Page 31 of Kindness

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“I think someone is hungry again,” Talia says with a chuckle as she takes the baby from Tamara. Spider helps Talia pop a little blanket over her top half so she can feed the baby. Everyone talks amongst themselves, and for the first time in months, I relax knowing that our girl is safe and so is Talia and the baby now that Thomas is dead.


Holding Freya in my arms is the most relaxing thing in the world; there’s just something about having her there that helps soothe my worries and stress away. My father is no longer a threat to her or Talia, and I can enjoy myself for the first time in my life. The clubhouse door opens, and Mum walks in with Edna, Vic, and another guy I don’t know.

“Guys, I would like to introduce you to my brother, Alec,” Vic says as he approaches our table. We all smile and say hello. Zayde moves over, making room for my mum to sit beside me, Alec sits on her other side, and I notice how close they are.

“Tamara, I wanted to talk to you,” Mum says, her voice barely above a whisper, so I turn to face her. “Alec has asked me to have dinner with him tonight, but I wasn’t sure how you would feel about that.”

“Do you like him?” I ask her; mum looks unsure about how to respond, “Mum, it’s ok if you do, Dad’s gone, and let’s face it, things were never really that great between you two anyway. You deserve to have some fun and be happy,” I tell her as I warmly hug her.

“I like those men; they better be good to you. I know people,” she says with a giggle.

“You mean you know Dax and Damon,” Jace says as he sits opposite mum and me, she blushes. “Trust me, Lianna, we have no intention of ever causing your daughter any harm,” he states reassuringly as he winks at me. Mum and Alec start talking to each other as Vic and Edna sit opposite them; I’m glad that Mum is settling in here and making friends.

“Your mum is one amazing lady,” Edna says, breaking me from my thoughts. “We have so much in common. I can see us being very close friends,” she says with a smile, which Mum returns.

“She has always been important to me. Mum is my best friend and always there for me, so I know you two will be great friends, Edna. Thank you for making her feel welcome around here,” I say as Mum smiles wider.

The conversation around me has come to a halt; as I look around the room, I realise why, there standing at the clubhouse door is Vivica, flanked by the two prospects who were operating the gate earlier.

“This bitch,” I seethe as I stand, Mum tries to stop me, but I move fast. “Are you hard of fucking hearing or something?” I snarl as I get in her face. Vivica steps back away from me, so it seems she has learned something.

“I just wanted to talk,” she mumbles, barely loud enough to be heard.

“To who?” I demand as my guys surround me.

“You and the guys. I wanted to apologise to you for how I treated you and for trying to get in between you and the guys,” she says as her whole body trembles slightly. “It won’t happen again, but I want to come back,” she pleads, “this place is all I have; my family want nothing to do with me anymore.”

I look around the room, noticing that none of the other girls have moved to come to her defence; the guys don’t speak. They’re just waiting, most likely to see what I’m going to do.

“Let’s talk,” I say as I head to the bar where Frankie starts pouring some shots; Vivica takes a seat on my left side, and turning to face her, I notice that my guys have returned to our table. I can’t help but grin at the fact they are giving me my place and allowing me to deal with this my way. “Talk.”

“Grudge was the one who was trying to get me to get the guys to change their minds about having you around. He had a deal with your father and Aiden that if he managed to get you out of here and back home, then your father would hand him a hundred grand, and Grudge could leave Beastville for good.” Vivica starts. “He said that if I made your life miserable, then you would leave, and he would make sure that Slade and I ended up together; he knew I have loved Slade since I was eighteen years old. I ran away from home after my dad beat the shit out of me one night while he was drunk, and somehow I ended up here; Zayde’s father took me in and let me sleep here, then when I turned eighteen I started sleeping with his then VP, but after Zayde’s father died. He took over I met Slade and instantly fell for him but I’ve come to realise it was only because he was nice to me. He paid attention to me and made sure I had everything I ever needed; I swear, Tamara, I’m over it,” she states.

“You know it’s not my choice, right?”

“That’s where you’re wrong. You’re their queen, which means you have as much say as they do; why do you think the rest of the girls haven’t come to try and help me? They know better.” As I looked around the room, I noticed that everyone was watching me, even my mum.

“You stay away from them,” I state. Vivica jumps out of her seat and pulls me in for a hug, tears running down her face, making her look like a panda because her mascara is running.

“Thank you,” she says as she turns and heads towards the rest of the club girls.

“You handled that well,” Noah says as he wraps his arms around my waist, “she’s right, you know. Your word holds just as much weight as ours around here now.”

“Take me home,” I say, my voice low and husky; he grins as he scoops me up and throws me over his shoulder, striding out of the clubhouse. From this angle, I see the other guys throwing back their drinks as they scramble to follow us.




I watch as Noah and Jace chase our three-year-old Damien around the garden, my mum laughing as she takes pictures; they look ridiculous. The guys have their faces painted orange with tiger stripes, while Damian is a zebra; I love watching how my guys are with our son.

“I don’t know who’s worse. Damien or the twins,” Slade says as he brushes my hair out of my face; Zayde chuckles from his seat beside us.

“Definitely the twins,” he chuckles.
