Page 15 of Forbidden Desire

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I grab my phone from my pocket, then the headphones from the other side, and crank the music up to full volume as I get started on this project. There’s not much time left before I’m done, then I’ll be leaving her behind. That sends an ache through my heart that I have no business having.

Ever since the night I had with her, I haven’t been able to do much else but think about her. That’s why I made a trip to her work yesterday, so I could see her in action and spend some time with her. I missed her, which is something I’d rather not say aloud. She almost got it out of me when she asked what I was doing in her office and I managed to dodge it in the best way I could think of.

Truth is, I had no plan when I entered the headquarters, only that I needed to see her. John has been around a few times in the last week since helping me get more supplies for the addition, caring for the horses. I guess with the launch looming closer and closer, Piper needs his help with them and he’s more than happy to do so.

I walk into the addition, admiring the work I’ve been able to finish since being here. Walls still need to be put up, painted, the place decorated the way Piper wants, but it’s still moving along quickly. It helps when I don’t have any other projects to work on while being here, which means I can give this my full attention from sunrise to sunset.

My breaths are even as I grab insulation and get situated in between the wooden beams, then continue with the rest of the room. I’m a sweaty mess by the time I’m finished and look over my work before heading back out to the workbench. I’ve been at this for a few hours, but it’s better than getting nothing done at all.

Lunchtime. A time where Piper should be eating, but she’s determined to make herself sick for the sake of others. I’m more than ready to make her see that the only person that matters right now is her, not what anyone else thinks of her. If the look of pure hunger on her face as I ate my lunch yesterday was any indication, I’d say she’s due for a good burger.


I shake my head at the name, curling my lips in disgust. How could a woman, of all people, convince Piper that she shouldn’t eat certain things? It’s disgusting, but it won’t last as long as I’m aware of it. I’ll keep shoving things into Piper’s fridge, even if it means going into the guest house and making something for each meal of the day.

I’ll make it to where she has no room for anything else in her fridge and she’s forced to open the containers of food I leave inside. I’m probably no better than Penny, forcing her to eat something she doesn’t want to.

But that’s the thing — shedoeswant to. The way her eyes glazed over at the sight of my burger was enough of a clue for that assumption, even if she tried her best to hide the reaction. Doesn’t she realize? I notice everything about her now. Her smile as she rides out on her horse, the wind blowing freely in her face, and when it drops at the idea of dealing with everything at work.

Or when she’s enjoying a cup of coffee out on the swing as the sun goes down, and she gets this far away look in her eyes.

I’ve watched her get angry over heels because they are uncomfortable for her, and fake a smile for the people around her. She’s only flashed a genuine smile a select few times, and most of those were around her father. The most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen, and I wish that I could see it again.

God, she’s invading every part of my day and it’s infuriating. I’ve got this need for her that has never happened with any other woman before and I’m not sure how to handle it, not with her father involved. He would castrate me for touching his little girl, for making her come twice in one night, and putting my hands on her.

What the hell is she doing to me?

As soon as I get the thought a pair of hands come down on my shoulders and I tense at the touch. Not because it’s unwelcome, but because there’s electricity shooting through me from it, and that only happens with one person. When I turn around, Piper is smirking at me as if she’s in on something, and I pull the earbuds out.

I arch a brow. “Did you need something?”

She nods while trailing her finger down my bare chest. I’m not even sure why I bother to wear a shirt outside if in the middle of working it always ends up on the ground. At the moment, I’m wishing I would’ve kept the thin fabric on because there’s no way I can push her away from me right now.

Not when her touch sends a million lightning bolts zinging inside of me. My breath hitches when her fingers dip into the ridges of my abs and I close my eyes at the contact. All I can do is bask in this moment, at least until it comes to an end.

If it does.

And damn do I wish it wouldn’t.

I’ve fantasized more than once about laying her on this bench and bringing her over the edge with my tongue, then bending her over it and listening to her scream my name with me deep inside of her. It would be so easy to do exactly that right now, but I keep my limbs still as she makes her trek over my sticky skin.

Her tongue darting over her bottom lip does nothing to ebb the desire for her, then she really does it when her teeth sink down into it. She’s taunting me. The amusement shining in her gaze is enough of an indication for that. I won’t give in to it though, not out in the open like this.

If she wants something from me right now, she’ll have to take it herself. Her fingers continue their exploration, running over every inch of skin visible before she’s tugging at the strands of my hair and tilting my head back. The moment her tongue licks along the line of my jaw, I bring my hand to her hip and squeeze it gently.

I’m egging her on, and she knows it. Her smirk against my skin only makes my dick harder than it already is. Since she’s basically sitting on my lap there’s no doubt in my mind that she can feel evidence of my desire.

My breaths are ragged by the time she’s done with her exploration and I let my shoulders sag in relief, while my dick is aching painfully for its release. I try to adjust myself and find that it’s useless, there’s only one way to fix this problem and I have work to do. Piper walks in a circle around me, her gaze slowly perusing me from top to bottom, until she comes back to a stop in front of me.

Piper is the most delicious sin and she’s about to take me down with her. Her gaze is nothing but determination as she inches closer to me, cutting the distance as slowly as she possibly can, and I hold my breath. I have no clue what she’s going to do, but I’m quite certain I’m not ready for it.

She leans into me, inhaling me deeply, then whimpers. “I don’t know what you’re doing to me,” Piper whispers, her lips barely touching mine as she speaks, and I shiver at her words.

I’ve never shivered at someone’s words. But, I guess there’s always a first for everything and it seems this woman is bringing them all out of me. I swallow thickly and nod. “I can say the same.” It’s the first words I’ve spoken since she started touching me and they are strained, but comprehensible — that’s a plus at least.

Her eyes fall shut and she takes a minute to gather herself before letting them fly back open. She smiles at me, her fingers coming up to my head and playing with my scalp. I lean into the touch, exposing myself to her, and she accepts it with everything she has.

One minute my head is back, then next she’s pulling roughly down to hers and slamming her lips to mine. There’s no greater feeling than her lips fusing into mine, her tongue snaking between my lips and seeking my own. I’ve never been so consumed by a kiss that I don’t know whose breath is whose and it’s intoxicating. Lethal.
