Page 10 of Kindness

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Edna chooses that exact moment to enter the room, “let the girl go, you big fucking idiot,” she says with a chuckle as she watches us closely.

“Get off of me, you big fucking ape,” I say, trying to pull away from him, but Slade only grips hold of me tighter, and I know that I’m going to have bruises in the morning.

“Not a fucking chance,” he says as he begins to walk me along the hallway back to my room, Edna’s laugh following us the whole way.

“I'll let Frankie know that you’re gonna be a little late tonight, honey,” Edna says as Slade carries me farther away.

“Fuck, trouble,” he whispers in my ear as he continues to pull me backwards. Goosebumps rise along my skin, and a buzz washes over me. And although my mind screams at me to fight, to find a way to escape, my skin tingles in his hold; it’s as if my body is happy to be in Slade’s grip.He gentlykicks open my door and throws me onto my bed; I bounce slightly with the force.

I grit my teeth, containing the snarl threatening to erupt; he chuckles at me. I assume he can tell from my face that I’m not happy with him.

“What’s wrong, trouble? Don’t like being told what to do?” he asks as he keeps coming closer to me as if he’s stalking his prey. He grabs hold of one of my ankles, yanking me down the bed a little before he pounces on top of me.

He leans closer to me, inhaling a deep breath through his nose. “You smell too fucking good.” He sighs as he sits up slightly. Looking down at me, he says, “You don’t have to be miserable here. We could have some real fun together. I bet there are many things I could teach you. Like how it feels to be with a real man.” His words have heat pooling in my lower stomach, and my panties dampen as his rock-hard cock digs into my stomach. I try to even out my breathing and think of anything other than how his body feels against mine.

At this moment, his offer makes perfect sense; I might as well have some fun while I’m here before I either have to leave and run again or my father and Aiden inevitably find me and drag me back home kicking and screaming. Igive in to my desires. He wants to have fun with me, and honestly, I don’t mind, not in the slightest. My legs fall open, spreading further apart and allowing him to settle between them. His bulge presses against my sensitive centre and drags a needy moan from deep within me. Shifting my hips, I try to rub myself against him, searching for a relief that I know, deep down in my bones, only this man can give me. He chuckles wickedly at my movement, but instead of giving me what I want, he secures me in place with a hand on my hip, stilling my actions.

After a moment of just staring into my eyes, he slowly releases my hip and leans back, finally giving me a proper view of his gorgeous body. My mouth waters at the sight of him, and my core clenches. He rips his t-shirt off, throwing it across the room. His muscles are like etched-out granite and cover his entire torso, smooth, rippling, and divinely lickable. The need to touch him is overpowering and almost painful. I’ve never experienced anything like this before; excitement and nervousness creeps through me as I take him in. Having such an exquisite, albeit broody, man who wants me back causes my heart rate to go up a notch.

I’m ready to snap, my restraint slipping further and further from me. He reaches for the waistband of my panties, looking to me for confirmation to continue first. Like he even has to ask! My excited expression and the drool coming from my lips should tell him everything he needs to know, but I appreciate his consideration in wanting to be sure. This slight hesitation proves to me that I was right to trust him while I explore my sexuality and that I’m safe with him until I find my way back home. I nod several times as my answer, and the little chuckle that leaves his mouth as he removes my panties is like angelic music. He leisurely runs his tongue up the inside of my thigh, and when he reaches the apex, he gives my core a long, slow lick. He dips his tongue inside me before swirling it around my sensitive bud of nerves, causing me to jump and almost fall off the bed. My moans fill the room, and it doesn’t even occur to me to try and keep quiet. I am consumed by every sensation he is creating.

“Slade, I need you... now.” I moan as he deeply licks the inside of my soaking, wet centre. My head tips back, and I buck my hips, needing him deeper. He growls in satisfaction against my folds. The vibration of his growl ripples through me, and it’s such a fantastic feeling that I need more. I need so much more.

“Patience, trouble. If we go too quickly, this won’t last as long as I want it to, and I intend on making it last as long as possible,” he tells me in between peppering me with kisses and long teasing licks to my already over-stimulated nub.

“Please,” I beg because I can’t handle any more of his torture. My back arches in pleasure, and he pulls away, looking down at me. The passion swirling in his eyes is so intense that it makes me groan. I can’t resist pulling his face to mine, and I realise the sweet, honey taste on his tongue is all me.

