Page 18 of Kindness

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“That’s….” I don’t finish my sentence; I try to remember back. Talia is about three years younger than me, and I don’t remember seeing a baby in the house when I was little. Considering that at the age of three, we were living in that house, it seems almost impossible.

“You have to be wrong,” I mutter, but all four stare at me, Slade shaking his head.

“Your father had plans for my sister because her arsehole of a mother gambled too much and owed your father money, so he thought he could get it back by convincing Talia’s whore of a mother to trade her debt for her baby,” Slade spits out.

My stomach rolls, and I feel sick. I knew my father was a bastard, but doing this, indeed, he fucking wouldn’t. I don’t notice the tears running down my face until Zayde scoops one onto his finger.

“Are those real?” he asks.


She genuinely seems like she’s crying real tears, but until I know for sure, I lock down the guilt that’s currently eating at me; we were heartbroken when Talia was taken. I was eighteen then and we had to ask Zayde’s father for help. Zayde currently has his eyes on Tamara, watching her every move, we expected her to try and run as soon as she was in the bar, but she didn’t, so that partially tells me maybe she didn’t know what the fuck went on.

She smacks Zayde’s hand away, glaring at him.

“Of course, they’re fucking real arsehole; what kind of heartless bitch do you take me for,” she all but snarls at him. My dick goes rock hard at the tone of her voice; I love the fact that she has a little bit of fire about her; she isn’t going to take our shit; I know that much.

Jace sniggers, even Noah has a slight smile on his face, and that fucker doesn’t smile very often; Zayde remains stoic and silent, the big bastard.

“So, my father took Talia, and you think I knew?” she asks; she’s a clever little one.

“Not exactly,” I say, “we think that your father has hidden you here in some vain attempt to get close to us and retake Talia,” as I say the words, I watch her. Looking for changes in her body language, anything that will give us concrete proof that she was up to something. She lets out a belly laugh, tears running down her face as she falls off of her chair onto the floor, barely able to breathe.

She finally manages to pull herself back up onto her seat, “seriously. You pricks think that’s why I’m here,” she says as her laughter slows to a halt. “You couldn’t be farther from the truth,” she says as she stands and sashays across to help herself to a bottle of juice from behind the bar. We wait with bated breath to see what she will do next, and she surprises the shit out of me by coming back over and sitting her fine ass back down beside Zayde; I’m a little jealous that she’s sitting so close to my Prez; I fucking wish it was me.

“I’m here because my father expects me to marry some pompous dickhead to gain more allies, no doubt, and since I didn’t want to marry the asshole, Dax decided to get me the fuck out of there.” The thought of another man touching her has the red mist descending as the anger demands justice; she’s mine, and no one else can have her. I'd maybe consider sharing her with Zayde and the twins but no one else.

The guys all remain quiet. I have no idea what to say to her, and I can tell by the silence that the rest of the guys feel the same; the tension in the room has gone up between us all as we sit there, all lost in our thoughts.

“So you’re not here for any other reason than to hide from your father and your fiancé?” Zayde pipes up after a few minutes. His question surprises the shit out of me because he genuinely seems like he wants to know.

“Nope, I’m only here because Dax and Damon, for some stupid fucking reason, thought that I’d be safer here with you assholes than I was at home with my psychotic father and his fucked up pompous friends. Instead you drug me and then lock me fucking up and accuse me of being here to take away one of the two friends that I’ve made in the short time I’ve been at this damn compound.”

Her words cut deep and make me feel like a total dick; I look down, noticing that my hands are shaking; they haven’t done that in years, not since I was a kid. My body is trying to tell me that I need to chill and calm down before I black out and forget what the fuck is going on, or I end up seizing on the damn floor. My medication had been helping with the seizures, but I have forgotten to take them all week, ever since Tamara arrived, because they make me feel like shit, and all I want to do is sleep when I’m on them.

Jace notices my hands and squeezes my shoulder in what I imagine is supposed to be a reassuring gesture, but it pisses me off that I’ve let my defences down, and the guys can see my weakness looking up The first thing I see is Tamara locked in a stare off with Zayde and Noah, I let out a chuckle that draws their attention to me so I try to cover it with a cough.

But judging by the daggers Zayde is throwing me, I’m gonna say I wasn’t as discreet as I thought; this whole situation is fucked because Tamara has clawed her way into my heart even though I am still trying to fight the decision to believe her is already set in my mind, it’s going to be hard to convince the others that maybe, just maybe she’s telling us the damn truth. It’s fucking frustrating me, but I’ve decided I’m going to give her the benefit of the doubt.

“Say we decide to believe you. How can we know that you’re telling the truth?” I ask, breaking the tension that’s still building between us all; the guys all turn and glower at me, and I hold my hands up, silently asking them to give me a minute.

“Easy, dumbass,” she retorts, making me smile a wide toothy grin.

“When your hacker friend over there had his other buddy look into me, he would have found all the information about my fiancée,” she sneers as she starts fidgeting with her hands. I turn my attention to Jace, who shrugs his shoulders.

Her melodic laugh pulls all of our attention, and then it turns to her full-on belly laughing; we all look at each other, well and truly confused.

“Seems I’m not the only one keeping secrets, doesn’t it?” By this time, there are tears rolling down her cheeks from her laughing so damn hard; I’m not sure whether she’s talking about Jace or Jamee, but whoever found out she was engaged and didn’t share it is going to be on the receiving end of a fucking beating.

Zayde turns to Jace and asks, “Well?” Our president questions him, and Jace holds his hands up in defence.

“Okay, fine. Jamee did find out that she’s engaged to Aiden Barra, the son of Dean Barra, who runs Royal Cross University.” This time, it’s my turn to snarl at Jace.

“YOU FUCKING KNEW AND DIDN'T TELL THE REST OF US!” Zayde bellows as he jumps out of his seat, knocking over the table.

“That’s my cue to leave,” Tamara says as she stands and skirts around the table, leaving us glaring at each other.

Chapter 12
