Page 16 of Kindness

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“Hey Dax, ignore the grumpy dick, what’s up?”

“Your father and that shithead that he wants you to marry have teams of men out looking for you, and for some reason, one of the teams seems to be heading closer to the compound,” Dax snarls, down the phone, oh shit he’s pissed but also concerned I think, just judging by the way he seems to be struggling to contain his anger right now.

Zayde’s body goes rigid at the side of me, telling me that he heard everything Dax just said; I look up at him, tears forming in my eyes; he snatches the phone from my hand as my entire body begins to shake, and I’m struggling to hold myself up right now, my instinct is to run so I start to turn back towards where everyone else is still partying and drinking.

“Don’t even think about it, princess,” Zayde says as he takes hold of my arm, halting any movement. I struggle in his grip, and his hold loosens slightly, so I take off at a run.

“Fuck! I’ll call you fucking back,” I hear him curse as I take off, skirting around the makeshift cage; Talia and Frankie jump out of their seats, I can hear them yelling my name, but I run faster; the heels I’m wearing clicking against the concrete rapidly. I can see the main gate just in front of me, but before I reach it, strong arms take hold of me.

“Where are you running to baby girl?” I struggle in Jace’s hold, but he only holds me tighter, “ain’t gonna happen, not until I find out what the fuck is going on,” he says in my ear as he begins walking backwards. He spins around so he can walk better but doesn’t loosen the hold he has on me; my breathing is rapid as I struggle to breathe. My father can’t find me here; he will kill everyone for hiding me from him.

“LET ME GO!” I scream as I try to fight against Jace; tears are streaming down my face.

“Not a chance,” Zayde says as he stops in front of us; Jace loosens his grip just a little, and I think I can get out of it, but I instantly find myself surrounded by Zayde, Noah, and Slade. “Something you wanna tell us, princess,” Zayde sneers at me, then looks over my shoulder to Jace, a grin forming on his face.

“You know,” it’s a statement, not a question. My body flops, and all hope of running is gone; if they know who I am, then there’s no way I can get out of here.

“We do. Jace had an interesting call this morning with one of the best hackers around, who had some very insightful things to tell us,” Noah says with a grin. Slade won’t meet my eyes; they are all looking at me with disgust and hatred, but I have no idea why. I have never met these men in my life.

“Ah, I can see you’re trying to piece it all together, trouble. Don’t worry, we will explain soon,” Slade says as I feel a prick in my neck; darkness pulls me under before I can fully process what’s happening; just before my eyes close, I hear Frankie and Talia yelling at the guys.


She goes limp in my arms, the tears still collecting in the corners of her eyes. Jamee told me everything about her this morning; her real name is Tamara Caddel, and her bastard of a father is the one who arranged for Talia to be kidnapped. As soon as I got off the phone, I immediately told Zayde, who called a private meeting with my brother and Slade; it was agreed that we would keep it from her for the time being to see if we could figure out why she was here but as usual that all went to shit.

“What the fuck are you all doing with her?” Talia and Frankie both demand simultaneously, “We need to get her to the house; what did you give her?” my sister asks, and she’s furious.

“You need to calm the fuck down,” I growl at her, “stress is not good for the fucking baby.”

“Stress, fucking stress. I wouldn’t be stressed if I hadn’t just witnessed you fucktards drug an innocent girl, one who you are supposed to be protecting,” she spits as she jabs me in the chest with her finger. Slade pulls her into his arms as she begins to sob.

“Look, there are things about this girl that you don’t know; Viv was right to be concerned,” Slade pipes up; Talia glowers at her brother and pushes away from him.

“What the fuck, have you had a brain transplant? Since when do you agree with Vivica?” she continues to demand. Zayde gestures for me to carry the unconscious beauty in my arms to the clubhouse.

“I want her guarded at all times; only one of us enters that room, no one else,” he orders, making sure that Frankie and Talia know they aren’t allowed near her. “Until we get the answers from her that we need, she is no longer a guest in this compound,” with that, Zayde storms away from us. Slade looks like he wants to argue, but decides better of it; he knows that we need to hear everything that she knows; she is the daughter of our enemy, after all.

I carry her into the clubhouse, past the bar and down the stairs to the basement. We have rooms down here; well, they’re more like cells, except there aren’t bars on the door. Instead, all the doors have digital locks on the outside, making it impossible for anyone to break out of. I place her down on the bed, sweeping their hair out of her face; she looks so innocent that I have to shake myself mentally.

As I exit the room and lock the door, I spot my brother descending the stairs,

“Think she knows anything?” he asks as he approaches me; I shake my head because, honestly, I don’t think she knows anything; she looked too shocked when she realised that we knew who she really was, but then again, she could be an excellent actress. “Zayde’s pissed; he seems to think that her being put here was a ploy to get close to us and then retake Talia,” my twin says as we walk back up the stairs.

“No way, brother. She was too shocked, I find it hard to believe, but then again, I could be wrong; I guess we will need to wait until she wakes up to find out exactly what she knows,” I say as I close the basement, turning the key in the lock and placing the key into my pocket. We pass the bar where Spider sits on one of the couches with a sobbing Talia in his lap.

“At least tell us that she won’t be fucking harmed, Zayde. You owe us that fucking much,” Frankie demands as she points the finger at our Prez; Zayde grabs hold of her wrist and pins her with a glare.

“I don’t have to tell you shit, this is club business, and she will be dealt with however we decide; she has answers that we fucking need,” he growls as his phone starts to ring. “What the fuck do you want,” he spits.

“Where is she, Zayde,” Dax demands as his voice booms through the clubhouse. Zayde keeps the phone on speaker as he heads back towards the sanctuary; Slade, Noah, and I follow him, leaving Spider with Talia and Frankie.

“She is still here,” Zayde says as I close the door behind us, keeping the rest of the brothers out of the room; I’m hoping that they’re all too drunk to notice that we are missing, they will be pissed at us for keeping this from them, but until we decide on a course of action, this shit will remain between us four.

“She doesn’t know anything; she has no idea what went down with Thomas when he had Talia taken, hell the only reason we found out was that one of the other guys got too cocky and started running his mouth, you have to understand that. Surely,” Dax says, trying to reason with Zayde, but from the set in his jaw and the fact that his pupils are blown, I know there ain't no way of talking to Zayde, at least not tonight while it’s still raw.

I take the phone from in front of Zayde; he says nothing, just nods his head, almost like he knows what I’m going to say.

“She won’t be harmed, not if everything that you just told us is true, but I can assure you if we find out that she was in any way involved, then she will be dealt with,” as I say the words, bile creeps up my throat. I feel sick, threatening a woman like this, but Dax has to know that we are serious.
