Page 17 of Kindness

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“She doesn’t,” he says. I don’t wait to hear if he is going to say anything else. I hang up the phone and put it back down on the table.

“Think he’s telling the truth?” Noah asks us; the silence in the air as we wait for Zayde to answer is heavy.

“He better hope to fuck that she doesn’t know anything.”

Chapter 11


Islowlypeelmyeyes open, nausea swirling in the pit of my stomach. I have to take a minute to get my bearings; my heart rate kicks up. My head pounding, almost like I drank too much last night, but I assume that it must be a side effect of whatever fucking drug those fuckers dosed me with. I have no fucking idea how they found out who I am; I was so careful and didn’t ever reveal anything to anyone. That’s when I remember what Noah said; Jace had a call from someone who must have been able to do some significant fucking intel on me.

A red mist descends as I feel my anger building; I wonder how long they have been digging. I can only assume that it’s been going on since I got here; the anger keeps building until I feel like I’m going to explode. I peel myself into an upright position; at least they had the decency not to tie me up. I take in my surroundings. I’m in what looks like a bedroom, except the door is made from heavy metal instead of the standard wood.

The room itself isn’t huge, just big enough for the bed, a small table that has a lamp on it, and that’s it. There’s enough space for me to get up and walk around a little, but I can already feel the walls closing in on me. The door groans as it gets pulled open, revealing Zayde in the doorway.

“Enjoying your new surroundings, princess?” he sneers at me; I stare him down, not making any comment even though I’m dying to tell the smug prick to go fuck himself. He doesn’t enter the room; he stands there watching me. I sit down on the bed and wait to see if he will say anything, “so, running away from your father and leaving your fiancé distraught, that’s a bit mean. Don't you think?” he says, finally breaking the silence that hangs between us.

“How long?” I croak out; he quirks a brow at me in question. “How long have you been digging?” I have to know the truth, but I’m buying time trying to decide how the fuck I explain this shit to him.

“Well, your story didn’t add up from the start, so I had Jace look into it, and when he couldn’t find anything, he reached out to the only other person that we thought could help; lo and behold, Jamee managed to find out everything.”

Tears run down my face, a mixture of anger and fear fuelling my desire to remain here, where I felt safe and wanted. I’ll even go as far as saying that I made some friends with Talia and Frankie.

“You have to let me explain,” I almost plead with him, and he shoots me a wide, toothy grin.

“Oh, you will get your say, but not before we get our fucking answers,” he almost growls at me, hatred in his eyes, but he also seems to be struggling with something, and I can’t help but wonder if maybe he doesn’t want to hurt me after all.

“Come with me,” he demands.

I get up on shaky legs. I’m trembling all over, and I can tell by the way that he’s watching me. He knows how scared I am; I follow Zayde out of the room and notice that I’m in some basement that has been sectioned into two rooms, going by the other metal door next to the room where I’m being kept. Zayde walks up the stairs into the clubhouse. The first thing I notice is the lack of people. Usually, the clubhouse would be full of the other club members and the second thing I notice is that Frankie and Talia are nowhere to be seen.

Zayde leads me past the kitchen and into the bar area, where I notice that the only other people up here are Slade, Noah and Jace, who are all sitting around one of the round tables.

“Sit,” Zayde gruffs out, gesturing to an empty seat in the corner between Noah and Jace.

“When I imagine a twin sandwich, this was not what I have in mind,” I mumble; Slade snickers, alerting me to the fact that I said that out loud, shit! Jace grins at me, but Noah merely looks disgruntled, so I decide to take one of the empty seats in front of the guys, “I’ll sit here if you don’t fucking mind,” my anger rising again because these fuckers are treating me like I’ve done something wrong.

“We’re surprised that you don’t know what you’re doing here,” Slade says once I’m sitting down, Zayde choosing to sit at my right side, I look at Slade, having no idea what the fuck he’s talking about. “Going to act like you have no idea what I’m talking about?” Slade asks.

“I have no fucking clue what you’re on about, you big fucking gorilla,” I growl out at him, “why the fuck am I here exactly?” I ask because I don’t want to play their fucking games.


“Talia, what about Talia?” these pricks are starting to piss me fucking off.

Zayde slides one hand under the table and produces a knife, Slade glares death stares at me, and the twins look like they want to murder me.

“I’m confused as fuck; what the hell is going on?” I ask them. Slade sucks in a harsh breath. Jace puts a hand on his arm.

“You don’t have to do this, brother,” Jace says to him.

“When Talia was a baby, my parents adopted her; one day, while they were at the doctor’s office, Talia went missing. We searched everywhere for her, but we couldn’t find her, so we got in contact with Dax and Damon, who helped us to track her down,” he starts to explain.

“What does that have to do with me?” I ask.

“Let him fucking finish,” Noah snarls as he leans across the table until he’s almost nose-to-nose with me.

“When Damon found her, she was at your father’s house in the Scottish Highlands,” Slade says, tears tracking down his face. What the hell?
