Page 32 of Kindness

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“Mummy, save me,” Damien says as he flies into my arms, bumping my belly as he does, “sorry,” he apologises.

“It’s okay, baby, mummy’s fine,” I reassure him. He lies his head down on my growing bump; baby’s two and three are due in a month. We assume that one of the twins is the father, but we all agreed that when I was pregnant with Damien, we didn’t care, so we have never done a DNA test on him, and it will be the same when the twins are born. Our life over the last four years has been amazing. I mean, sure, we have had our ups and downs, and there have been days where I wanted to strangle each of the guys, but let’s face it, no relationship is perfect.

Mum and Alec moved in together two years ago, and he has been brilliant; he makes Mum laugh, and it warms my heart; Damien has started calling him grandpa. The first time he said it, Alec stuttered; he wasn’t sure what to say, but when we didn’t correct our son, Alec’s face lit up. He never had children of his own, his first wife passed over fifteen years ago, and mum has been his only relationship since; Alec has become a father to me, too; it’s nice having a man like him who cares and understands our past.

The back gate opens, and Freya rushes past us, heading straight for Damien; she has taken to calling him little cousin even though there is only a year between them. They are the cutest when they are together; they’re always up to something. Last week, they somehow managed to get into the sweetie cupboard, and we found them half an hour later passed out on the kitchen floor, chocolate wrappers all around them. How they weren’t sick, we have no idea.

“How ya feeling, sweetie?” Talia asks as she sits down on one of the seats opposite me.


“You’re not fat, woman. Do I have to take you inside and show you how gorgeous you are?” Noah chastises as he reaches us; I shake my head. My hormones are all over the place at the moment, but right now, sex is the last thing on my mind; the guys have been great. They don’t mind the lack of sex. They manage to find other ways to give me pleasure, and when there are four of them, you can bet your ass there’s a new way every single time. Twinges in my stomach pull me from my pity party as a gush of liquid floods the seat.

“Shit!” Talia yells; the guys all surround me, concern on each of their faces. “I think you guys better get my sister to the damn hospital,” Talia states as Slade rushes inside to grab the baby bag. Noah and Jace help me as Zayde runs to get the car out of the garage.

“Mummy!” Damien screams as he runs towards me, his little legs barely keeping him up, and Spider has to grab him before he falls flat on his face.

“We got him,” mum says reassuringly as she takes Damien from Spider. “Mummy has to go to the hospital, Bubba; your little sisters have decided they want to meet you,” she tells him, which makes him smile and laugh.

“Bye, mummy,” Damien says as he waves us off.

I shuffle to the car wedged in between the twins as the pain builds. Zayde puts his foot to the floor as soon as we are all in.

“I promise I won’t pass out this time,” he says from the driver’s seat, making the rest of the guys chuckle.


Twelve excruciating hours later our twin girls are lying in their mothers arms, Tamara had to have a c-section to deliver the twins who were born two weeks early but both are healthy so the hospital will be letting us take them home. They both have Noah’s light brown hair, not that any of us give a fuck. We couldn’t care less who the father is as long as all our kids are happy and healthy, which Damien is, and I know for a fact the girls will be too.

“They need names,” Tamara says, breaking me out of my thoughts. I turn and look at her; she’s gorgeous. Slade is sitting on the bottom of her bed while Noah and Zayde are sitting in chairs on either side.

“Lily and Rose,” Noah states. He has had those names in his head since Tamara was pregnant with Damien; our girl nods and hands him one of the girls. “Lily,” my brother says to the baby, whose hair is just a shade darker than her sister; he places her in her tiny little cot and then takes Rose from Tamara, placing her down beside her sister. The hospital tried to give us two of those little plastic cots, but the twins settled better when they were together.

The room door opens, and our little hurricane bounces in; he climbs onto the bed and snuggles with his mum.

“Where are the babies?” he asks as he sits up and starts looking around the room frantically. His eyes settle on the cot, and we all laugh as he visibly relaxes; climbing down from the bed, he toddles towards his sisters, “I’m gonna be the best big brother,” he states as he gently leans in and kisses the girls on their forehead. I can’t wait to get our family home and start living our lives together; for once, I feel at peace.

The End