“Now that I’ve got you dripping for me, I’ll give you what you want. What we both want,” he says before getting off the bed and dropping his pants and boxers. He opens a drawer in the bedside unit and pulls out a condom. I watch, mesmerised, as he glides it down his thick length. He climbs back onto the bed, gliding his hands up my legs and guiding them around his waist. He grips my hips, lifting my ass and opening me up to him more. I feel him stroke me along my entrance with his thick head, but it’s not enough, so I wriggle slightly to get what I’m desperate for. He is only too happy to oblige. Inch by inch, he enters me, stretching me. The burn I feel due to his vast girth is delicious.

Having him inside me, filling me, makes me feel whole. He pulls out, taking a small piece of me with him before sliding back in. Each time he thrusts into me, I feel like electricity is flooding my veins, and I can’t contain my moans. It’s not long until he has my sex clenching and the orgasm ripples through me. My body explodes in fireworks of pleasure. Soon after, Slade is falling along with me, grunting into my neck as he fills me. Rolling to his side while keeping me in his arms, we lay together, feeling each other and basking in the amazing afterglow. At this moment, my heart feels so complete that it could explode, and that’s a scary feeling because I’ve never felt like this before.

Slade gets up and walks to the bathroom, emerging a moment later with a damp cloth, and he gently cleans me up. I pull my panties and top back on, forgoing my bra as I snuggle farther down into the bed while watching him get dressed again.

As he pulls up his pants, his phone blares to life in his pocket.

Chapter 6


Igrowlasmyphone rings in my pocket, breaking me out of the sex-filled haze that I was just in, she’s fucking exquisite, and now that I’ve had her once, I know there’s no way I’m going to be able to let her go.

“This better be life and death,” I snarl into my phone; Jace’s chuckle comes through the line.

“Where the fuck are you, your beer is getting warm dickhead,” he says with a chuckle. I don’t tell him where I am at the moment; I tell him I’ll be there soon. I hate to leave, but I know Tamara will work, so at least I’ll still get to see her. She watches me from where she lies on the bed, her long red hair splayed all around her.

“You didn’t tell them you were with me,” Tamara states, hurt flashing across her gorgeous face, which she quickly hides with a small smile. I finish doing up my jeans, then lean down and kiss her.

“I want to keep being in this happy bubble with you, but you have to go to work,” I say with a chuckle. She slowly peels herself out of the bed and starts getting dressed again; as she pulls on her jeans, she winces a little, and I can’t contain the smile that spreads across my face, knowing that I’m the one she'll be thinking of any time she moves tonight. “I’ll see you soon, trouble,” I say as I open the door and leave her to get dressed.

“You better not break that girl’s heart,” Edna snarls at me as I walk past the living room, “she has a good heart, even I can see that.”

She smiles at me and heads towards the kitchen; her words roll around in my head as I walk towards the clubhouse. Tamara and I haven’t discussed anything, but I’ve already decided that she’s mine whether she wants to be or not; I have to figure out how the rest of the guys will take it when I tell them.

Rock music blares from the clubhouse; it gets louder the closer I get to the door; opening the door, the first thing I see is Tia, one of the club girls sucking Shaun’s dick. “Jesus Christ, take that shit upstairs,” I growl as I pass them; Shaun chuckles while Tia just keeps on sucking.

“Where the fuck have you been dickhead?” Jace demands as I take my seat at our table. I down the bottle of beer sitting on the table and motion for another one; a prospect has one in my hands before I can even put my first empty bottle back on the table. Just as I pop the top of the clubhouse door opens, and in walks my girl. She’s reapplied her makeup and looks good enough to eat; everyone in the clubhouse is watching her as she smiles widely at Frankie, who immediately grabs Tamara’s arm and starts hauling her behind the bar no doubt to start grilling her on where she has been.

“Damn, she might only be a job but fuck me, she looks hot,” Jace murmurs from beside me as he adjusts his dick; I elbow the fucker in the ribs, which elicits a chuckle from him. Even Noah and Zayde have their eyes glued on her; I don’t think it’s going to take much to convince them to share her with me; we watch as Tamara and Frankie talk animatedly, giggling now and then.
