Page 23 of Kindness

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“Are you gonna stand there all night, brother?” he asks Jace, now it’s my heart that’s beating a million miles a minute, shit! I’m so fucking screwed, the twins are fucking gorgeous, and I’m going to be sandwiched in between the two of them for the whole night. Jace removes his t-shirt revealing huge, bulging muscles that make my mouth water; holy fuck I’m going to die, I think to myself. He then leaves the room for a minute, returning wearing a pair of basketball shorts that hang low on his hips; Jace climbs in, curling up on my right side while his brother shifts me slightly to pull me even closer to him. I let their combined heartbeats lull me to sleep.

Chapter 16


Herbreathingisevenas she lies between my twin and me. My heart almost jumped out of my chest when Noah pulled her down into bed with him. He has never shared a bed with any woman for more than a few hours, but now that he’s had her in his bed, I can guarantee that he won’t sleep again without her. But then again, if she chooses to leave, then he won’t have much of a choice, and that thought has me wanting to murder her father all over again.

Her prick of a fiancé is still out there, too; we need to discuss how the fuck we are gonna get rid of that bastard.

“Would you tell your brain to shut the fuck up?” Noah says sarcastically. I flip the fucker off. Not that he can see me because he’s still lying with his back to me. “I heard that dickhead,” he laughs.

“You heard me giving you the finger?” I mock.

“Yeah, now shut the fuck up so Tamara can sleep,” he says as he gently tugs her closer to him. She’s slowly but surely bringing us all to our fucking knees. We are starting to see that there’s more to her than we first thought, and maybe, just maybe, she is more than just our enemy’s daughter. I know we all feel something for her. Hell, I’ve seen the way the guys are around her, and I now know she has slept with two out of four of us.

The idea of sharing a woman was always a foreign concept to me. But now, with her here beside us, I’m not sure I could keep her away from the guys. It all depends on how my green-eyed monster reacts to seeing her with them. But I’m getting ahead of myself; she has to say yes first, and so do the guys, so I’m keeping my thoughts to myself. Just for a bit, anyway. My eyes droop closed as I listen to my brother and our girl gently snoring.


My eyes pop open, light assaulting me as I realise that we didn’t pull the curtains closed last night. The first thing I notice is that I’m in bed alone, my brother and Tamara nowhere in sight, so I throw back the covers and climb out of bed, stretching as I walk out the door. The sound of chatter comes along the hallway; I can hear the soft sound of Tamara laughing; as I enter the kitchen, my phone rings, startling both of them; they both turn and stare at me.

“Pres?”I say as I answer the phone.

“Viv is at the clubhouse. Demanding to see Slade,”

“The big bastard isn’t here,” I say, then I stop because, sure enough, not only are Tamara and Noah in the kitchen, but Slade has just walked in the back door, “never mind. He’s here, I’ll let him know,” I say as I hang up, putting my phone back in my pocket. I walk around the table towards where Tamara sits on the counter watching Noah cook eggs.

“You’ve got a visitor,” I tell Slade as I kiss Tamara’s cheek. She looks at me, blushing. I decided last night while she slept that I’m done fighting my feelings and attraction to her. Then my words register, and I watch as her face morphs into anger; she jumps off the counter and storms back towards Noah’s room.

“Shit!” Noah and Slade both curse at the same time; Noah removes the pan from the cooker, switching it off at the wall, and we all rush to get dressed. She’s got her jeans and t-shirt on before we even make it to the bedroom; I throw on a t-shirt, not bothering to change my shorts.

“She’s dead,” Tamara says, venom lacing her tone; damn, our girl is hot when she’s pissed off.

“I am not pissed off,” she states, which makes me look around the room. Yeah, I must have said that out loud. We leave the house and make our way to the clubhouse, I enter first, and Vivica is leaning against the bar, looking entitled as fuck.

“What the fuck is this bitch doing back here?” Tamara’s voice thunders across the bar. Fuck! We’re screwed, that’s when Vivica decides to open her stupid mouth.

“I guess your pussy just isn’t good enough for them, sweetie,” Vivica taunts her. Tamara raises her brow as Slade grins.

“May I?” she asks me, and I nod so she squeezes between Slade and me. Her tits press up against my body, and her hand “accidentally” squeezes my dick. “Ooops,” she breathes.

Tamara approaches Vivica as the other club girls who’ve gathered stand and watch, not that she acknowledges them yet. Viv throws her shoulders back, thinking she is tougher than the girl glaring at her now. In the blink of an eye, Tamara grabs a fistful of her hair and slams her face down onto my bar. Blood pours from Vivica’s nose as she falls to the floor, screaming like a banshee. Vivica has managed to pull herself up off of the floor, but blood is still pouring down her face. Harley throws her the box of tissues from my desk.

“Do not get blood on the fucking floor. It’s a bitch to clean up.” She smirks at Viv. “Now, where were we? Oh yeah, I remember now. You’re a dirty, lying slut who wanted to get rid of me, right?” Tamara demands as she stalks closer to Vivica, who at least has the sense to shrink back slightly.

Vivica furiously shakes her head. “N-n-no. Grudge said it would be the only way we could guarantee getting rid of you.”

Tamara laughs at her, a full-on belly laugh. “Oh, my fucking damn, you are thick, aren’t you? Fucking moron! I guess Grudge didn’t tell you everything then.” Without a clue about what she was about to do, Tamara pulls a knife from Noah’s hand and slams it into Vivica’s hand, effectively pinning her to the bar.

I have to adjust my dick and notice Barker doing the same. Damn, our girl is hot when she’s stabby. “Baby, stop playing with her,” Slade playfully chastises her as Vivica’s eyes widen with the realisation of what Slade has just called Tamara.

Tamara nods her head. “I’m almost done,” she says as she calmly approaches Vivica again. She grabs another fistful of her hair, which causes Viv to gasp at the unknown of what Tamara is going to do next. Tamara grabs hold of Noah’s knife once again and brings Vivica’s head closer, yanking at it as she begins hacking Viv’s hair off. Tamara’s movements are jerky because she has to use more force behind each swing due to the dull edge. Viv starts screaming as if the blade was penetrating her skin instead of shortening the dead hair follicles on her head. She’s crying with snot and spit flying everywhere.

Tamara triumphantly holds Vivica’s hair in her hand before throwing it at me. She grabs Viv’s face by her chin, forcing her to face me too. They stand side by side, but they couldn’t be further apart. One is strong, beautiful, and resilient, while the other is a fake who couldn’t hack it in my world by my side. “Touch her again, and the next time we have a conversation, she’s dead,” she growls at Slade as she throws Vivica towards him.

Slade looks down at Viv, disgust written all over his face, “don’t worry, Trouble. Ain’t gonna happen,” he states as he stalks towards Tamara and pulls her into his arms.

“That goes for the rest of you,” she says as she looks pointedly at each of us. I guess the decision has been made then; she’s ours now, and I can’t stop the feral grin that takes over. Zayde chuckles as he steps over Vivica and stands beside Tamara and Slade.
