to come over. He looks wary as he approaches us, Zayde and the guys are eyeballing me now, no doubt wondering what the fuck I’m doing.

“What was that?” I ask as the prospect stands looking at me, completely dumbfounded; the blank expression on his face has me wanting to punch the shit out of him. “With Tamara,” I say, gesturing to where she stands with her hands on her hips, she looks a little pissed off, but I don’t care at the moment.

“I was just talking to her,” the prospect stutters.

“Leave the damn kid alone, Slade,” Zayde huffs a laugh at my side; I wave my hand silently, telling the kid that he can go. We all laugh as he walks away, looking at his feet, relief completely taking over his body.

“Fucks sake thought he was gonna piss his pants,” Noah says as he finally manages to stop laughing. “What the fuck was that about anyway?” Noah asks; the rest of the guys all stare at me, so I do the only thing I can, I tell them everything.

Chapter 7


I’mwatchingherfromthe shadows like some creeper, but there’s just something about this girl. Something that has me both intrigued and cautious at the same time, Slade seems to have taken a shine to her already, which doesn’t bode well for us because he hasn’t had an interest like this in a woman. Ever.

I can already see that Frankie likes her, which is surprising because Frankie can’t seem to stand many of the club women unless you count the old ladies, in which case Frankie likes a few of them. Vivica appears to have already taken a dislike to Tamara, and from what I overheard, it’s because Slade made the woman sit down and eat with him; Viv seems to think that because Slade’s been fucking her, that gives her a place at his side but I’m sure that he will put her in her place and let her know what’s what soon enough.

Tamara and Frankie are chatting quietly at the bar; Tamara’s long red hair is now up in a ponytail, her green eyes shining brightly as she smiles at something Frankie says to her.

“You gonna go and talk to her, or are you just gonna stare at her all day, Pres?” Jace’s deep voice drawls, shit! I didn’t hear the fucker coming to stand beside me. “She’s hot; think she’d be up for some fun?” The fucker asks with a grin, I elbow him in the ribs, and he looks at me, curiosity shining in his eyes. “Shit, Pres. That fucking hurt,” he grumbles as he turns to watch our red-haired beauty.

“You believe Damons’s story about why she’s here?” I ask him because I know that Jace won't bullshit me; he always tells me the facts.

“Not sure; she seemed to want to interrupt when he said about an ex, but then it’s almost as if she thought better of it; there might be more to this than we thought. I found her school record; she attended Royal Cross University studying fuck knows what because there wasn’t much information in the file.” Jace is our best hacker, and if he can’t find much, then it sets alarms off in my head because that fucker can find anything about anyone, so if he can’t find anything, then it means that there is more to her story than Damon first told us.

“Her mum was admitted to hospital a few days ago, St Prince’s, something about a mental break, no information on who her father is. I’m going to dig deeper after I have some food; I’m sure I’ll be able to find something on this girl; it’s just going to take time.”

“Thanks, man, you got this; I have faith in you.” Jace is like a dog with a fucking bone when he has a task to do, so I know that he will do everything that he can to sort this out and get us the information that we need about this girl; until then, I’ll continue watching from a distance.


“Umm, Zayde?” An angelic voice breaks me from my thoughts; I turn and come face to face with Tamara, her green eyes watching me cautiously. She’s like a doe caught in the headlights; she worries her lip between her teeth as she waits for me to say something. “Frankie sent me to tell you that we need to go to the store and get food for the barbecue tonight,” she says when I don’t speak.

“Prospect!” I bark at Grudge, who has just walked through the clubhouse door, heading straight for the sanctuary.

“Pres?” He says as he approaches Tamara and me, I watch the way she shrinks slightly away from him, and I haven’t a clue why because, as far as I know, he has never laid hands on a woman before, but watching her response to him has the hairs standing up on the back of my neck, I’ll get answers from this fucker.

“Sanctuary. Now!” He nods and turns away from us, “Slade, take Frankie and Tamara on a run, will ya?” I ask, but he won’t say no; the fucker knows better. We agreed last night that Tamara doesn't roam free until we know about her.

“Got it, let’s go, ladies,” the fucker says with a chuckle as he slings an arm over Tamara’s shoulder and looks back at me with a wink.

“Noah,” I say to my enforcer as he approaches me, “got a minute?”

“What’s up, Pres?”

“Any idea why our guest would shrink away from Grudge?” I ask him because I missed some shit when she first got here, he shrugs his shoulders. Fuck! So he doesn’t know either. “Do you want to help me find out?” I ask him with a sly grin.

Noah follows me to the sanctuary, where we find Grudge standing at the top of the table; his eyes widen as his Adam’s apple bobs in fear. He fucked up, somehow. I take my seat as Noah stands by the door so the fucker has nowhere to run.

“Sit,” I all but snarl at Grudge; he says nothing as he goes to sit in one of the empty chairs farther away from me; I kick out the chair to my left, “There.” He slowly walks to the pro-offered seat.

“Wanna tell me why I witnessed our new guest try to get as far away from you as possible?” I ask him; he says nothing for a minute or two, no doubt trying to figure out what to tell me.

“No idea, Pres. Maybe she doesn’t like me,”

“Nah, that’s not it,” Jace says as he struggles to get past his twin; Noah looks between Jace and Grudge and then back to me. “Fucker put his hands on her this morning when she was cleaning, and Tyson put him on his arse,” Jace elaborates. I feel the red mist start to descend as my heart rate picks up; one thing I will not stand is a man who puts his hands on an unwilling woman.

“Pres, I, I can ex, explain,” Grudge stutters out as he gulps, realising how fucked he is. I stand to my full height; at six foot three, I tower over Grudge, who’s barely five foot seven.
