Page 9 of Kindness

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“Tyson!” Frankie yells at the colossal beast; it turns and looks at her before loping towards me, tongue lolling out and everything. You’d never know that just a few seconds ago, this dog was going to rip that guy’s throat out; the dog sits at my feet, and its huge head flops towards my hand.

“He wants you to scratch his ears, trouble,” Slade’s deep voice says; I jump at the sound; I was so hyper-focused on the dickhead on the ground that I never heard any other footsteps.

“Grudge, what the fuck are you doing down there?” Slade demands, so that's the dickhead's name, Grudge. I wonder how he got that nickname.

“N, nothin’”, he stutters as he hauls his arse up.

“He thought that he could put his hands on our newbie here and get away with it,” Frankie chuckles, “so I let Tyson out of the back room to teach him a lesson.”

“Tyson, here,” Slade demands, but the dog ignores him, instead choosing to allow me to continue scratching his ears. Slade laughs, “well, well trouble, seems you’ve got a new friend,” Slade says as he takes a seat at one of the tables, “Grudge, make yourself useful and sort some food,” he says to the other man. Grudge mutters something under his breath, and Slade is on his feet quicker than I can blink, “the fuck did you say, prospect?” Slade demands as he grabs Grudge by the throat, hauling him thoroughly to his feet.

“Nothin’,” Grudge manages to hush out as he dangles a few inches off the ground; Slade lets the man go.

“That’s what I thought, and from now on, keep your damn hands to yourself unless you wanna risk your patch.”

I get back to work, leaving Slade and Grudge to sort out their shit between them; Tyson flops down onto the floor, watching my every move. By the time I’ve finished helping Frankie, a few other bikers are milling around the clubhouse.

“You need to eat,” Slade says, pulling the cleaning supplies out of my hands and giving them to Frankie. I look up at him and then look at Frankie; she nods her head, so I follow Slade to a table. He places a plate down in front of me, “eat, you’ve been on your feet all morning and we can’t have you passing out on us now, can we?” he says with a chuckle. I ate the cheese sandwich and crisps that were on the plate without question, not realising how hungry I was.

Slade watches me; a cold, wet nose nudges my arm, and I look down and see that Tyson has managed to slink under the table. I laugh at how silly the huge dog looks, trying to make sure no one else sees him.

“Don’t feed him,” Slade says; how the fuck does he know I was thinking about feeding the dog? Tyson looks at me with huge brown eyes, so I break a piece of my sandwich off and give it to him, “you are gonna be trouble, aren't you?” Slade remarks as he watches the whole interaction between me and the dog.

“Nope,” I say, popping the p, “I just don’t like to see dogs go hungry. Well, animals of any kind, really,” Slade grins at me. I stand and clear my plate from the table, taking the dish to the kitchen. I come face to face with Viv.

“Slade’s mine, bitch, so you need to back the fuck off,” Viv snarls getting in my face; I push her back away from me.

“Then maybe you should tell him that, considering he was the one who told me that I needed to eat, don’t see him making sure you do,” I say with a little bite to my tone, “now get out of my fucking way, I have work to do,” I storm out of the kitchen and smash into a wall. Well, a wall of muscle, that is; I look up to see jade-green eyes staring down at me.

“Careful, sweetheart,” the guy says as he steadies me to stop me from falling backwards.

“Sorry, didn’t see you,” I mumble as the guy chuckles. He doesn’t say anything else. He just walks around me and heads away from the kitchen; I walk back into the main bar and see Slade still sitting at his table.

“Keep your girl away from me,” I growl at him; he looks at me, confused for a moment, and then he looks behind me, his eyes darkening slightly.

“She’s not my girl,” he says with a low tone.

“Maybe you need to tell her that then,” I retort before heading behind the bar to see if Frankie needs anything else from me today.

“Ignore Vivica, hun. She has been obsessed with Slade for years, but that man isn’t interested in her, well, not anymore,” Frankie says. It makes sense now, Vivica’s reaction to me sitting with Slade; some women need to get a grip. I’m not here to have a relationship with anyone; once it’s safe, my arse is out of here and away from all the bull shit and drama, never looking back.


The next couple of days followed the same pattern; I spent time during the day getting to know the layout of this place; Edna helped me so much by telling me which members live in which houses and who runs what. For instance, I find out that Frankie’s brother Benny, one of the club members, owns a cute little diner down the road from the compound. I ask Edna about the club girls because I’m curious to know who lives in the compound; well, I’m curious to know if Vivica lives in the compound.

“Most of the girls just fall wherever they happen to be; some will spend the night in one of the spare rooms in the clubhouse, a couple of them share one of the empty cottages, and that’s where Vivica lives. She shares with Candy and Courtney Edna. One morning, as we were tidying up in the kitchen after breakfast, I feel like I have spent my whole life around Edna and Vick, they are the most loving and caring people in the world, and it hurts my heart to think that one day I might have to leave them.

“Has she always been a…” I pause because I’m unsure if I'm out of line by continuing.

“Bitch?” Edna asks with a chuckle.

“Umm, yeah,” I say. “She seems to have an issue with me, and I have no idea why.”

“Oh my sweet, sweet girl, it’s not you that she has the issue with; it’s the fact that Slade and the other guys seem to be taken with you,” she says, laughter shining in her eyes. I shake off her words because the guys have avoided me over the last few days. “Okay, we are all done; go shower before work,” Edna says, shooing me out of the room.

I take my time getting ready, I usually don’t make a big issue, but tonight I want to look nice, so I decide to wear a pair of black skinny jeans, pairing them with a white halter top that has lace over the top of it, I keep my makeup base light but do a smokey eye to make my green eyes pop. Once I’m happy with my makeup, I pull my hair into a high pony, grabbing my trainers, I head out of my room and along the hallway. As I enter the living room, someone takes a sharp intake of breath; looking up, I come face to face with Slade.

“Holy fuck, you are not going out the door looking like that,” he states as he looks me up and down, slowly perusing my outfit; his eyes rest on my face, which is set in a firm line because who the fuck does he think he is, trying to tell me that I can’t go out looking the way I do. “Excuse fucking you,” I say with a bite to my tone, “who the fuck do you think you are? I can go out in whatever the fuck I want.” I stand toe to toe with him, granted the fucker towers over me, but his height doesn’t scare me. He looms over me, a maniacal look twisting his features as he takes hold of my arms and pins them above my head with one hand. I try to pull my hands out of his grip, but he’s too fucking intense. I go to lift my leg to knee him in the balls, but he grabs hold of my leg before I can get close enough; he dares to chuckle at me.
