Page 13 of Forbidden Desire

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The way Piper’s body felt against mine is still fresh in my mind, even if it was over twelve hours ago. I have a feeling it will still be fresh weeks from now, and I’m not sure how to handle her reaction to the moment. When I get to the backyard, I eye the items I have and make note of any others I need from the store, then get started on what I can right now.

I should’ve gone to the store hours ago, that’s why I wanted to start so early.

I’m so caught up in all the work I’m doing, I don’t notice anyone walking up on me until a hand comes down on my shoulder. My body jumps slightly and a deep chuckle echoes to my side, then John steps into view. “Jumpy much?” He says as he leans against the workbench in front of me.

“What’s up, man?” I ask while trying to keep my attention on the task at hand.

He clears his throat. “Just wanted to know what’s going on.”

My spine straightens and I give him a small smile. “I, uh, don’t know what you mean, John.”

John gestures to the plethora of equipment sitting out in front of me and throws his head back with a laugh. “With the addition.” He eyes me curiously and rubs his fingers over his chin. “You okay, man? You seem anxious, is it the addition?”

I shake my head and the nerves go away. Of course, he’s not asking me about Piper, why would he need to do that? “No, everything is fine. I’m just waking up and need to run to the store for some things.”

“Want me to run for you?”

I arch a brow. “Don’t you have things to do today?”

He sighs and nods slowly. “Probably, but I’m not really feeling it.” Then he claps and looks back toward the truck I brought with me, the one that will carry everything I need for the project. “So, want me to make the run?”

There was once upon a time when John would do this exact thing for me, but it’s been a while since those days, and it makes me smile. “Yeah, sure, that’d be great. Thanks.” I hurry over to the toolbox where I keep the truck key and toss them into his chest, then grab the list of things I need. “Try to get everything exactly as I have it on here. If they don’t have it, I’ll handle it myself.”

Once he’s gone around the corner, I sigh in relief that he hasn’t caught on to anything happening between Piper and I. I’m not sure how well that would go if he did.

Chapter Nine


Myassistant,Deanna,strutsinto the room like she’s on a catwalk and I have to hold back from rolling my eyes at her. Truth be told, if she wasn’t so amazing with everything, I probably would’ve fired her by now. I’ve heard whispers throughout the office that her favorite time of day is gossiping about coworkers with her friend, Nicole.

Nicole is an intern working with the photography team, and I’ve already told the photography manager that it’s her job to fire her employees. I’ve got enough on my hands with drawing up new designs, launching products, and handling all the issues that come with being a fashion designer.

Deanna sighs and flops onto the empty seat in front of my desk. “Gosh, I can’t wait for this launch to be over. I’m exhausted.”

This time, I do roll my eyes. “Tell me about,” I mumble, then go back to the shipping information in front of me. I’m not sure what’s going on with shipping, but I’ve had so many orders come back to me wrong and now I have to double-check the orders before letting them through.

“Everything looking good?”

I sigh and give her a small nod. “As far as I can tell.” Once I get to the end of the list, I sign my name at the bottom and hold out the slip of paper. “Go ahead and take this down to Barry, let him know the shipment is good when it gets here.”

She immediately stands and glides her hand over the front of her skirt, smoothing it down so the fabric is wrinkle-free. You’d think I’m the one who worries about the way my clothes look when walking around here, but I’ve given up as of lately. Except for when I walk outside, where there are usually a few journalists waiting outside for me — apparently, they can’t wait for the launch to get information.

As soon as the door closes behind Deanna, I rip open the top drawer of my desk where I stash my nutrition bars and practically shove the entire thing in my mouth at once. My stomach silences as I swallow thickly, content with the food settling into it, and I roll my chair back until I’m gazing out the floor-to-ceiling window behind me.

I have to admit, at least I have a decent view to look at when I’m here. I’m not sure what I would do if I didn’t have something to distract me from everything else going on. Just as I lay my head back and close my eyes, there’s a beep letting me know that Deanna is on the line.

“Yes?” I call once I press the button on my desk.

Deanna clears her throat and says, “Uh, there’s a man here for you, would you like me to send him in?”

That’s weird. I glance down at my calendar, which is color-coded with important meetings versus ones that can be rescheduled, and there’s no note of a meeting at this time. “Sure, send him in.” Might as well get whatever this is over with.

I’m rubbing at my temples when my office door opens then shuts softly. When I lift my gaze, I’m struck by the man standing in front of me, and confused by his random visit. “Beau, what are you doing here?”

The last thing I need is for him to see me in my element here, it’s not nearly as wonderful as the woman I am back home. He stuffs his hands into his pocket and walks further into the room, his eyes darting along the bland room. I’ve had to expand my headquarters multiple times over the years and the one thing I haven’t gotten to since the most recent expansion is decorating my office.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s a few fake plants sitting in the corners, along with a couple small canvas paintings that I thought would bring the room together, but there isn’t much else that screamsPiperin here.
